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I{ational Retail Lumber Dealers Association Hold Annual Convention at Tacoma

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The eleventh annual convention of the National Retail Lumber Dealers Association was held at Tacoma, Washington, during the rveek of August 22. Over 1000 registered at the convention and practically all sections of the United States were represented at the meeting, together with a good representation from Canada.

The business sessions opened on Tuesday morning with J. G. Dickson, President of the Tacoma Lumbermen's Club, and M. G. Tennent, Mayor of Tacoma, giving the addresses of welcome. Among the subjects discussed at the various sessions were: Uniformity of the Lien Law, Grade .Marking and Trade Marking of Lumber, Transit Cars and Cargo Shipments, Necessity for the Reduction of the Corporation Income Tax, Percentage of Short Lengths permitted in Rail "C" List, Inspection Service of West Coast Lumber at Destination, the Minimum Weight of Kiln Dried Shingles and Cost Accounting as applied to Retail Lumber Selling.

At the Wednesday afternoon session, Mr. George S. Long, Tacoma, general mariager Weyerhaeuser Timber Co., made an excellent address on the "Utility of Lumber !"

C. W. Pinkerton, Whittier Lumber Co., Whittier, California, and ex-president of the California Retail Lumber' men's Association, addressed the convention at the Thursday morning session on "Certified Lumber." Mr. Pinkerton was elected a director of the Association at the meeting of the Board of Directors. Mrs. J. E. Fraser, San Francisco, secretary-manager of the California Retail Lumbermen's Association, also addressed the conventio,n on Thursday morning.

The following bfficers were elected:

President-L. P. Lewin, Cincinnati, Ohio.

Vice President, eastern region-Glenn Sweet, Elmira, N. Y.


I:ft to rfht: F. L. l.mlc, Dctrolt, Mlch., rctlrlns Drcsldcnt of tbe udmd Rct-:l Lunbcr Dqlcrr' Arctetlm; Rorr F. Mcr.- Lonwicw. Wash.. nd- &nt lVcrt Cart Lubcrmn'r Acdcbdin; U. n. NctmiXui.; attr,, ;.; dcnt of thc ko8-Bcll Lmbci 6.; Gccgc S. lang, fadme, Wuh., iincnl magd of Weycrhacw Thbcr Cc, vlcc-pr*idGot d thc Wjst Coasi Lunrbcr Tradc Extcndon Bmau rnd I ncmbcr of tlc Tndc Extcndm Conmltte oI thc Natlmal Lumber Muufrcturr Archdm; J. D. Tcnung Ingvtaw, Wuh. vlclprcrldent of thc In3-Bell Luber-Co. Drcgldcnt * tt -W.ri Cqrt Lunber Trade Extculq Buleau ud a mcmbci if thc fraae Extcnrlo Corfttcc of the Natl,onal.Lmber Muufrct|ren' Allclrtiont -d Ad"llh Pfuad, Cbfcago, Ill., ecrctar;r Mrger, Natlml Rcbl| Lu;ber pqb;a' Aretrtlo.


J. L.g Johhson, o_f Fort Worth, Texas, outstanding retailer of the Lone Star State, and President of the f,reat Lumbermen's. Association of Texas at the present timelwas a recent visitor in Los Algeles for several days, on his way home from the Pacific Northwest 'arhere he took his first look at the big trees of that territory.


Vice President, middle Atlantic district-J. D. Loizeauz, Plainfield, N. J.

^ Vice President, southern region-Harry D. Knopp, New Orleans, La.

Vice President, central region-Peter DeVries, Chicagn. Directors (for terms 1927 to 1930)-E. Bruce Hill, pittsburgh, Pa; A. J. Hager, Lansing, Mich. ; Ben C. Mueller, Davenport, Iowa; A. C. Gauen, Collinsville, Ill.; Herbert .1. _W"$, Atlanta, Ga.; Will A. Robinson, Shreveport, La.; John Dower, Tacoma, Wash.; J. W. Mackemei, Peoria, Ill.; Charles L. Weeks, Detroit, Mich.; J. G. Marks, Cresson, Pa.; C. W. Pinkerton, Whittier, Calif.; W. M. Richardson, Florence, Ala.; Hubert North, Kalamazoo, Mich.; L. F. Flandermyer, Cleveland, Ohio; R. C. Restrick, Detroit. Mich.; C. J. Baldwin, Bridger, Mont.

Among the entertainmerlt features was a golf tournament and dinner that was held at the Tacoma Countrv Club.__Following the dinner, E. D. Kingsley, preside.nt of the West Oregon Lumber., Linnton, Oregon-, made the principal address of the evening.

- On_Wednesday evening neaily 600 lumbermen attended the Hoo-Hoo dinner. Pieceding the dinner, there was a concatenation and 16 kittens were initiated. There were two reinstatements. Snark of the Universe. Arthur A. Hood of Albuquerque, New Mexico, attended the dinner and was one of the speakers of the evening.

On Saturday morni Un morning, the visitors were taken pec.tion trip_ over th_e logging operations of th, & Tacoma Lumber Co. the for an inSt. Paul

_ Among_thij resolutions passed was an appreciation to the Tacoma Lumbermen's Club and all the associations, concerns and individuals who worked to provide for their entertainment.

The meeting place of the next convention was not set. This is a matter that will be decided bv the directors. Miami, Piorida made a strong bid for the nixt convention.

Jack Halloran Vtsits California

Jack Halloran, of Phoenix, Ariz., that live and throbbing Irishman who sells retail lumber ahd building material in the Arizona metropolis, has returned home after spending a month with his family.on the California beaches. Mr. Halloran has a lot of good friends in California, and always enjoys his visit here.

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