1 minute read
Insarinq onlu Opproued,Risks
In the final analysis, losses eetablish the rates that all muet p'ay, and, in our Mutual Companies, loesee de' termine the dividend paid. Realizing the injustice of penalizing, by higher rate and lower dividend, the policy-holder who maintains a good risk, in order to protect the bad, we have consietently inaured only approved risks. By carefully eifting outthe fire traps, we have kept losses down and dividends up. Few lumber yards are as bad in fire risk as our picture presentg, but it is to prevent losses from such hazards that we have established defrnite standards for approval of risks. If a property cannot be approved as it stands, we show the owner how to make it acceptable. Thus we bring greater 6re safety to him, and at the same time safeguard the interests of all.
That Mutual interest means the highest degree of protection lor the lumber industry, zaith the dittidend that reduces the cost by 4O/o. Write any of our companies lor further information.