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High Price Qualities
Dealers eoeryubere are featuring lYey erba eu s erPa cif. c Coast H em lo ck
Flooring as a' Leader
UMDRUM selling of building material oltencomes lromhaving humdrum materials to sell
You will like todisplanadvertise and sell Weyerhaanser Pacifi c C,oast Hemlock Floor' ing. There are so many good things to say about it.It lmks like quality flooring. And it is every bit as good as it looks.
It is an improved type oI softwood flooring, made by exactb the same ptocess as the mo6t erpensive flooring you can buy.
It comes in the preferred narrowwidths with hollowbaik, both with and withotrt end matching. Workmanship is perfect. The edges of each piece are sharp and square. Matching is precise. Surlaces are milled toa high satiny finislL C.orrect seasoning elimi' nates any tendency to warp. It wears evenly without grain raising or splintering.
Paciffc CoastHemlock is an ideal fl ooringwood.
If you are a progressive lumber dealer inter' ested ln quick sales, Iast nrnover and pleased customerathere is a place in your etock lor this Ilooring ltwill not rernain therelong Order a trid ehipment in a mixed car.See theW'eyerhaeueerrurn.
Wcrabrcru Prclffc Co* Hcmlcl Florhg ie (l/t6' tbick by zX 'lre It couq borh uitJr end utcbiag end urttJrat end utching. Both typcr rrc uillcd vith rhc hollow brck Tho highat rndcol thir llooring lrLnom er "B end Bctts E&c Grrin " Fot la cncting w or whe e rtil loss pricd fioorbg b wrntcd lt is ebo oade in thc areda oI "C Mired Gnin""
Tbc florinr comct in nclt acuru bundla, each one bcerinr rn rttrctivc labcl in olon which rhowt thc armc,ihc Weycrhwr Brend,thc gndc uk ud thc tndeurlq
Thie fioring ir urulectured by WcyahecuaTir baComprnr and lr obtrinrblc ia mind cu ordcn dircct &on thc- Wtvqbrcw Milb rt Everett khington, ud Snoqulmle Fallr, Werhin$on. or lron uy ol tlc tow Wcvqheeug Drltributins Phntr rt Baltimorc. Ponmouib. R L. lvliucrote TnDlItr St. Paul, aad Ncwuk.N. J.
Veyerbaerser PaciJlc Coast Hemloch Flooring is anotber fcorsre of tbc VeXerbcct ser
Plu-a btlittg edttantagc tbat benefits eoaT dealer ubo tscs iL <Ash tbe Vqrcrbaeaier man
SALES COMPANY, Distributors a/'Weyerhaeuser Forest
'Brancb Ofices:
Eo6 plymouth Bldg. 2563FroklinAve. 2o8So.LeSalleSt. lSrlSecoodNet.BrakBldc. PITTSBURGH PHIIJTDELPHIA NEW YORI( BIIITIMOru NEITANK PORTSMOUIII
2401tiEtN.t.B.n&Btds. f6OOArchSEeet 2EtM.dironAve. Sl2leriagrooBldg. PortNewu&,N.t. R'bodcklrod