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Dennison Street Vharf Oakland ANdover 1077-1078

There are now more than 13@ duly authoized $ SQUARE dealers. "And", continped Mr. Tate, "Every 4-SQUARE dealer will have the n4w merch-andising- serv.-' ice ivailable in the conduct of his $usiness just as though it were moved intact into his officc. As the scope of the work expands, it is conceivable that the answers will be written io most of the Droblems which now confront the dealer and that thc solution of a certain problem in one town for example may Prove to be the solution !n -m1ny other place. *ir.t. conditions are lsimilar. We feel that the evlntual answer lies in coopedative endcavor and we are encountering a rapidly incria$ing -number of dealers who hold to the same-opinion, esfecially in these strenuous days of merciless competition."

The new department will be under the direction of R. E. Saberson who has been connected with thc Weycrhaeuser organization for several Srears. Mr. Saberson is well knowi in lumber circles, and has the reputation of being a vigorous exponent of the application of modern merJhandising principles to the lumber business. He has appeared on cidventi6n programs -of practically.every asso' ciation in the country-many of them several times.

Weyerhaeuser is not onty expanding the GSQUARE prog'rim, but promises to announce shortly "some furth-er ievilopments bf utmost importance". An active advertising program is now being ciarried out in the tradc press. in co-niunc-tion with a national advertising Program reaching moie than 6,000,0m readers monthly.


Percy Merithew, E. K. Woods Lumber Co., Los Angeles, is back at his desk following a two weeks' vacation, part of which rvas spent fishing in the Kern River in the High Sierras. He reports that he made some good catches.

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