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Wavewood Offers Opportunities for New Beauty in Home Design
This trode-marh ilesign is made from a piece of Three Lap Rustic. The design repeats itself every four inches in this pat- tern, reducing cuthing toaste during construction to a minim*n.
Full of possibilities for the attainment of new and beau_ tiful effects in home construction, Wavewood, a new product now being placed on the market by Redwood Manufa-cturers Co., Pittsburg, Calif., is attraiting the attention of prospective home-owners, builders and a"rchitects.
Produced by carving original designs into the surface of California Redwood, Wavewood dis created, designecl l1d ir exclusively manufactured by this company "T it, Pittsburg plant.
Log Cabin Rustic. This is in 3 in. r 6 in. construction grade lVauewood Log Cabin Rqstic. The e*terior face irnparts the much desired effect of age to the outside, while the inner face is surfaced and joints are "I/'d" to form on interior finish.
Some of the uses for which Wavewood is designed are: For_ outside covering and trim; for log cabins and rustic hgmes; for interior finish, trim and paneling, and for shakes.
It is available in a variety of patterns for use, such as
One, Two and Three Lap Rustic, Shiplap, Rustic, Channel R.u-stic and L.og Cabin Rustic. Special -patterns for individual uses will be created as the demand arises.
_Jac\ W. Pearson, general manag'er of the Redwood Manufactuterg_ !o,., is enthusiastic oVLr the possibilities of Wavewood. "Although not yet comirletely but of the development stage, new uses are being-sugglsted for Wavewood, uses which we who originated the-idea did not foresee", he says. "These suggestions come from architects, who are always looking foi something out of the ordinary, from those who are planning to build homes, and from lumber dealers."
Corner !oint. This picture shotas the usual method of corner construction employed urith Waaewood outside covering and trim.
Mr. Pearson pointed out the adaptability of Wavewood to brush paintirig, and to the uniqire effeits and pleasing color combinations achieved by "wiping in" one color over a ground color. He also drew attention to the effect of changing color created by spraying a ground color with a lacquer gun from a downward angle, and a top color or series of colors from an upward angle. Actual samples have to be seen in order to appreciate the wonderful tbne harmonies obtainable by thiJ process.

Wooden Box Manufacturers to Meet at San Francisco
The Third 1930 Tri-Annual meeting of the pacific Coast Division of the National Association 6f wooden box manu- facturers will be held at the Sir Francis Drake }Iotel, San Francisco, Calif., on Wednesday and Thursday, Ociober 15 and 16.

This will be a "round table" meeting similar to previous meetings. The first day of the meetinlg will be opln to "ft wooden box manufacturers and others lnterested in the in- dustry. The session to be held on the second dav of the meeting will be open only to members of the Association, or their representatives. All motions Dassed at the October l5 session are subject to ratification by members at the session on October 16.
The Association extends an invitation to all wooden box manufacturers to attend the meeting.
Ernest {. !I_ey_er, vice president and general manager of the Chas..R. McCormick- Lqqrber Co., portland, is giavely ill in a Portland hospital. Mr.-Meyer sufiered'a piralytic stroke on Labor day, and was in a comatose condition'for several days-._ Latest reports from doctors attending him say that while not yet fully conscious he is making:ro-. progress.
Mr. Meyer has been associated ri'ith the Chas. R. McCormick Lumber Co. for 26 years.