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How Lumber Looks
Douglar Fir.Production of lumber .t 212 identical mills in the Douglar fir.region of Warhington, Oregon and British Columbia reporting to the Weat Coast Lrunberments Auociation for tte week ending Augurt 3l practicalty balanced orderr received, new buriness for the week being 0.54 per cent rurder tte output.
Production at there 212 mills decreased approximately 50O,OOO feet and orders increared in volurne more than 23TOOOTOOO feet ar compard to the week before. Orderr from the rail trade have held even during the past five weeks. The fuctuationr in orders have occurred in the water borne trade.
A large number of the Fir mills have annorurced definite curtailment plans and nearly 10O mills embracing all districtr have reported their fall operations to the West Coast Lumbermen'r Association; there collective otatements indicate ttat operationr for the balance of the year will nur about 72 per cent. It is reported that practically all the logging camps in the Northwest have been cloaed owing to the fire situation.
The California nrarket showr very little change although some dealers report more stock moving than two weekr ago. Vertical grain iteme, eapecially No. 2 V. G. fooring, ere rcarce and hard to buy. The amormt of unsold stdck at San Pedro remains about the rame. There *e 32 lurnber verrcb tied up.
The McCloud River Lumber Co. announces that on Friday, September 13, the sawmill will close until Monday morning, September 23. The McCloud River Lumber Co. mill has been running five days a week and after the tenday shut-down will continue on a five days a week, Bight hours per day, for the balance of the year.
The annual meeting of the Orange Belt Hoo Hoo Club will be held at the. Victoria Country Club, Riverside, on Saturday, September 21. A golf tournament will be held during the afternoon over the Victoria Country Club course. Following the tournament, dinner will be served in theClub House after which there will be a business session and election of officers for the coming year. A concatenation will be held in the evening with Chas. Adarns, vicegerent snark of the Orange Belt district, in charge. After the meeting, there will be dancing.
The California White and Sugar Pine and Redwood mar' keta continue to rhow a good volume of burinecs. It is reported ttat the California White and Sugar Pine mills, in' cluding Southern Oregon mills in Klamath Fallr, Bend, Pine Ridge and Medford, will curtail an extra week during Sep' tember, in addition to the voluntary curtailment of one day a week which has been carried on by a majority of the mills. *fitlirl.t
The cunent relationrhip of shipmentr and ord€n to production for the 6rst 35 weekr ol 1929, according to the report of the National Lumber Manufacturerr Arociation, is as follows:
West Coast Lumbermen's Asrociatien.-p16{uction, 6r127,273 M feet; Shipments, 6,234,427 M feet; Orden, 6,284,194 M feet.
California White and Sugar Pine Ascociqtien-plqdustion, 935,O97 M feet; Shipments, 935,743 M feet; Orders, 9(d4,,256 M feet.
California Redwood Association.-Production, 261rO97 M feet; Shipments, 2631424 M feet; Orders, 280,822 M feeL
Southern Pine Aseociatian.-Production, 2,3441756 M feet; Shipments, 213831401 M feet; Orders,2,367,459 M feet.
Total Hardwqq{3.-pl6duction, lr783r44l M feet; Shipmentr, 117611392 M feet; Orderr, 117391875 M feet.
.l The San Diego Hoo Hoo Club held their annual meet'ing on Saturday evening, September 7. Over 6O attended. Foll'owing the dinner, there was a business session. Al Frost, Frost Hardwood Co., was recommended for the Supreme Nine that will be elected at the Hoo Hoo annual at Amarillo, Texas, on September 25, 26 and 27. H. A. Wark, H. V. Cowan, fnc., was recommended for appointment as vicegerent snark of the San Diego district. Two kittens were initiated.
E. D. Tennant, Los Angeles, past snark of the universe, was the speaker of the evening and talked on the real value of Hoo lloo as a means of promoting friendship and confidence, also stressing the importance of the Order in bringing all branches of the industry together on a basis where the clubs could promote educational work and the uses of wood products.
In appreciation of the fine work done for Hoo Hoo during the past year, Al Frost in behalf of the San Diego Hoo Hoo presented Bill Cowling, the retiring vicegerent snark, with a beautiful wrist watch.
Qntta{.white Pliln whttz
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