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' (The Clafinj Houu')

Thic Colurnn of "Wants" and "Don't'Wants" is fon The Fellow \ilho lMants to Buy The Fellow \ilho \Mants to Sell The Fellow Who Wants to Hire

Raect t2.50 ect'cofuma tnch The Fellow Who \Mants to Be Hif€d

WANTED-Position as retail yard manager, or selling wholesale, by man with 12 years experience, 5 years local. Southern California preferred. Can furnish best of references. University graduate, good accouhtant and knows the lumber game. Can produce results. Address Box C-141 c-o Calif. Lumrber Merchant.

FOR SALE-A retail lumber vard in a localitv where the percentage of increased populition exceeded any other Southern California communitv. Present volume satisfactory and prices fair. Stock turned every 45 days. Less than ten thousand required to purchase. Address Box C-142 c-o Calif. Ltimber Merchant.


The Republic Motor Truck Co., Inc., of Alma, Michigan, has purchased the entire capital stock of the Linn Manufacturing Corporation of Morris, New York, tractor manufacturers, and is now the sole owner of that company, including its plant, equipment, goodwill and exclusive selling rights.

The operation of the Linn Manufacturing Corporation will be continued at Morris, New York, as a division of the Republic Motor Truck Co., Inc. The present personnel will also be maintained.

.. The announcement of the purchase was made in Chi, cago by O. W. Hayes, prpsident of the Republic Motor Truck Co., Inc., following'a meeting in the offices of M. ; Rothschild, Chairmah of the Board for Republic.

i .Tlne Linn Manufacturing Corporation has been build- i irig a special type of tractor at Morris, New York, since : 1916. The Republic Motor Truck Co., Inc., is one of the leading truck manufacturers in the industry, producing a complete line of trucks since 1913. It has a national and I foreign sales organization.

The Linn tractor is a heavy hauling rriachine, equipped : with either a 75-horse power or lOGhorse power engine. It resembles a heavy motor truek except that revolving ; tracks take the place of rear wheels. The motor and front i wheels are identical with those of any heavv dutv truck. ilts exclusive features are protected b1'patents, aicording to 'Republic officials.


J. E. "Jim" Croudace, salesmanager for C. M. Weatherwax & Co,, San Francisco, reports the arrival of a baby girl, Jean Dell Croudace, August 24. Jim states mother and daughter are getting along fine.


R. C. "Dck" Jones of Van Arsdale Harris Lumber Co., San Francisco left during early August for a two weeks trip in the north where he will visit several of the different mills.


Credit and sales manager for Los Angeles retail lumber yard. Want a live m4n with experience in handling credits in Southern California. Address Box C-143 car California Lumber Merchant.

Experienced Lumberman

Wants to locate in Los Angeles with retail or wholesale concern. At present time employed as manager of retail yard. 17 yearc' experience and familiar with all branches of the lumber business. Has had seven years' selling experience. Address Box -C-1,1O, Care California Lumber 'Merchant.


Recently two very. important changes in personnel have been announced by the Chas. R. McCormick Lumber Co., and the McCormick Steamship Company.

Mr. John M. Hencken, formerly Operating Manager of the McCormick Steamship Company, has been promoted to the position of Shipping Manager of the Chas. R. McCormick Lumber Co., in which position he will have charge of the transportation needs of that concern as regards the movement of their products coastwise, intercoastally, and ofishore. The movement involves several hundred million feet of lumber per annum.

Mr. Joseph A. Lunny, who was formerly Assistant Operating Manager of the McCormick Steamship Company, has been promoted to the position of Operating Manager. He will have charge of the physical operation of the McCormick fleet of twenty-four vessels, operating in the coastwise, intercoastal, West Indies, and East Coast of South America trades. The McCormick Steamship Company also act as agents for the Munson Steamship Line of New York, with which they are affiliated in the intercoastal trade, and the Redwood Line operating between Pacific Coast ports and the Gulf. 'Mr. Hencken has been associated with the McCormick interests since the early part of. l9I4 in various capacities, and has been in charge of the Operating Department since 1918. Previous to this. he was connected with the firm of George E. Billings & Co. for eleven years.

Mr. Lunny first became identified with the company in San Francisco in 1918, and with the exception of a period of service that year in the United States Marines, has continuously been in the service of the company,-in 1922 as Terminal Agent at Wilmington, in 1924 as Assistant Operating Manager at San Francisco. He began his career with the Olson-Mahony Company in 1915, and when this corporation was dissolved, he continued with the Olson Stelmship Company until his association with the McCormick interests.

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