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Weyerhaeuser Starts Merchandising
To serve as a clearing house for the interchange -o-f merchandising ideas betu:een 4-SQU4R{ Dealers, Weyerfr"."r.r S-ales Company has creatld with headquarters. in St. F"ur, Minn., a Meichandising BureaT ,fr|'J:'rT"XttT characterized as a "major development in the + SQUARE program".
Most of the preliminary work incident to the actual olreration of the dipartment has already' been completed- Th-c program of activities contemplates extensive research work in e.'ery phase of lumber retailing; and includes- definite cooperation with the dealer in cultivating local customer-s and prospects. An unusual feature of coopcratign yitlt deateis liis in educationa! Programs for teaching the dealer's entire organization how to make the most of the mer' chandising possibilities provided by 4-SQUARE lumber-
R. E. Saberson
"It is a logical step in the development of our merchandising program, and represents a new tyPe ot -rvorking relationship betrveen lumber manufacturer and lumber dealer which has been made possible by +SQLIARE." said I. N. Tate, General I\{anager of Weyerhaeuser Sales Company. "Ifaving supplied the dealer with a nerv line of lumber products possessing 1l plus values not found in ordinary lumber we are now setting up this nerv department to help the dealer make the most of the merchandising opportunity thus afforded. It is an epochal movement in lumber retailing and is the first time that anything of the kind has ever been done by a lumber manufacturer."
E. L. Cooper, Los Angeles rePresentative for the Union Lumber Co- is cailing-on the trade again following a week's trip to Fort Bragg, Calif., rvhere he visited the company's mill operations.
SpectalTzing In
VAISETZ, OREGON, Cobbr Sc Mitchdl DRY Dimension and UPP"tt.
McCLOUD'S Vhite and Sugat Pine' Knotty Pinc and Log Cabin Siding.
COOS COUNTY Pott Orford White Cedat
HUMBOLDT COUNTY California Redwood