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Philippine Mahoganlr
Philippme Hardutoods produced and marketed by the Cadwallader - Gibson Co I nc., cerry the copyr ighted trade names of Bataan and Lamao. Bataqn ls the dark red lumber and Lamao the light red.
Both tf these natnes are your guarantee of a stock that is of an exceptionql denseness o/ tex,ture. beauty of f igure and excellence of ntanufqcture.
Bataan and Lamao are ba"nd sawn in our own mills in the Philippines and handled by our own Organizqtion from the forest to the purchaser. This Company prides itself in its lumber to the extent of trade-marking it. Protect yourself by purchasing trade-marked lumber.
A stock of from 4 to i million feet of tumber is on hqnd qt all tiryaf in the yards of the Cadwaltader -Gibson Co.' I nc., at Long Beach and Los Angeles.
All shipments of MILLWORK and VENEERED DOORS from our Los Angeles plant carry the official Certification Stamp of the Millwork Instirute of CaIi fornia. Manufactured under License Number 30. Sell Certified Millwork products-it will increase your sales. It means the highest standard in Architectural Woodwork.
Redwood Pipe And Tanks
We have manufactured ,and installed PACIFIC Tanks, Pipe and Vats for mining and milling companies, irrigation districts, etc., continuously since 1888. If you have a problem let our engineers help you.