1 minute read
How's Business?
By Jack Dionne
The old story of the four men who put Srnith in a sick bed by telling him successively how badly he looked, is more than likely true.
You can do it with men, and you can do it with business. For business is like a man in that respect. Let enough fellows tcll how bad business is, and business gets bad, and gets bad quick There's no doubt about it.
Talking pessimism is like repeating slander. It's a weak, useless, cowardly habit, and one that business people should get busy getting rid of. Business is as subject to mental suggestion as the average man, anrd four or five successive remarks on how badly he looks will put the average man in a nervous sweatr run up his pulse, make him weak at the knees, make the perspiration break out on his forehead, and put him on the bum generally.
There has been too much pessindstic talk in the lumber industry this season. There is too much of it now.
Business is like a woman. If you can't say something good about her, don't tdk about her at all Evil forebodings are like evil germs-they are contagious and infectious both. Pessimists find ready ears to listen, and ready tongues to repeat.
Business is never as bad as people say it is. If it were, they wouldn't be in it.
You hear lots of business men say: "\llfell, my business is bad, but from all I can learn my competitors are no better off, so I can't kick" And THAT is about the weakest of alibis. The man who is satisfied with himself because his neighbors are not doing well, is a weakling. And that sort of talk hurts everyone.
I like the guy who was asked: "Hov/ do you find business?" And he replied: "By going out and hustling to beat the band."
And that other one who was asked ho'tnr business was, and replied: "Business is good -I make it good."
There is a lot in that. Just simply the act and effort that goes with trying to make business good, helps the man, hetps his business, and helps the industry.
Let's quit passing around reports and rernarks and opinions that create and spread pessimism. fire next thing we know business will be popping again, and we will be ashamed of the foolish things we said, and the fool predictions we made-
This business that we are in is sound. This district that we are in is secure. This nation we are in will break any man who plays her shott.
Let's talk optimism and courage and visio'n and faith-or shut up.