5 minute read
0ak Flooring
Manufactured By Memphis Hardwood Floori charge of production, looking after both plants. He makes his home in Fresno.
(Continued from Page 12.)
The Sales Department is likewise .identical fori uloth plants. Mr. D.- C. Birch has charge of the sale of 'the Shop and Better lumber from b'oth nijills, and,Vtl. P. F. Baird sells the common lumber for both plants. i Mr. Baird likewise manages the retail ddbartments at both plants. For the present, at least, both these salgsgren make their homes and offices at Madera,,from whichi pornt the sales are handled. There may be changes in the'{ei!!ng details to be ann,ounced later. '' -, - i
The combined capacity of the two plants is about 450,000 feet, single shift operation. They can supply anything and everything in the l,ine of sugar and white pine products.
An interesting story connected with these two great in: stitutions under a single head, is the fact that the same man bought' the first car of lunrlbelthat each of these institutions shipped. Twenty three years ago the mill at Madera cut its first car of lumber, and it was sold to W. R. Spalding, of the W. R. Spalding Lumber Company, at Visalia, California.
So the other day when the new mill at Fresno began turning its wheels, W. R. Spald'ing bought the first car they loaded out, thus making a very interesting event of the long time friendship between the two fir'ms.
The future of this double operation looks bright indeed. Mr. E. H. Cox ,is one of the most powerful men the California lumber industry has produced, and he has gathered round him a splendid organization throughout both plants.
Do you euer urite for samtples?
.we believe Superior Brand ls the best oak floorlng made. .we belleve thls because in the flrst place lt is flnished on disc-head milling machlnery that prod.uces a face flnish unequalled by any other process. In the flnlshetl product, thls means no knife marks. In th€ second place, owing: to apecial intltvidual methoals of manu- facture, Superior Brand has a remarkably unl- form moisture content whlch reduces "cupplng" and "buckllng:" to the mlnlmum. In the thlrd place, owlng to the fact that our lumber all comes from the same locality lt has a remark- able unlform color and texture, These facts. together wlth a quality of oak second to none prompt us to belleve that you wlll be Interest€tl in seeing thls superior product, Write for samples now.
A. R. McCullough, of the McCullough-Fagan Lumber Co., San Francisco, is in the Northwest calling on the company's mill connections. He is spending a few days at their Portland office, after which he will visit the Whitney Lumber Co. mill 'at Garabaldi, Oregon. After calling on his mill c'onnections in the Portland District, he will visit their Seattle ofrce and Puget Sound mill connections. The McCullough-Fagan Lumber Co., are the California agents of the Astoria Box Co.; Bryant Lumber Co.; CrossettWestern Lumber Co.: Douty Lumber Co.: Multnomah Lumber & Box Co.: South Portland Shingle Co.: Stimson Timber Co.; West Waterway LumberCo.; and The Whitney Co. M'r. McCullough will be in the Northwest about two weeks.
S. M. Hauptman, vice-president ,of Chas. R. McCormick & Co., San Francisco, is now in New York City, where he will spend the next three or four weeks on business. Before startin,g for the east, X4r. Hauptman spent several days at Portland, Oregon, where he was a visitor at the com'pany's Pottland office.
R. F. Hammatt, secretary-manager of the California Redwood Association, of San Francisco, is now in Southern California where he will attend the Pa'cific Officials Conference at the Hotel Del Coronado. The meeting will last from September 1O to September 14 inc,lusive. While in the south, he will also spend several days in Los Angeles attending to association business.
A. J. Russell, of the Santa Fe Lumber Company, San Francisco, is on a two-weeks' business trip to the Ngrthwest calling on his mill connections. He will visit Seattle and the Puget Sound District, Portland, and Mable, Oregon. The .Santa Fe Lumber Company are the California representatives of the Dollar-Portland Lumber Company, of Portland, and the Coast Range Lumber Company, of Mable, Oregon, and while in the north Mr. Russell will visit their plants.
Earl E. White, Secretary of the Sacramento Valley Lumbermen's Club, has sent out notices to the club members announcing that the next regular m,eeting of the club will be held at the Traveler's H,otel, Sacramento, at 12:15 orl September 15. For the reason that most of the members have been away on vacation during the past two months, no special program has been arranged and the time will be devoted to a general discussion of the lumber market and lumrber conditions. Music N{aster Walter Baker will have charge of the musical program. A large attendance is expected at the meeting.

J. M. Montgomery, of Silverton, Oregon, is now located at Stockton and is representing the Silver Falls Lumber Company in the Sacramento and San Joaquin Valley territories. Mr. Montgomery is well known among the lumbermen of the Northwest, and prior to locating in California, was assistant sales manager of the Silver Falls Lumber Company at Silverton. The Silver Falls Lumber Company are large mill operators in C)regon and have always been heavy shipp,ers into California.
The phone number of the Los Angeles office of the CALIFORNIA LUMBER MERCHANT is ttre same as it has been: 824-565.
There has been considerablc trouble in the trast few days in getting thris number, and we have received num€rous complaints. Phone service is a restrrcctor of no persons. Somc days we havdr it, and then again we don't.
To those who vainly tried to phone this office in dls last few days, we extend, an apo,logy.
Carl Crow Visits California
Mr. Carl C. Crow, of Portland, Oregon, the man who originated and perfected the Crows Pacific Coast Lum'ber Index, as well as Crows Monthly Market Summary, is in California for a,, several weeks business and pleasure trip.
Mr. Crow stopped first at San Francisco for a few days, calling on m,any of his acquaintanc,es in that city, and,is now in Los Angeles. He will remain there for some time.
Floyd Dernier Calling On Northern California Retail Trade
Floyd Dernier, of Los Angeles, who operates the Lumbermens' Service Association, is now in Northern Califor'nia calling on the retail lumber 'dealers. In addition to calling on the Bay District trade, he will also call on the retail trade along the Redwood Highway as far north as Eureka. Orr his return south, he will call on the dealers in the San Joaquin and Sacramento Valley territories. Floyd is well known to the lumbermen of the state and is doing a splendid work in the boosting and planning of better homes in California.
H. M. Gunton, of the Santa Fe Lumber Company, San Francisco, has returned from Los Angeles where he spent several days attending to business matters. While in the southern metropolis, he called on O. M. Nelsons, Southern California representative of the Santa Fe Lumber Company. Mr. Gunton says the Los Angeles and the surrounding country are showing its usual activity in buildrng operauons.
Red Cedar Shingle Bureau Makes Suggestion
A recent bulletin from the offices of the Red Cedar Shingle Bureau, at Seattle, contained the following suggestion to their members.
"In sending out lists, sales letters, correspondence to customers, add at the bottom a note:
"IMPORTANT-If you hear ,of any proposal to pass Anti-Shingle Ordinances in your territory we would appreciate your wiring collect, the Red Cedar Shingle Bureau, either at 1148 First National Bank Bldg., Chicago, Illinois, or 4455 Stuart Bldg., Seattle, Washington. The Bureau is organized by the shinglg industry to combat this unfair and discriminating legisation alnd has Field Representatives who will come to your -assistance."

A. A. Wiley, pqpular and well known official of the California White and Sugar Pine Association, San Francisco, is ;back at his desk after spending 4n enjoyable two weeks vacation sojourning in the popular Feather River Canyon.