3 minute read
Operators to Determine Factors Controlling Manufacture of Fir Plywood
During the past two years the demand for Douglas Fir Plywood the world over has so far exceeded the expectations of the manufacturers that new and more scientifi'c methods of production are constantly being sought in an effort to satisfy this steadily increasing demand. So many new uses have been found for Douglas Fir Plywood that the process of manufacture has in many cases undergone drastic changes, thus enabling'new users of this wonderful building material to receive a product thoroughly satisfactory to their own particular requirements.
Most of the things which tend to influence the quality of plywood have been known with a fairly accurate degree of certainty, but so many new uses for Douglas Fir Plywood have been found within the past year or two, that m'anufacturers are exhausting every means to place in the users' hands a product which will clearly and definitely fill that particular demand, and at the same time a product on which no expense .has been spared to produce the highest known quality.
Plywood manufacturers have long known that the time consumed in assembling the several plies of veneer, the spreading of the glue, the moisture content of the stock used in the manufacture of plywood, as well as the temperature of the stock, the amount of pressure used in the pressing of the various veneers together, as well as a number of other factors, have all influenced the quality of their finished product, but just how far these factors have influenced the finished product and whether or not there were other counteracting agents have, in the past, been more or less unknown.
Many of the industries in this country have for a long time ascertained with considerable accuracy, the effect which various procedures in manufacturing have had on their finished product, and the demand of today has caused practically every industry to spend enormous sums in ti,me and money on research work, so that the buying trade may be furnished with a product adequately suited to its needs. In the past a great deal of work has been done by the individual Douglas Fir Plywood manufacturers, but there has never been a concerted and comprehensive study of the Plywood manufacturing problems by all of the manufacturers as a group.
Due to the many new uses of Douglas Fir Plywood, the manufacturers have concluded that inasmuch as their problems of manufacturing are common ones that an exhaustive research w,ork must of necessity be carried on. With this in mind Messrs. I. F. Laucks. Inc.. chemists and manufacturers of Lauxein Waterproof Glues, located in Seattle, Washington, have extended their service to the Douglas Fir Plywood Manufacturers and have inaugurated a most systematic inspecting and testing service, the result of which it is hoped will be a continued improvement on the present high quality. of Douglas Fir Plywood.
Heretofore the above firm of chemists and manufacturers have devoted most of their time to seeing that their own particular brand of glue was properly mixed and advocating what they considered proper uses; but the manufacturers of both plywood and glue have such a common point in view, namely that of steadily increasing the quality of Fir plywood, that Messrs. I. F. Laucks, Inc., have undertaken this very progressive step in extending to the Douglas Fir Plywood manufacturers the service oftheir extensive research laboratory and competent inspectors.
The various manufacturing operations will be constantly checked and samples periodically secured for strictest examinations and testing. Compilations of data will be secured from a large number of different manufacturing plants, and a comprehensive study of this data on the part of the manufacturer lvill at once enable him to improve on his present methods, should improvement be necessary. Those Douglas Fir Plywood manufacturers availing themselves of this data and service will be able to furnish both present and nelv users of Douglas Fir Plywood with more copplete data concerning the properties of Douglas Fir Plywood to a practically accurate degree, and will be able to institute with full confidence the correct methods of manufacture for each particular need. Such action on the part of the ,manufacturers is bound to reflect in the steadily increasing quality of the finished product.
Fox Hills Councy Club, Culver City' California
Friday, September 27, lg2g
Sponsored by the Los Angeles Hoo Ffoo Club Luncheon witl be served from 11:30 to 1:00 P. M. at the Club Houee Dinnet will be served at 6z3O P. M. Sharp
Make your reservations t{rrough Ed. Martin, 318 Central Bldg., Loe Angeles. Telephone VAndike 4565.