1 minute read

lyoa eanott go u)rong withthis sheathing 'pup€f "1";'.g;y;g.ggi:il::,ffi igl:

firms or leeeens the ueeros faith in the dealerts judg, ment ie ite performanee in the wall, roof or flooi. Over l2rfi)O dealers are enthueiastically puehirrg Siealkraft for sheathing paper becauee they can gor* antee ite aip and watiritilhto".e in thd builting. They know that its unbelievable strength eliminatJs tearerpunctureso bunching and patches in application. P-roperlylappedrits effect ie that of a single'unbroken eheet of asphalt thatkeeps out air, moisiure, duetand smoke. One man can apply it, even in a wind.

If you are not already handling gisalkrafte it will pay you to introduce it to your customers. Over $O/i "t the salee are repeatsowith eonsequent low selling coet. You aleo receive the benefit of ourresult-getting eales promotion plan. Send your list of eontractore with initial order so that we can Etart it working foryou.

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