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Decrease in Lumber Production Noted in Census Figures
Washington, D. C., August 27, L927.-The Department of Commeree announces that, according to data collected at the annual canvas of forest products f.or 1926, the production of lumber, lath, and shingles in the United States was as follows: Lumber 36,935,930 thousand feet, board measure, a decrease of. 3.7 per cent as compared with 38,338,641 thousand feet in 1925;Lath,3,083,130 thousand, a decrease of 2.5 per cent as compared with 3,161,137 thousand in 1925; and shingles, 6,008,346 thousand, a decrease of 18 per cent as compared with 7,324,027 thousand in 1925.
Of the 46 States reporting the production of lumber for 1926, 30 showed decreases and 16 increases as compared with the output for 1925, the greatest amount of increase being indicated for Washington, for which State the lumber cut-over 7,500,000 thousand feet-was greater than that reported by any State at any preceding census. Eight other States showed a production of more than 1,000,000 thousand feet for both L926 and, L925.
Seven kinds of wood contributed more than 1,000,000 thousand feet each to the total cut for each of the two years. The dominating woods, as for previous years, were yellow pine, and Douglas fir, which contributed 31.8 per cent and 23.8 per cent, respectively, of the total production f.or 1926, as against 34.5 per cent and 21,3 per cent, respectively, of that of 1925, Only two of the seven woods of qhief importance, yellow pine and white pine, showed decreases lor 1926 as compared with 1925. Douglas fir reported the largest increase, 8 per cent.
The figures f.or 1926 as here presented are preliminary and subject to such correction as may be found necessary upon further .examination of the returns.
Wendling-Nathan Co
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Rcd Streak High Spccd Steel Knives will give you longcr eervice without rcgrinding or jointing. . Th.y are made of rhock-resiating eteel.
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