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E. P. Ivory Now With Weyerhaeuser

E. P. Ivory, who for the past four years has been as' sociated witli -the Chas. Nelion Co., San Francisco, lcft with his family September lO for St. taul, Minn--to tdrc a position wit6 Wiyerhaeuser Forcst Products, whcre his duiies will be in co-nnection with the comlnny's advertising program.-lti. f-"o.y's varied and valuable experiencc- equips him well for hii new job, and he carries with him-the good. wishes of his many friends in lumber and association circles on the Pacific Coast.

A graduate of the New York State College oI Forestry at Siracuse. N. Y., Mr. Ivory's first job in the lumber business *a. itt 1916 in the bif mill of the Great Southern Lumber Company at Bogalusa-, La. He served as an officer in the World-War, aid after returning to civil life sold lumber for a few years in New York City.

ln l92l he went to the Forest Products l-aboratory in Madison, 'Wis., where he was engaged in the lumber standardization program.

He came to Ciliforniainlg24 as trade extension mrtregc of the California White & Sugar Pine Manufactur€rs,Association. and tater served iir-a similar capacity wilh the Susar Pine Sates Co. In 19% he was taken over by the Chis. Nelson Co., San Francisco, to handle sales of White and Susar Pine, and was in charge of the sales of the .orrrD.rri', Pine-mills until they were sold. Since that timi he has been in charge of- the company's Redwood sales.

Friend and Terry Land 'Big' Millwork Job

C. G. Chipchase, manager of the millrtrork dcpartment.of the Friend -& Terry Lumber Co., Sacramentor sPent the Labor Day week-eid in the San Francisco Bay -regrgn' where aftei attending to business matters he found time fot a few rounds of golf.

It is rumored t-hat "Chip" gathered in considerable-money on a bet made while theie.- The wagers were made with some of his friends as a result of his statement that his comDany had iust received the millwork contract on a $12,' m.OOO'ioU. After all the bets were laid, "Chip" disclosed the fact that the millwork was for the pilot house on the new Southern Pacific bridge across the-Carquinez Straits. the contract amounting to $128.(X)-

Retires from Mana$ement of Business

R. M. Gregg, R. M. Gregg Lumber Co., Ilawthorne, Calif., has reiiied lrom the management of tfrg firm, his stock being taken over by the other stockholders of thc comDany. "Clarence B. Hyde, who has been connected witb the management of the company for the past several I€F,will manage the yard.

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