3 minute read

The Wheeler, Osgood Co. Distributors of 66TVoodweld " Nationally Known Glue

_,R.,f,, (Bob) Osgogd_, Southern California manager of l.he Wheeler, Osgood Co., Tacoma, 'Wash., announcel that they have been appointed Southern California and Arizona drstributors of "Woodr,r,eld," nationally known glue, manu_ facjured by George H. Osgood at Taioma.

.. Ggot-g.. H.. Osgood has long been recognized as one of the lea.ding glue authorities inlhe country]and for the past several years has devoted practically his'entire time to the d,evelopment of glues. and glue foimulae. He developed the glue that made the nationally known Laminex dbor possible, and while this is the besi known it is but one of his notable achievements in the adhesive field, and for a


Joe W. Tardy, Douglas T-umber Co., phoenix, Arizona, has returned to Phoe_nix following a vacation spent at I_os 4lS"ttt. While in Los.Angelesl Mr. Tardy ilayed considerable golf and also visited with the lumber^tride.

period of years, he has manufactured:adhesives under the trade name of "Woodweld." He was formerly superin- tendent of the veneer department of the Wheeler, Oigood Cor4pany.

R. S. Osgood states that their sales force will distribute r(. ). \Jsgooct distri samples to their .customers of the ,,Woodweld', casein casein joint glue. for a test run. He advises that they are also abie to furnish other types of glues which the irade,s operations may requlre.

Wendell Brown Makes Trip To San Francisco

_,W.endell Brown, Los Angeles representative for the J. R. Hanify Co., spent a few days in Sin Francisco around the first of the month. He made the trip both ways by airplane.


A female voice over the Phone: "Hello, the Club? Is my husband ttrere? Not there' you say? But wait, I haven't even told you my name."

"It ain't necessary, lady; there ain't nobody's husband here, never," uras the darkY's rePlY.

Those Lines

"A girl and a car are much alike," says the San Francisco Chronicle. "A good paint job conceals the years, but the lines tell the story."


Many people who have spent a lifetime in it, can tell us less of love than the child who lost a dog yesterday'

Memory Training

Seneca, the great Roman philosopher, was able to repeat two thousand disconnected words after having heard them once, in precisely the same order in which ttrey were given to him. Once an author composed a lengthy poem' As was the custom, he read it in public and received the plaudits of the crowd. Seneca was present and when the applause had died down he arose and denounced the author as a plagiarist. He declared that he, Seneca, had written the po"-, and to prove it he recited it word for word' Then he chatlenged the author to do likewise. To his mortification, the poet did not know his own Poem. Whereupon Seneca admitted that the whole thing was a joke.

According to T. Q. Dumont, who writes on "Memory Training," here are sofire famous examples of great memories: Cyrus could call every soldier in his army by name' Themistocles called by name all of the 30,000 citizens of Athens. Lanrez could recite all the works of St' Augustine' Scaliger is reported to have committed to memory in one month both the Iliad and the Odyssey.

A Plan

He who evefy morning plans tte transactions of the day and follows out that plan carries a throad that will guide him through the labyrinth of tle most busy life. Thc orderly arrangement of his time is like a ray of light which darts iiself thiough all occupations. But where no plan is laid' where the disposal of time is surrendered mercly to the chance of incidents, chaos will soon reign.-Victor Hugo' BAIT

A man in a hospital mentd diseascs sat fishing in a flower bed.

The visitor, to be kindly, aPProached and asked: "I{ow many you caught?" ttYou're " replied tte nut.

The Gods

The gods of old are dust, their idols crumbled" From Ishtar to Jehovah is a day.

"Great Pan is dead," and holy Zeus is humbled' And all the treasured symbols Put away. And man, with ancient shadows in his soul, Still makes and prays new mastcrs for control -By

Gordolr Lawrence.

Salary And Salt

Rome used to give hcr soldicrs a daily ratim of salt as part of ttreir pay. 'Sal' is sdt, 9dd whca thc sdt was computed in terms of money itS/as callcd "6alarium,' or salt money. .Thus we get oug/6ord 'salary/'. Tbc tctm "Not worth his salt" came fi$m Roman days, and mearrt 86ething definite.

Two Sided

The fundamentalists defy the sciartists to produce one fact substantiating tte truth of evolution; and the scientists defy the fundamentalists to producc onc fact proving that Eve came from Adam's rib. And thus it goes.


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