1 minute read
,-lalHE Lumber Industry is awake. The zero hour is here. I We're going over the top. Every man and every dollar I mobilized for the offensive! Within a few days you'll hear the roar of the opening guns-the start of the big $5,000,000 Extension Program of the entire united Lumber Industry. More than 50d00,000 shots will be fired in the terrific opening barrage. Every man, vfoman and child in America will be urged to participate in a $15,000 Cash Prize Contest for a Slogan.
Every contestant will be obliged to read from coyer to cover a comprehensive booklet telling "The Story of Wood."
Hundreds of thousands of these booklets will be distributed through the mails in response to requests from the readers ofour 50,000,000 pages of magazine advertising reaching every home in the land several times. Hundreds of thousands more will be handed out throush our official distributine stations--the retail lumber yards all o'ver America
Here is your golden opportunitl to share in thefrst rich harvest res ulting from this unprec edented nation-wide publicity forLumber. Tohelpeverydealerget his shareof the attention whichwill be directed to all lumber yards, we have prepared a short series of newspaper advertisements for you to run, over youf own name, in your local newspaper, announcing that your lumber yard is the Official Distributins Station for booklets in vour localitv.