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Entered Oakland Marathon Race

"Jimmie" Atkinson, San Franeisco, manager of the rail department for the Chas. R. McC.ormick Lumber Co. was Iisted among the entries in the recent Oakland Tribune marathon race around Lake Merritt. It has been reported tliat he was seen several mornings about 5:00 A. M. doing his stuff on the Beach at San Francisco preparing for the contest but one of his friends advised thai h6 waJtraining on roller skates. His lumbermen friends had him tabbed as the "Spirit of San Francisco" entry.

Theodore Kornweible Returns From Japan Trip

Theodore Kornweible, Los Angeles, formerly manager of the sash and door department of the E. K. Wood Lumber Cornpany plant at Los Angeles, has returned to California after an extended trip to Japan. H,e was away three months and reports a very enjoyable trip.


A. B. Johnson, Jr., New President

The annual election of officers of the San Francisco Hoo-Hoo Club was held at their regular luncleon at the San Francisco Commercial Club on Friday, August 26.

A. B. Johnson, Jr., A. B. Johnson ;Lumber Co., was elected president for the ensuing year. Oscar Johnson, Albion'Lumber Co, was elected vice president and W. H. Woods, "The California Lumber Merchant," was elected secretary-treasurer. Fred V. Holmes, Holmes-Eureka Lumber Co., A. L. Stockton, Stockton Lumber Co., L, J. 'Woodson, Wheeler Osgood Co., W. M. Beebe, W. M. Beebe Lumber Co. and D.L. Albert, C. A. Hooper & Cs. were elected directors.

The committee in charge of the nominations included: Henry Hink, chairman, Dolbeer & Carson Lumber Co.; J. E. Higgings, Jr., J. E. Higgins Lumber Co.; Frank W. Trower, Trower Bros. Lumber Co.; Frank O'Connor, Donovan Lumber Co. and A. L. Stockton Lumber Co.

KEN SMITH ADDRESSES LION'S CLUB OF / J. Walter Kelly, the retiring president, and the other ALHAMBRA ,r/ officers of the club were tendered a vote of thanks by the Ken Smith, Los Ahgeles, sales manag'er of the E. K. Club' Wood Lumber Co. was a reeent speaker before the Lions Club of Alhambra. Henry Bern, minager of the J. & W. C.

Llub AlnamDra, nenry bern, manager or J.6[ w. u. Shull Lumber Co. of Alhambra. acted as Chairman of the

Day at the meeting.


Bertha Freeman, Los Angeles, secretary to W. B. Wickersham of the Qhas. R. McCormick Lumber Co., is spending her vacation in the Northwest. She will make her headquarters in Seattle, from where she will make side tr!ps,1o many of the points of interest in the "Charmed Land." She plans to visit the company's offices at San Francisco, PortIand and Seattle and also visit the company's mills at Port Ludlow and Port Gamble on Puget Sound. She made the trip north on the steamship H. F. Alexander. She will be in the Northwest about a month.


At Long Beach

The Reid-Galleher Lumber Company, of Long Beach, has moved into new quarters. The new location is just acrosF Broadway from its old plant, and gives them bigger and bett_er quarters for their active and iontinually developing business. They are specialists in oak flooring,-being botf, wholesalers and floor layers, and also handle several other building side-lines.

Four L Board Of Directors To Meet In November

The l8th semi-annual meeting of the Board of Directors of the Loyal Legion of Loggers and Lumbermen will be held on November 14. The meeting will be held at the Portland Hotel, Portland, Oregon.


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