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Winners of Alvin T. Simonds Contest Announced
Subject-"The Federal Reserue System and the Control of Credit"
In the Alvin T. Simonds Annual Economic Contest for 1929 which closed Decem,ber 31, 1929, the judges have awarded the first prize of one thousand dollais to Walter Earl Spahr, Ph. D., Professor of Economics and Chairman of the Department of Economics, School of Commerce, Accounts-and.Finance, New York University. Dr. Spahr received his A. B. from Earlham College, Ind., in 1914; A. M. from the University of Wisconsinin-1917; and Ph. D. from Columbia University in 1925. He taught economics at Dartmoujh Qo!_ege and Columbia Univeisity before going to New York University in 1923. He has published sev-eral notable magazine articles as well as the article in the New Encyclopedia Brittanica on "The Stockbroker in the United States." He is joint author with R. J. Swenson of "Methods and Status of Scientific Research with Particular Application to the Social Sciences." His home address is 8 Uichigan Road, Bellerose, Long Island, N. Y.
The. second prize of. five hundred dollars was awarded to Ivan W. Elder, managing editor of the North Pacific Banker, Portland, Ore. He is a graduate of Reed College, Ore.
Honorable mention was awarded to Helene Elizabeth Ham, 333 E.43rd St.. New York Citv.
The judges were Dr. Davis R. Dewey, Professor of Economics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and John G. Thompson, Assistant to the President, Simonds Saw and Steel Company.
__Of course,, the largest number of essays came from the United States, yet excellent ones weie received from Hawaii, Japan, India, South Africa, England and Scotland, thus circling the world
Associated Leaders Announce Convention Dates
The fourth annual ,convention of the Associated Leaders of Lumber and Fuel Dealers of America will be held at the Crcngress Hotel, Chicago, December 2,3 and 4. In making this announcement, Arthur A. Hood, president of the Asso-cia-ted I-eaders, states that this yearts meeting will be an industrial conference built around the keynote "Organiza- tion for Profits in 1931."
Tfre three major divisions of the convention sessions will be: O-rganizing for Controlled Marketing, Mobilizing Local and National Finance and Intensive Sales Promotion Methods. Mr. Hood states that the meeting will be strictly a- business session, as no ent€rtainment features are pro- vided for. Further announcement of program plans will be made later.
John A. Johnson, John A. Johnson Lumber Co., Phoenix, Arizona, was a recent Los Angeles visitor where he spent 99-ye.1al. days _on a combined business and pleasure trip. While in the Southland, he called on the lumber trade.
Frank Park Touring West Coast Of Mexico
Frank Park, Park Lumber Co., La Mesa, Calif., together with a party of friends, is making an.automobile tour;f the West Coast of Mexico. He will be back at his desk around the middle of the month.