2 minute read


JackDionne pfilisher

cAL, SE'TEMBER t5, t930

How Lumber Looks

Douglas Fir--Continuing on the low production rchedulc tbey ha=ve followed rince }ate in Man r gr'oup of 350 millr r.pbrtbg to the Wect Coad Lusrbenncntl Arsociation for thl *eef ended Augu* 3O operated at 45.3O pcr ccnt of capacity. Thir figur- comparer with 46.77 per ccat of- 9I pacity ior the p;c€dinc week and with an av€rE e "f-ql per cent of capecity from January 1 to June 1. There 35O onitl" h""" r.do".d output during tbe part fourteco weclc by 627rO8Er(XX) feet, -hich reprerentr nore ttan forr weekr pioduchon'for practicdly tLe entire-lumber industry of Warhington, Qego" and Britirh Columbia at prtercnt opcrat' ing rcheduler.-irr the fifteeo weeke from May 24 to Augutt 3O' invcn' toniet at the millr have declincd 8.72 per cent. Thc continued decline in inventorke and t[e rteadily nahtaingq favorable relationrbip of orderr to prod-uction ir gEadudty ttr""gth""i"g the ralir pooition of tte indrutty, according to the Arrociation.

-__ Tt.r" is a better tone to the California market than har been noticeable for tnt"y wee&r The volunc of qrrcut ["ri"* showr little ct*rnge but ttere ir a fir.meo in retail luotations, and ar the retait demand ic greatqt drring-thc fall rearoa there ir a general erpec'tation that trherc will bG -"t.-U"vitg during tf,e next ferv monttr. Unrold dodrr ;; th" fi[ii" dockl rt san Pedro t"ttl4 13r?2-0'09o-fec.

"i S.pt!-U.t 10. 52 lunber veereb in the Califomia lum' ber rerwice are lrid uP.

- ffr. California White end Sugar Plne Menrtractrrcrr Ar ""a"ii"o for the week coded {ugurt 3O report production ft-; it milr ar 18,84O,(XX) feet, rhipmeotr l3'151'(X)O i".i..a ncry buriners 1O;782,q)O fcGL TLere har beco a conriderable increare in t[e nulmber of inqui]ier received pr the milb. The demend for rhop grader hat bc€o good' The

Califorrh Reduood ArocL&n fc tctcct crdcd Aug{* iO reportcd productitro fron 13 nQ ff ez2e-OOO Icd' rhipnoentr 6,4f6'OOO ftct rnd ordcnr 5'344'9Oq fG+ rE Rcdwood;"r|rci $olcd vcty litdc changc durbg tbc pa* two wc& end prie lcmrh &E

SttirtlF hdicathg a continuation into rLe nintb cmccrtlve l@ "f ;e-i""F"uhil"e lu-utr producion' q62 lcedlng bard' ;A-."d-t"fttt""d niilb rdrtcd to tlrc National Lrnbcr fff"rd."tn"- Arrcci*bn f& thc uccl codcd Auqq* 3O I *t of olrrly 276,828'(nO fcct Or"dcn at tbc& millr wcrc 94 p* ott of pi"a"a;"' onc of $9 F.t ratio. atablish€d h 6;r.."ot &fud of iiproved nllioa bcqeco prodw'd;;Je;;d. Shipmeotr rcrc givcn er 97 pcr cd of produetion ' Thc crrrcnt reletiouhip of tbn nb end o'dcn tr Dq9 dr"d""-a;-u. fr* s5 ;""tt of rggo u rrpottd bv r[G i"gl""tl "-"e.t"- t" thc Nrlimrt Lrmbcr Mendrcrucrl lso<irtion L ar follon: --*; C""tt Llmbcrmco'r @ !'. zzd,tiz ft?lJ Suip-.tt 5,115,669 M fect; Ordcn 5" O5O,t97 M fcct--C.|tr;."i" Whit" end Sugrr Pirc Mendrcrrcrrr 4foqf: U*et 1""O." 66S,8O3-M fca; lhbncntr 715'5t3 M fcct; Ondenr 715'807 M fcGL ---dff"-i" RA-ood @ ?4,ffi M ft.ti5htp-"'t 22r,2fi ll fcgJ; Ordcn z2?F9!Mfcrr' S*ti"no- Pinc a'.o"hd-Jt'do"t1- l'97O'(X'6- lrt f;;-shtp;t -1,834,e?5 M fcct; ordcn 1'8(x),384 M feet. ---i"t"f Hardwoodr--hodocrirn l'432'Ol3-M -feet; Ship' -"rL r,zog,zC M fcct; Ordcn 1'137'501 M fe€L


Brennuood Coolrtry Club, Brcnnroo4 Crlifotnia


Sporuored by the Loo Angelcr Hoo Hoo Club

Luncheon will be scn'cd from 11:3O to ld)o P. M. et 6c Club Hourc

Dinnct will bc sc*cd at 6:3O P. M. Shtry

This tournament ia opn to all lumbemeo of Southctn Califotnia and viriting-Luobem.o. Melc ycrr rcrcc'

Ed.lM"ttio, lra central Bldg, LocAngele. Tclephonc vAndilc 4t6l'



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