2 minute read
Pattern Stoch
The exacting demande of the maker of Foundry Patterns have long been successfully met by White Pine. White Pine is favored becguEe it meete ALL the requiremente to a high degrce.
Sugar Pine, largest of the White Pines, produces the wide stock needed for certain pattern worlc. Wide, thich clears and shops are characteristic of these magnificent trees.
DEALERS: Get in touch with the pattern trade in your territory. Th"y use a wide variety of lumber items beeide Pattern Stock. We will gladly aseist you in thie work with photographs and data showing the savings possible by use of certain gtades.
MIXED CARS FROM RED RIVER enable you to buy enough Pattern Stock for yogr immediate sales without overstocking.
The axc was invcnted by Paul Bunyan'e granddaddy but early models wcre not much use until Paul camc out with thc two-faced (or hypocrite) are. Thig was firet ueed with a long rope handle and \raa swung around hia hcad to mow down a swath thru the timbcr.
The lumbermen of San Diego County will hold a frolic at Del Mar on Saturday, September 17.
,4, golf tournament will be held at 2:00 P. M. on the Del Mar links. The Hoo-Hoo Challenge Cup will be played for and three blind bogey prizes will also be awarded. The rvinner of the low gross score will be awarded a prize. A green fee of fifty cents each will be charged.
Beach sports will start at 2:ffi P. M. There is excellent bathing at Del Mar; bath house privileges will be fifty cents each.
The dinner and entertainment is scheduled for 6:00. Jack Dionne, publisher of "The California Lumber Merchant," will preside. Tom Hurley is going to tell some of his famous "Alexander Simpson",stories and Al Frost is going to pull a few entertaining stunts. Several other numbers are also on the program.
Following the entertainment, there will be dancing until midnight.
The committee announces that accommodations at the Hotel Del Mar may be limited to I25 and requests that reservations be made early. The committee in charge of the Frolic includes: Golf, Frank Parks; Entertainment, Earl Hoffman; Beach Sports, Harry McGahey; Publicity, H. G. Larrick and Tickets, Fred Hamilton.

The wholesale lumber representatives are going to cross bats with the Fresno retailers on Saturday, September 17, at the Holmes Municipal Playground, at Fresno. The losers will have to dine the winners at the Californian Hotel, Fresno, on the evening of the game.
The batteries of the teams have already been named by the managers. Junius Snead, Wendling-Nathan Co., will do the pitching for the wholesalers with Joe Cuneo, White Brothers, acting as receiver. Paul Clore, C. S. Pierce Lumber Co., is slated to pitch for the retailers and Ken Marsh of the same concern will do the catching.
The game is creating a lot of excitement in the San Joaquin Valley and a large crowd of lumbermen are expected to attend.
C. M. F'reeland, Los Angeles, representative for the Chas. R. McCormick Lumber Co., in the Los Angeles and San Diego Districts, is back on his territory again and calling on the lumber trade after a two weeks' trip to the Northwest. While in the Northwest, he visited the mills in the Portland, Grays Harbor, Seattle and Everett districts. He also spent several days at the company's mill operations at St. Helens, Oregon, and Port Gamble and Port Ludlow on Puget Sound, Washington.
The Ortglnal Plastlc, Tlaterproot Portland Gement
Actd ln the roll, whlch had'dlslntegrated ordfurary concrcte, had abrotutely no eltect on a retalnlng watl butlt ofDlonollthPlactlc lVaterproot Portland
Gement on the ertate ofEdw. L. Dohnelr, Jr. at Bey, erllr Hlllet Galttornla. To gtve your concrete ,o% greater adheclve rtrengthr and rnakc lt Waterproot and Gorroclon'proofrlnelst on llonoltth!