3 minute read
Bruce L. Burlingame Will Act Yacht Enterprise Has Sitka as Joint Sales Representative
Bruce L. Burlingame, Los Angeles, is now acting as the joint sales representative of the Santa Fe Lumber Co. and the Redwood Manufacturers Co. in the Southern California territory. Mr. Burlingame has represented the Santa Fe Lumber Co. in Southern California for the past several years, and will succeed Julius Krauss who has been representing the Redwood Manufacturers Co. in that territory. Mr. Krauss has been transferred to his old territorv on the Peninsula and Salinas Vallev which he covered - for the company before coming to L6s Angeles. Mr. Burlingame is rvell known to the Southern California lumber trade and has office headquarters at 809 Pacific Electric Bldg., Los Angeles.
Oil Company Selects Wood to Symbolize Quality
Washington, D. C., Sept. S.-The casual reader of the advertisement of Union Lubricants in the August issue of The California Lumber Merchant may wonder just why the picture of an old wood house is shown, but rvhen he reads he learns: "Down in St. Augustine, Fla., a frame house that proves the remarkable endurance of softrvood rvhen subjected to the deteriorating ravages of moisture, wind, heat, salt air and time.
"This house was built by Spanish settlers in 1680. For more than 250 years it has stood without even the protection of paint. Yet it is still in an excellent state of preser- vation. Thus does wood symbolize quality, endurance and service. And like wood, Union Lubricants exemplify the highest quality known to petroleum science."
Change Of Office
The Lillard-Squires Co., are now located at their office and warehouse at 2153 Sacramento Street. At their warehouse they are carrying a complede line of veneers. Their telephone number is TUcker 4964. The Lillard-Squires Co. rvere formerly located in the Petroleum Securities Building.
E. B. "Ed" Culnan, Los Angeles, Southern California and Arizona sales manager for the Chas. R. McCormick Lumber Co., is back at his desk after being confined to his home for several days following a tonsil operation. He reports that he is now feeling fine and back to normalcv agaln.
THERE IS A REASON lVhy thc hrge* milb erc inrtdlhs oa IMPROVED AIR COOLED RER'SE BT,'RNERS.
WE ARE ABI.E to care for yorr rcquircneotr for air cooled end brick lincd refrsc brmcrrnew and urcd boilen of all dzer and typc."
WORI(s Scrttlc, Wuh.
Spruce Mast
Jh-e immense spread of sail of I the yacht Enterprise, which will represent the United States in the American Cup yacht races to be held soon at Newport, R. I., will be supported by a mast.of Sitka spruce, one of the four principal commercial woods of the Northwest, according to information received by the West Coast'Lumbermen's Association. The Enterprise will race the Shamrock V, the entry of Sir Thomas Lipton, which will represent Great Britain.
The spruce mast of the Enterprise is 168 feet long. It is hollorv and is built up of strips of spruce glued tog-ther. Two different types of spruce masts were buitt for use bn the Enterprise. One is round, with a diameter of A) inches at the base, rvhile the other is oval shaped, rvith a base thickness of 18 inches by 26 inches. Sitka sprtrce was chosen because of its combination of great strength and lightness.
The same qualities brought world recognition to Sitka spruce during the World War, when it was selected by the Allies as the best wood obtainable for airplanes. Millions of feet of this rvood, rvhich grows in a narrow belt along the coast region of Oregon, Washington and British Columbia, was cut for airplane construction during the war and immense quantities are now being used for the same and other exacting purposes. Most of the outstanding accomplishments of airplanes, including the epochal flight of Lindbergh across the Atlantic, the trips made by Byrd over the North and South poles, the polar flight of Wilkins, and other memorable achievements that have helped write aviation history, rvere made in planes const4rcted largely of Sitka spruce.
The yacht Weetamoe, rvhich was eliminated by the Enterprise in competition for the honor of representing the United States in the rgces, also has a mast of Sitka spruce.
I I E,d. Seward, Los Angeles, Southern California represen/tative for the Dolbeer-Carson Lumber Co., returned on 1/September 9 following a ten days' vacation at Del Monte ! where he participated in the California State Handicap Golf Tournament. Mrs. Seward accompanied him on the trip.
Earl Bowe, Los Angeles, Southern California representative for the National Lumber Manufacturers' Association, has returned from a week's vacation spent at Lake Tahoe.