1 minute read
Lihe the Oshorne llouse
.. . built before the Arneriean Revolution
f]nion Lubrieants are QQTlme-Tested)e
HIS STURDYoId house has weath- ered the storms of over a centurv and a half. It was old when Thomas Jefferson became Presi. dent of the United States. It was almost a hundredvears oldwhen Lincoln made his Get, tysburg address.
And yet today, due to the enduring quality of the lumber used in its construction, it is strong and sound.
And as the quality of
A Yaluable Free SBBYICD
A staff of Union Oil Lubrication Engineers is at your dispo, sal, absolutely free of charge...to help you solve your lubrication problems. These scientists ate often able to reduce lubrication costs from l07o to 307o,yet in crease a plant's efficiency.
A phone call, wire, or letter to the nearestlJnion Oil distributing station will bring these experts to your mill or camp. Get in touch with us today. There is no charge for this valuable service.
the Osborne House is proved by time, so are unionLubricants"time tested." That is why they are used in so manv of the West's large ldmber mills, and other industrial plants where enduring, effi.cient, and economical lubrication is so necessary.