1 minute read
?4ft put my Bu lness
Mr. Frank Morln and Mr. Willie Morin, of Morin Broe. Lumber Co., Fulton, N. Y., inepecting gtocke of 4Square Lumber with which they are greatly pleaeed. In any yard thee rowe of neatr colorful packages creato coneiderable interegt arrrong crrBtomera
A yard man of the Morln Broe. Lumbel Co..rrlakes a cloee-rrp inerrection of tho 4Squ-are packagee in the Morin Broe. ehed
A eleigh load of rLSquare lumber Ieaving the florin Broe. yard. -Mr. Willis lllorin calls an order to the driver frorn the yard o6ce. The 4-Squaro labels and nest packagea attract attention wberever they go