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trccncetod uoda th. bwr ol Crllfmlr
J. C. Dl@., Pnr. rad Tru; J. E. Me6!, Vto-Pru-; A. C. Mcrivru, Jr.' 9cv.' Publbhad ttc trt rnd fsth ot GrA mth rt !lt-lt-2o CENTRAL BUTLDTNG LOS ANGELES, CAL, TELEPHONB' VAndlLo 'lsG Entdtd s Scond*hs'utt r ScDt EbGr E, 14 rt th. Pdtoff,c. .t Lc Anrcbr' ceffarl& undrr Act of Much t, f&t.
Subrcriptior Pricc' $a00 P.r Y..r
Sir3lc Copicrr 25 cootr crch. LOS ANGELES, CAL., SEPTEMBER 15, 1927
How Lurnber Looks
Douglar Fir: The retail dcrnand during the 6r.* hdf of Scptern-ber har rhown rome irnprovement ovcr thc rnonth "i-^q'""-t. The volume of lumbcr moving ir gogd bgt priccr iemain about thc rarne. All gr-ads of vcrticd gr-ain [t"J" are rcarce' apecidly No- 2 and No. 3. Wholcralerr i"p"* that meny of tne -large milb are overrold on vcf' Ufi nt"i" cleari rnd that mill -priccr arc very fitm' Thc mark;t on commonr lhowr no change.
Shinglcr havc rnedc an advance -during thg- n19t two rveckr. - Rd Ccdar logr ere rcported tcarce with the prc' vailing pricer finn.
The leth markct b rtcadY.
The Dowlar fir and redwood cergo arivrb at San Pcdro for thc moolh of Awurt totaled 1251085 M ft ar-cgmparcd with a total of f fOrtfO M ft. for thc rnonth of Julv.--The 6r arrivdr at San Pedro for Augurt totdcd 109'960 M ft., while tihe rcdwood recciptrrmrnted to 15'125 M ft. For the month of July, tf,e 6r rcceiptr totaled 94rtl60 M ft. and rcdwood 15'750 M fL
Thc Dougler fir and rcdwood cargo arrivalr at San Francirco foi Augu* totaled 66'2E0 M ft-
Fir cargo arrivals at San Francirco for Augurt totaled 42.116 n{ ft. and tte redwood receiptr for the rame montt werc 24,164 M ft. For thc month of July' thc- fir cargo arrivalg were 46746 M fL and redwood 8'200 M ft.
The anount of rmrold lumbcr at San Pedro he^r rhown an increa^rc during the part ferr wcckr. It ir e*imated that ttere ir about l5rfi)O M fL on tbe doclc, but thir rtock doer not include many derirable itemr. 29 boab arc !e' portd ar tied-uP.
- Californie White and Sugar Pinc. Priccc renrain rteady and the retail rder arc holding up well There continuer
Sen Frrncirco Ofico
7r! Sentr Mshr Bldf. Ut MuL.t Sb..t Tclcpho Drrupct lTlt
Southcta OEcc 2ad Nrdo:l BalL BUt, Houton, Tcrar
Northwcrtor:n OEcc !01 Nrihwcrt m BL. Bldf: Pctlel{ Oruro
Advcrtiring Rrtcr on Applicrtlon a good volumc of burineu covcring dl itemr on tte lirt. Thl dcmand for rhop and thc lower gradeo b good with tbc miltr overrold on thsc iternr. Thc denand for uppcn continucr active. The eadern demand har rhown irnprove rneng erpecidly for the factory grrdc!. The c*port dcmand ir reported good.
Redwood. ThJmarket rhowr little change. The vohunc of burineu continuer good with pricee firnr. The millr rti[ report a rcarcity of tfe lower gradee with the demand for uppers rhowing improvement. For the week cnding Scp* tembcr 3, tte erociation baromcter :howr the followingt 15 rnilb rcporting: Orderr rcceived 8'314 M fL' Shipmcatr 8,483 M ft., Production 81626 M ft. For tle year 1927 to September 3, 15 millr reporting, rhorvr: Orderr received 31q892 M ft., Shipmcntr 295'l9l M ft., Production 25Er539 M ft.
The Wert Coart Lumbermcntr Amociation barometcr for the week cnding Scptember 3, batcd on 113 rnilb reporting, rhowr: Production 11817091960 ft., Ncw Buriners 96r858,703 ft., Shipmentr 106,821,333 ft. For the firrt 35 weekr of 1927r 86 reporting milb, rhow; Production 21906r2611829 fL, New Bruincu 3,0031615,043 ft., Shipmcntr 2'974,097,637 tt.
For the weck ending Septembet 2r I\e Southern Pine Arrochtion berometcr, bared on 106 reporting millr, rhorvrl Ordere 62,666,427 ft, Shipmcntt 6412671699 ft", Production 65,31O,056 ft.
Building permitr in tte city of Loe Angelcr for thc montb of Augrut totaled $1117901916. The permitt for ttc nmc rnonth in Augurt, 1926, totaled 8,826,108. The building pcrrnitr for San Francirco for the month of .Augurt totaled 31609,611. The Awurt permitr for Oaldand totrled $2,157,881.