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Dixon & Chase New' Firm Handling Used Woodworking Machinery and Equipment
H. M. Dixon and E. M. Chase are the members of the new firm of Dixon & Chase, whose offices are at 5810 South Normandie Ave., Los Angeles.
Their business is the purchase and sale of high-grade used woodworking equipment of all kinds. They have been in business for several months, and have already built up an excellent trade. They buy and sell sawmill, planing mill, sash and door, and mis,cellaneous equipment, and have in stock at the present time a very fine assortment of all lines, including a ,complete modern sawmill.
Mr, Chase has had several years' experience in the used machinery business, Mr. Dixon is new in the game, but a great hustler and much elated over the rapid development of their trade efforts. He is the oldest son of H. P. Dixon, the well known Los Angeles millwork man.
h. S. McKinney Now With
Monterey Bay Redwood Co.
U A. S. "Red" McKinney, formerly salesman for the Redwood Manufacturers Co., covering the Peninsula and 'Salinas Valley territories, is now associated with the Monterey B'ay Redwood Co., Santa Cruz, as sales manager.
Dduglas Fir Flagpole on Campus at tbs An$eles
At the recent dedication of the new campus at the University of California at Los Angeles, when the institution q'as formally accepted by the Board of Regents, the ceremonies were held in front of the Douglas fir flagpole shown in the accompanying photograph. The flagpole is 80 feet in height and comes from the Columbia River country in
of Catifornia
Oregon. This stick was shipped to Portland where it was manufactured into the finished form by turning in a lathe prior to shipment to Los Angeles. To prevent decay, the flagpole is set in a bronze pocket submerged in oil. The flagpole was furnished by the L. W. Blinn Lumber Company of Los Angeles, and came. from the timber holdings of the Chas. R. McCormick Lumber Co.
Perry Dame Visits Southern California
Perry Dame, San Francisco, Western sales manager for the Crio-Dipt Company, Inc., of North Tonawanda, N. Y', spent a few days in Los Angeles the first of the month. Wnite in Los Angeles, he mlde his headquarters at the offices of the Hipolito Company, their Southern California and Arizona repiesentatives, where he conferred with Herman and Leo Rosenberg.
Do Tou Know That
We Sell
Redwood Cedar Fir
Douglar Fir Redwood Redwood
Calif. White Pine
Cdif. Sugar Pine
We manufacture and rcll-Split Redwood, Tier, Ports, Shaker, Grape Staker REYNIER LUMBER CO.
112 Market St. \ San Francirco Portland Office, Anerican Brnh Bldg.