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ft's back again! It's in the air! Everyone is thinking it! Everyone is tatking it! The season is about to start with the big game just a month or so away. Now is the time to read the rules and be ready to understand why is this or that penalty, etc.
Of course you must read the rules. Every year the "big boys" get together and change this or that, so last year's football education don't mean a thing to us of the conrmon herd.
For instance the new ttRugby Passt' rule, No. 17, Section 1:
"Any player may, et any time, pacr (hand or throw) the ball in any direction cxcept toward hir opponenttr goal line.
(b) On any auch parc (other than by the cnapper.back) on t{re 6rst, *cond or third down, when the ball rtrikec the ground o! goer out.of boundr before paring into porrcreion and control of e player, the.ball ir dead and rhall belong to the pardng ride at thc point where it strucl the ground or wcnt out of boun& and the play rhall count ar a down; on the fourth down the ball rhall belong to the opponentr at the raid point unlcer the required dirtance for 6rrt down har been gained.-
(c) If a beckward par mede by a player of the ride which did not put the ball in play, rtriler the ground or goe! out of boundr before paring into porcerion and control of a player, the ball ir dead and ehall belong to the pauing ride at the point where it rtnrct the ground or went out of boundr. The enruing down rhall be 6rrt down with ten y.rdr to gain."-Spalding'r Official Football Guiile, 1927.
House styles are like footbdl that way. Every year sees new fads and fancies. The god ones stay and the freals are forgotten. Sometimes god old features are replacd by some new turn, only to come back stronglater on, something like the 2o-yard linekick-off a few years ago.
Vooden walls, outside and in, were written out of the rule books a few years ago-but how they HAVE come back! Colonial Siding, Economy Siding, Novelty Siding and that BOSS Rustic ANZAC are here again; and panelled walls and beamed ceilings are popular once nore.
Cash in on Redwood Advertising--+ell your trade ANZAC Rustic for English houses. Redwood Trim for Flomes.
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Represented by
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George Melville
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