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California Building Permits for August L929
63-and it's the handiest material about our summer camp.'?
"We wanted so many things-cupboards, shelves, bookcases, magazine racks, tables and benches-atrd plywood certainly was a fiend in need."
IVHEN so many - - peopre are building and furnishing summer campq there is a big ffeld opened lor the sale oI more Pa-co Plywood bv dealers who will call it to their attention.
AuroMoBrlE tolrrrstS also ftnd plywood makes the best runningboard boxes and chests for packing various supplies.
ONCE p:"pl: get acquarntect with Pa-co Plywood for any use, they'll find many other places where it just "fills the bill"
Only the very finest logs oI sound oldgrowth Douglas Fir are used in making PA-CO Fir Plywood. Experienced woodworkers appreciate its high quality. -\mateurs find it one of their greatest aids lor home craft work or remodelling rooms.