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Urges Clean Up and Paint Up Campaigns

Washington, Sept. S.-News Letter Number 293. issued by the Commercial Organization Department of the Chamber of Commerce of the United States of America, addressed to Secretaries of Chambers of Commerce and other commercial organizations, under the heading of "Clean Up and Paint Up" says:

"The Clean Up and Paint Up Campaigns waged annually by many chambers of commerce take on a specific significance this year when considered in connection with the effort of the National Business Survey Conference to encourage within prudent limitations all types of betterment, clean-up, re-equipment and remodeling and modernizing of industrial, commercial and residential buildings.

"Mr. Julius H. Barnes, Chairman of the National Business Survey Conference, recently wrote a letter to the Exetutive Secretary of the National Clean Up and Paint Up Campaign Bureau, 310 East 45th Street, New York City, in which he called attention to the importance of clean-up work as a substantial contribution to the program undertaken by organized business, at the reqrrest of President Hoover, to restore the country to a normal level of prosperity.

"In preparing for this type of work in 1930, therefore. secretaries may appropriately have in view the double objective of improving their own communities, and making an appropriate contribution to the national speed-up movel ment. Those interested in such campaigns can secure valuable information and assistance from the National Bureau, at the address mentioned above."

The National Clean Up and Paint Up Campaign in Nerv York is cooperating rvith the Chamber of Commerce of the United States by furnishing the necessary plans and sug- gestions.

M. R. Smith

M. R. Smith, president of the M. R. Smith Lumber & Shingle Co,_of Kansas City, Mb., died on August 25 at his home near Kansas City. Ife was 64 years olcl Mr. Smith was born in Decatur, Ill., in 1866. He moved to Kansas City in 1904 -and organized the present company. They operate shingle mills at Elma and Mineral. Wash., retail lum,ber yards in Missouri, Kansas, Oklahoma and lolva, and carry on a general wholesale business. Mr. Smith is survived by his widow, MrS. Stella B. Smith; three sons : _Belph L. Smith, Kansas City; Paul R. Smith, Seattle, Wash.; and Richard O. Smith, Newton Center. Mass. : trvo sisters: Mrs. W. M. Gray, Chanute, Kans., and Mrs. W. H. Close, Alhambra, Calif., and a brother, Frank H. Smith. Caibondale, Kans.

'W. F. Connor Appointed Secretary of Riverside Club

W*.- F. Connor, I os Angeles retailer, has been ap- pointed secretary of the Riverside Lumbermen's Club suiceeding W S Elton who recently resigned to be.come associated with the hardware business in San Francisco. Prior to his coming to California, Mr. Connor was conn€cted with the lumber business in Washington for several years where he acted as secretary for a large number of retail lumber yards.

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