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Allen J. Miller

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lYA[[ & C0.

lYA[[ & C0.

Allen J. Miller, whose picture gxaces this page, is asgociated with James L. Hdl of San Francisco, who represents thc Chas. K. Spaulding Logging Co. in California.

"A1," aB he is best known, is a native Californian and was born in San Francisco. Following his graduation from tbe Sacred Heart High School in San Francisco he cntered the employ of thc Miseion Lurnber Co. of which his fathcr was a part ownen He followed thc rctail lumber bueiness in San Francisco for two yeare and then started an the road selling the products of the Spaulding interests under Jarncs L. HalL

Hc calls on the lurnbcr tradc in the San Francisco Bay District and thc Salinas, Sacramento and upper San Joaquin Vallcys where he is well Anown and popular wtt! the lgrabermen on his tcrritory. He ie an industrious and energetic young lumberrnan and likes his work. Hc ie kecn for dl Hnds of outdoor sports but football cornes first. Whcrr the football season opcns up, he gets his seaeon ticket carly and rvhen Satruday rolls around, no natter wherc he happens to bc on his territorS he manages to gct to Orc Univereity of California stadiurn for ttrc first kick-ofi.

"Al" Miller is a fine fellor, pos8e83e8 an exceptiondly pleasing pcrsonalitn is an earncst thinking young man and is anottrer cxcellent cxample of the high typc of lumbcr salesman that California har produced. He is an activc me-mber of Hoo-Hoo and a firm believer in thc principles of the Order.

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