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WI{otWevq,trlfie,'|l hp-yentableFires?
Inveetigationrshowe that approximately 75/o of "il firo are preventable.' With a total fire loeg of $5 75,000,000 in 1926, thig means that about $43,000,000 of property was destroyed in fires that might havc been prevented. Why not prevent those preventable 6rce)
The Associated Lumber Mutuals have made a careful study of 6res in the lumber industry, in order to remove fire causeg and save 6re loeses for our policy-holdcrs. If fire comee in spite, of all, our resourcec and our reputation guarantee prompt payment.for losses sufiered.
In addition to providing the highest degree of insurance protection, we return a dividend to our policyholderq which represents an actual eaving of about 40/o in insurance cost.
Los Angeles Lumbermen To Play Golf
The Los Angeles Lumbermen's Golf Tournament will be held at the Brentwood Golf and Country Club on Friday; SeptenfLer 16. The tournament is open to all lumbermen in Southern California and visiting lumbermen.
The events include the low gross score for the "Jack Dionne Cup" and the low net score for the "Joe Chapman Cup." There will be four flight events; a first and second prize will be awarded the winners in each flight event.
The prizes have been donated by Jack Dionne, publisher of "T'he California Lumber 'Merchant"; Joe Chapman, president of the La Brea Materials Co.; Bloedel-Donovan Lumber Co.; L. W. Blinn Lumber Co.; Bentley Lumber Go.; Western Hardwood Lumber Co.; Wheeler Osgood Co. ; Consolidated Lumber Co.; A. L. "Gus" Hoover and the Fox-Woodsum' Lumber Co,
Luncheon will be served at the Club House from 11:30 A. M. to l:30 P. M. The players are requested to be at the Club House early; 12O0 o'clock noon, if possible.
Following the tournament, dinner will be served at the Club House at 6:30 P. M. sharp. There will be an entertainment program and the prizes will be awarded following the dinner.
The committee in charge of the tournament, which has been appointed by the tos Angeles JIoo-Hoo Club,-includes:- -"Cappy"-Slade, Chairman; Ffgd Golding; -!.oy Stanton; .A.rrinlements, Bert Maule and "Pic" Maule; Handicaps and Staiting, Jack Thomas, Paul Hill and -Ralph Imhbfi; Prizes, Ro Stanton and Bob Taenzer, and Publicity, Ed. Martin, Clint Laughlin, 626 Petroleum Securities -Bldg., is secretary-treasurer of the committee.