1 minute read
Now you can safely recommend one panel doors
No danger of warping or winding if you use Larnin?x
r\-|RDINARY one-panel doors are more popular for their style than for the service they give. It takes mighty sturdy construcrion to make up for the absence of a lock-rail, and no marrer how well built, any solid door is likely ro warp.
You can safely recommend Laminex one-panel doors because they cannot sag or warp. Your customers will never need to take one down and plane it off; will never have one split or rattle. Laminex scientific, built-up construction and Laminex waterproof cement (a secret) are responsible.
French doors also trouble-proof
Laminex one-panel doors are iust as beautiful as they are trouble-proof; build up repeat orders and speed turnover much better than ordinary stock one-panel softwood doors; and save you the annoyance and expense of adjustments with customer and manufacturer.
Every Laminex door is guaranreed by the world's largest door manufacrurer. This fact alone should make you hesitate a long time before you rake a chance on an ordinary door.