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George Kendrick to Handle McCormick Terminal Sales
George R. Kendrick, well-known lumber salesman, is again associated with the Chas. R. McCormick Lumber Co.. and is now stationed in the San Francisco office in charge of the sales of the M,cCormick Lumber Terminal, San Francisco.
Mr. Kendrick has been for the past nine months with the Sunnyvale Supply Co., Sunnyvale, where he added some valuable retail yard experience to his eight years' wholesale and sawmill experience, all of u'hich has been in the service of the company. Starting nearly nine vears ago he put in four years learning the production end of the business in the mills at Port Ludlow and Port Gamble. This was follou'ed by four years selling lumber on the road in the Coast .Counties territory, working out of the San Francisco office.
Coast Counties Association Meet at Salinas
Sixty-five retail lumbermen and building material merchants, members of the Coast Counties Lumbermen's Association, representing a territory of 300 miles in length, attended a banquet and general meeting of the association at the Hotel Franciscan, Salinas, August 27.
The program of the meeting consisted mainly of talks by members and visitors on the subject of conditions in their respective territories, which proved very interesting. It was freely remarked by members and visitors that the cooperative spirit in the lumber and building material industry is stronger at this time than it has ever been in Northern California. All the neighboring clu,bs were represented at the meeting by members or secretaries. The following visitors signed the register: Sam Dalton, Melrose Lumber Co., Oakland, president of the East Bay Lumbermen's Club; Wave Tilden, Tilden Lumber Co., Berkeley; T. P. Hogan Co., Oakland; Carl Moore, Neighbor Lumber Yard, Oakland, secretary, East Bay Hoo Club; J. B. McKeon, secretary, East Bay Lumbermen's Club; A. Hubbard, Hubbard & Carmichael Lumber Co., San Jose, president, San Jose Lumbermen's Club; Ed. I-arson, secretary, San 'Jose Lumbermen's Club; Dan Penzotti, secretary, Peninsula Lumbermen's Club, Palo Alto; W. F. Hayward, Pacific Manufacturing Co., Santa Clara.
M. D. Bishop, secretary-manager of the Coast Counties Lumbermen's Association, reported on conditions throughout the association's territory, which covers Santa Clara, San Benito, Santa Cruz, Monterey, San Luis Obispo and Santa Barbara Counties.