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Creo-Dipt Pilgrims and Arnbassadors

. land that 6sfussytt custornerts order

lVhen your customers want something distinctive in stained shingles, show them

Creo-Dipt Pilgrims and Ambassadors.

Creo-Diit Pilgrims have all the rugged beauw of an old Colonial Homestead. Hand-split, substantial, they are doggone good looking. They come in random *idth. ZO inches long, with irregulat butts cut % to Yz inches thick. IJse them on your next high-class job.

Creo-Dipt Ambassadors are decidedly dilfereni, too. They are grooved on the weather surface, smooth-sawn on the back. Their soft charm contrasts pleasingly with deep shadow-lines-makes you say, "Man, there's a shingle!"

Aik yo.r" Creo-Dipt salesman, or fill out the ioupon now for descriptive folders and samples.

Euery Creo-Dipt Shingle is held guilty until proaen innocent

HEN you buy Creo-Dipt Stained Shingles, you can be sure that they are right.

All Creo-Dipts are rigidly inspected at our mills before shipping. And then trained shingle men carefully i.' spect them a second time before they go to the Pressurerl"ittittg machines. . That's because we are jealous of our reputation for quality. Every shingle is suspected ofguiltuntil it can be proved innocent.

But thatls not all. After Creo-Dipts are stained, each bundle is opened, and every shingle taken out. The bundle is the4 iepacked, and at eagle+i'e kept open for defecdve shingles.' If 'an irnperfeqi qne,is found, it is immediaiely thrown out.'

Think of the protection that thb tripfe ftupection gives you. You can tell youi custbmers you kirow that Creo' Dipts are good. There's no kick-back . Crm-Dipts stay sold.

The Santa Fe Lumber Company, San Francisco, Calif. (Northen R"p.) ; The Hipolito Co., 2021 S. Alameda St., Los Angeles, Calif. (Southern Rep.).

Funeral Services for Fletcher L. Walker Jr. Held at Westwood

Fletcher L. Walker, Jr. ("Cub") was instantly killed and his brother Kenneth injured when their airplane crashed near Westwood Airport at 5:59 p.m., August 23. The cause of the accident has not been determined. "Cub" was a li- censed pilot as is his brother, "Cub" with 140 hours in the air and Ken with 106.

The young men, who are sons of Fletcher L. Walker, vice-president and resident manager of The Red River Lumber Co. of Westwood, Cal., had been making airplane photographs. Cub was in the front seat and Ken in the rear seat at the time of the crash.

Funeral services were held from the Peoples' Church, Westwood, Sunday, followed by interment in the local cemetery.

Kenneth Walker has left the Westwood Hospital and is recovering at the Walker home.

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