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Sacramento Vailley Lumberrnen's Club

Program for Farm Building Conference at Davis.

The first fall meeting of the Sacramento Valley Lumbermen's Club will be held at the University Farm, Davis, on Saturday, September 21, starting at 10 a.m. The club has issued many invitations to retail lumber dealers and others interested in better farm structures to attend.tfuis meeting, the fiist of its kind in California, and which it is hoped will be the first of a series of farm building conferences. The program for the meeting is as follows:

10 a.m.-Agricultural Engineering Auditorium

1. Introductory Remarks i:.

H. B. Walker, head of the Division of Agricultural Engineering.

2. Milking Barns for California a. Requirements Prof. W. M. Regan, Animal Husbandry Division. b. Structural Features c. Discussion

FI. L. Belton, Farm Building Technician, A. E,. Division.

3. Poultry Houses a. Requirements Prof. J. E. Dougherty, Poultry Husbandry Division. b. Structural Features c. Discussion

H. T Belton, Fa.rn p'rilding Technician, A. E. Division.

4. Farm Structures Investigations at University Farm a. Hog Houses b. Sheep Equipment c. Poultrv Houses d. Adobe Construction e. Fence Posts


G. A. Kingsley, vice-president and manager of the West Oregon Lumber Co., Linnton, Ore., attended the National Amateur Golf Championship at Del Monte, and while in San Francisco was a caller at the offices of Wendling- Nathan Co., California representatives of his company.

f. Grain and Forage Storage

J. D. Long, Junior Agricultural Engineer and Associate Professor E,. J. Stirniman, A. E. Division.

5. Ready Built Equipinent for Farmers

Demonstration and Discussion

Max E. Cook, Farmstead Engineer, California Redwood Association. H.L. Belton, A. E. Division.

12:30 p.m. Luncheon at California Inn

1:10 p.m. Luncheon Program

1. I. E. Brink, Pres. Sacramento Valley Retail Lumbermen's Association, .Presiding.

2. Welcome

Dr. W.L. Horvard, Director, University Farm.

3. Response

E. T. Robie, Auburn Lumber Co., Auburn, Northern Vice-Pres. Calif. Retail Lumbermen's Association.

4. Livestock Housing

Dr. G. L. Hart, Head of the Animal Husbandry Division.

5. The Lumberman's Responsibility to Agriculture

FI. A. Lake, Pres. Calif. Retail Lumbermen's Association.

6. Mutual Interests n. B. Waiker, A. -L,. Ijivrsron.

7. Bu$iri'esg Session

2:30 p.m. University Farm Tour

1. Automobile trip through Farm.

2 Inspection of Poultry Houses.

3. Inspection of University Farm buildings: Animal Science, Agricultural Engineering, Dairy Industry and Horticulture.

3:45 p.m. Adj.gurnment.


Fire, which destroyed the office building, shed and stock of flooring and finish lumber at the plani of the Rolando Lumber Co., San Francisco, on the evening of September 3, caused a loss estimated at $50.000.

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