2 minute read
Of course the container carries our advertisement but this will be but a pleasant reminder of our
Fbtbndly Dbalbrs Sbbytod
which we have been featuring to the catisfaction of so many happy dealers
(If the dernand for these tees should prove sufrciently encouraging we are considering the distribution of paraphernalia for the execution of African Golf, of which there are a number of devotees in the lumber industry) wheel drive super traction. Balanced load distribution eliminates weave and makes binder chain, top chain, and wrapper unnecessary.
CUT LUMBER haulers find Morelantls able to earn more profits per day because of 6-eylinder

Every Moreland model is equip- ped withT
6-Cylinder Motor
4-Wheel Brakes
Full-Floating Axle
Multi-Speed Transmission
1n nn,l,fnn BUSINESS volume speed, four-wheel brake safety, and lf i11 11g2g means greater de. I Iarge payload capacity, mands on your trucks. The new 1929 Morelands are engineered to give the lowest cost hauling in any specialized field. Eleven basic chassis range in capacities from one-ton to 34rO00 pounds, each unit possessing every modern proved feature.
LOGGING in boggy roadless timberland is easy work for Moreland six-wheelers with four r€8r-
L929 Morelands are backed by L2 factory.owned brancheswhere service and parts are constantly available. See our Moreland representsliys-gn authority on commercial transportation.
Direct Factory Branches
(Dealers throughout thc Vest ancl many loreign countriee)
Two Hundred and Seventy Six Reasons for Selling Cowan Cabinets
H. V. Cowan, Inc., has out a very keen and interesting little piece of advertising literature in the shape of an envelope stuffer. It is printed sharply on orange colored paper and offers two hundred and seventy-six reasons for the lumber dealer featuring Cowan Custom-Built-In Cabinets. There follows a series of seventy-six statements, each one avalid reason for the lumber merchant selling Cowan goods. Andat the end in big type it announces that the other two hundred reasons are the two hundred dealers that are now featuring this line of goods.
4 C Timbers Grade-Marked Actual Grade Shipped
After giving careful consideration to the question as to whether they should grade-mark their timbers the grade ordered or the actual grade shipped, the Central Coal & Coke Company have decided to grade-mark all their timbers the actual grade shipped.
This information is contained in a letter dated August 28 from Harry T. Kendall, general sales manager of the Central Coal & Coke Company, Kansas City, to the Santa Fe Lumber Company, San Francisco, distributors in California and Arizona of C. C. & C. C. products.
In this letter Mr. Kendall stated that it would be manifestly unfair to the better grade of timbers to grade a Select Common or Structural timber No. 1 Common simply because it is shipped on a No. 1 Common order, and that they believed their customers will soon learn the particu- lar grade which best suits their trade by having their attention called to the exact grade of timbers shipped.

Howard Gunton Now With MacDonald & Harrington
Howard M. Gunton. who recentlv sold his interest in the firm of Gritzmacher & Gunton, San Francisco, to his partner, is now associated with MacDonald & Harrington, riell- known California rail and cargo wholesalers, in-their San Francisco office.
Max Cook Recipient of Important Appointment
Max H. Cook, farmstead engineer, in charge of the Agricultural department of the California Redwood Association, was recently honored by being appointed a member of the special committee of the American Society of Agricultural Engineers, empowered to standardize irrigation structures, and a request byDr. Elwood Mead, Commissioner, U. S. Bureau of Reclamation, to cooperate with the Bureau as Consulting Farmstead Engineer in drafting for publication a book of plans of houses, barns, poultry houses, cattle sheds, hog houses, lambing sheds, garages, work shops, feed racks, troughs, together with suggested lumber lists and recommendations.