3 minute read
4 carc l3/16x2% fsce Clear Maple Flooring;
! catc 13/1622% face No. I Maple Flooring;
2 cats l3/16t2% face Factory Maple Floorittg;
3 cal:r 13/1612% face Clear Birch Flooring;
2 cats l7/16x.2% lace No. I Birch Flooiing;
2 cats l7/16x2% face Factory Birch Flooring;
I car lt/l6zlyz face Oear Maple Flooring;
I car 13/16zl% face No. I Maple Flooring;
100,000 feet-h6 and wider Sel. oc Btr. Kiln Dried Birch; alro a nice rtock of 5/4-6/4 and 8/4 Birch.
Western Reprcaentativc JEROME C. GRIPPER
Croc|rcr Euildin3
Phonc Suttcr 0170
Lrnc Mort3r3c Bld3. Phonc TRintty 2lt2
Adoqurto rton3c rtocl rt Sen. Podro
The Happiest Man In The Vorld
Is the man who can raise his eyes from his buey desk, daily labor, or ficlds of activities and reflect upon his HOME with just pridehc is tnrly a happy man, contented in the thought that the wifetc worl, becauie of home conveniences, enables her to get rest and recreation and $eet his home.coming r.'ith a rmile. The kiddies in their own back yatd, away from t{re dangers. of the street, can enjoy their play hours in saf.ety, and these thoughts and the love that man holds for his home fills him with gratitude-a justly feeling of pride.
There is an inborn desire in the mind of every man to own his home=+ome determinations are defened for reasons which in many cascs are not' jurtifie.d.
Every family should male home building their first consideration, and they would if. evety lumber merchant gavc his Plan Service the time and considemtion it ir rightfully entitled to.
Untted States Civil Service Examination
The United States Civil Service Commission announces the following open competitive examination:
F'orest Ranger
Applications for forest ranger m,ust be on file with the Civil Service Commission at Washington, D. C., hot later than October 14. The date for assembling of competitors will be stated on their admission cards, and will be about ten days after the close of receipt of applications.
The examination is to filI vacancies in the Forest Service, Departmeht of Agriculture, in the States of Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Florida, Georgia, Idaho, Michigan, Minnesota, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Mexico, North Carolina, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, South Dakota, Tennessee, IJtah, Virginia, Washington, West Virginia, and Wyoming.
The entrance salary ranges from $1,620 to $2,500 a year, depending upon the economic conditions in the localitv, the character of the activities conducted on the ranger district, and the degree of responsibility involved. A probationary period of one year is required; advancement after that depends upon individual efficiency, increased usefulness, and the occurrence of vacancies in higher positions.
Full information may be obtained from the United States Civil Service Commission, Washington, D. C., or from the Forest Supervisor at any place at which this examination is to be held, except that at Moscow, Idaho, blanks may be obtained from the Secretary of the United States Civil Service Board and at Pocatello, Idaho, from the Forest Ranger, care of the postmaster. The places at which the examination is to be held are shown in the announcement.
J. Ben 'Wand, of Jacksonville, general chairman of all committees for the Thirtv-Sixth Hoo-Hoo Annual and Counselor for Florida, has Lnnounced the personnel of the various committees that will arrange to welcome the Great Black Cat to Miami, November 9, 10 and 11.
The members of the committees were selected after conferences with the various chairmen and with W. W. Brock, of Miami, Supreme Junior Hoo-Hoo.
Mrs. William A. Brock, of Miami, has been chosen chairman of the ladies' entertainment committee, which is cbmr posed of many prominent women of the lumber family in Florida.
Guy Stoms, of Miami, president of the Florida Lumber' and Millwork Associationf and of the J. A. McDonald Lumber Co., and the Magic City Lumber Co., has been named general vice chairman. He also is chairman of the entertainment committee.
A gratifying number of reservations have been received' at the Columbus Hotel, Miami, convention headquarters, while International Headquarters has received many more prbmises to attend than have ever been in hand for an An:-' irual at a date so far in advance. Much interest is being shown in the three-day trip to Havana, Cuba, which will follow the Annual. As has been announced, $50 per person will cover all expenses to and from Cuba with exieption of meals.

Gene d'Armahd, right hand bower of T. B. Hatten, Los Angeles door joblers, has just returned from a two weeks vacition spent in the mountains of California.
112 Market SL San Francirco Tclephonc Suttor 7009
Dougbr Fir Sprucc Rcdwood. Rcdwood and Cedar Shinglcr
Fir Piling - CGder Portr
Split Rcdwood Productr &*' ftinhffS-Lunbcr co