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Smith-Lindsey"Lumber Co. Build Lath Sheds for Cornmon Lumber
As a protection against shrinkage, checking and twisting from the sun, the Smith-Lindsey Lumber Co. of Pasadena has built two lumber sheds with the sides and roof made of lath to store their common lumber. In laying the lath, as showh in the accompanying illustration, a space of one half inch was left between each lath to insure proper ventilation.
The sheds are 55 feet by 24 feet and 55 feet by 32 feet. Both sheds are 12 feet in height. The lath was made from their sized dimension stock. and the sheds were built by their employees during their spare time. Their cotn-on stock, 2x3, 2x4, 2x6, shakes, lath, and also shingles are stored in the sheds.
R.E. Lindsey, manager of the yard, states that he got the idea from the nursery sheds built to protect flowers and shrubs fromthe sun and decided to experiment the idea with lumber. Their experiences show that during the summer months it is about one-third cooler under the lath shed than their shed with a solid roof, which makes working conditions more favorable, also after rains the lumber piled under the lath shed drys out almost as quickly as lumber piled in the open.
The Smith-Lindsey Lumber Co. has been operating in Pasadena for the past seven years. Mr. Lindsey has been associated with the lumber business in Pasadena for the for eighteen years. pleased with their want to install this past twenty-five years, and prior to opening the SmithLindsey yard was connected with the Orban Lumber Co.,
Mr. Lindsey states that they are well lath sheds, and if any lumber dealers system there will be no royalty fees.
H. F. Rieff Appointed District Ff . C. Clark to Represent Sales Manager
The Sampson Company, Pasadena, California, screen manufacturers, announce the appointment of H. F. Rieff as district sales manager. . Mr.Rieff has had.several-years' experience in screen sales and service and iswell known to the California lumber trade.
Gus Gritzmacher Continues Business
The partnership of Gritzmacher & Gunton, wholesale lumbermen, San Francisco, having been dissolved on September 1, A. B. "Gus" Gritzmacher is continuing under his own name, and is still acting as agent for the A. F. Coats Lumber Co., Tillamook, Ore., and conducting a general wholesale lumber business.
Dant & Russell, Inc.
Dant & Russell, Inc., Portland, Oregon, announce the appointment of H. C. Clark as their representative in the Sacramento and San Joaquin Valley territory. Mr. Clark has be.en connected with the Booth-Kelly Lumber Co. for the past twenty years and has represented this concern in the above territory for many years. He has just completed a trip to Portland where he conferred with officials of Dant & Russell, Inc. and also visited some of the mills they sell for. Mr. Clark will make his headquarters at Sacramento.
Pat Sublett Visits Southland
Pat Sublett, Pacifrc Hardwood Flooring Co., Berkeley, was a Los Angeles visitor during the past week where he spent several days calling on .his lumbermen friends and visiting points of interest in the Southland. Mrs. Sublett accompanied him on the trip.