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SoTJND AS A DOLLAR under the hardest
Years ago the floors of the San Francisco ferries frere replaced every six months. Now thev are laid with Port Orford Cedar. Subject iight and day to countless feet, rvearing of many tires, the constant attack of daminess, Port Orford Cedar floors wear tlowly-and evenly.
'lhcse floors demonstratc also the abilitv of Jlort Orford Cedar to resist weathering. Port Orford Cedar is permeated with natural Dreservative oils tfiat protect it from decays '6f soils, attacks of' dampness and salt water. This quality, coupled with its great stfength, makes it without superior for piling,-bulkheading, docking, funnel coostruction, etc.
TIle wood 6t countlcss uses Port Orford Cedar clcar works easily, holds nails well, takes a beautiful enamel finish, or rich stain. It is rapidly becominq a favorite wood for interi6r t;im. It is dutstanding for curtain poles, picture frames, toys, and many other novelties, as it machines easily to stralp, clean-cut edges. It holds paints foryears-recomncnded for
C alif ornio Rcpt ese*atioes
Port Orford Cedar representatives in California arc R. C. Turner, 4O7 Call Building., San Francisco and Thomas W. Dant, 606 Petroleum Securities Building, Los Aneeles. Port Orford Cedar plvwobd distrib"utors in Californi a ate 11. B. Maris Panel Co., 735 Third Sreet, San Francisco, and The California Panel & Veneer Co., 955 So. Alameda Street, Los Angelcs. Send tor outbooklets!
entrances, porch columns, garden furniture and pergolis. It does notlvarp-built-ins and Veietian Blinds of it insuie constant satisfaction.
National advertising is increasing the demand for this white iedar. Make iour vard Port Orford Cedar headquarters. Ai,ailable in mixed cars, all grades ofclear, shop and common, and ail standard sizes of boards, dimension and timbers. Also Port Orford Cedar plywood in all thicknesses from *r inch a^nd sizes up to 48x96 inches.