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Orange Belt Hoo Hoo Stage Successful Golf Tournament and Concatenation Elect Homer Wilson Hoo Hoo Club President
Viregerent Snarh, Om*ge Belt District
The Orange Belt Hoo-Hoo District held a very successful golf tournament, banquet and concatehation at the Vic. toria Country Club, Riverside, on Friday, September 9th.
Following the dinner at which about 5O attended, there was a business session of the Club which was presided over by President Fred A. Chapin. The annual election of officers u/as held and the following lvere elected to serve for the ensuing year: president, Homer Wilson, Riverside; vice president, J. E. Suverkrup; secretary-treasurer, Dufi Hansen, Fontana; and publicity, Milt Standish, San Bernardino. Dee Essley, Ontario, was unanimously endorsed by tle club for Vicegerent Snark of the District for the comrng year.
The nominating committee was made up of H. W. Newton, Chairman, Roy Sanderfur and V. A. Grubbs.
Immediately following the meeting, a concatenation was staged and eight kittens were led through the onion patch emerging with their tails properly curled. The kittens initiated were:
Robert B. Saucke, Cresmer Mfg. Co., Riverside.
John W. Wrightson, Hammond Lumber Co., San Bernardino.
Newton H. Hotchkiss, Consolidated Lumber Co., Wilmington.
George P. Roof, Hoyt and Roof Co., Ontario.
Sherman M. Hoyt, Hoyt and Roof Co., Ontario.
Arthur C. Messelheiser, Bowman-Johnson Lumber Co., Redlands.
Glenn C. Finney, Cresmer Mfg. Co., Riverside.
Henry L. Henryson, Fred A. Chapin Lumber Co., San Berhardino.
The nine in charge of the ritual included: Snark, H, H. Spaulding;_Senior Hoo-Hoo, Milt Standish; Junior HooHoo,Roy San_derfur'Scrivenoter, J. E. Suverkiup; Bojum, Dee- Ess-ley_; Custocatian, Fred A. Chapin; Arcanopei, Al White; Jabberwock, Ed. Martin and Gurdon, Homir Wilson.
The Code of Ethics was read to the kittens bv W. B. Wickersham, vicegerent,snark of the Los Angeles'District.
In the afternoon the golf tournament wai held on the Victoria Golf Club course which is one of the most beautiful and sportiest courses in the state. The following were the contestants in the tournament: Wesley Shrimp, Ed. Culnan, Kenneth Smith, J. E. Martin, A. H. Smith, V. A. Grubbs, Dufi Hansen, H. H. Spaulding, A. D. White, J. W. Heinecke, D. C. Essley and M. R. Gill. During the dlnner hour. Wesley Shrimp presented the prizes to the winners. V. A. Grubbs received a Spade Mashie for the low net score. Ed. Martin was awarded the booby prize, a practice golf ball.
Wesley Shrimp had charge of the arrangements for the meeting.