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E. '\ry'. Morrill Appointed Associated Leaders to Meet Technical Service Director October 2L and 22
Edgar W. Morrill has just been appointed technical service director of the insulating board division of the Chicago Mill & Lumber Corp., of Chicago. He was formerly with the Insulite Co. in similar and other'executive capacities.
Mr. Morrill will be in charge of the service which the Chicago Mill & Lumber Corp. gives architects, contractors and other builders and will conduct free of charge, a complete technical and industrial engineering department which answers questions and works out various problems for clients.
H. W. Cole, vice-president and general manager of The Little River Redwood Companv, Crannell, was a visitor to San Francisco, August 27.
The executive committee of the Associated Leaders of Lumber and Fuel Dealers of America has selected October 2l and 22 as the dates fortheir annual convention. The meeting will be held at the Palmer House, Chicago, Ill. Discussions at the convention will be confined to the merchandising and financing problems of the lumber retailer.
ArthurA. Hood is president of the Associated Leaders of Lumber and Fuel Dealers of America.
L. K. Morris, president of the Frontier Lumber Co., Brownsville, Texas. was a recent visitor to Los Angeles and San Francisco, on his way to the Pacific Northwest.
Report of 48th Session California Legislature
(Continued from Page 14) land, the amounts due for work done and material furnished on such buildings may be estimated for each building separately.
Assembly Bill 789 amends Section ll97 and provides for an attachment either in an action to foreclose his lien or in a separate action against the'person 'personally liable for such debt. This clarifies a point which has caused difficulty by reason of the fact that certain County Clerks did not understand that an Attachment could be issued in the same action.
In addition to the above a resolution was passed calling for the appointment of a' Committee to consist of three members of the Assembly and three members of the Senate to investigate the necessity for changes in Mechanics' Lien Law and report at the next Session of the Legislature.
In the closing days of the Session an attempt was made to amend one section which would have been very detrimental, but by being on the ground this was defeated. No advetse legislation removing any of the protection already had, was passed.
The work done was with the cooperation of the Building Material Dealers Credit Association of Los Angeles, California, Mill Work Institute, California Nlanufacturers As-' sociation, The State Department of Labor, and should be very beneficial to all interests connected with the construction industry.