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in your Local Paper! Fiun these Eff"ctive Aaoertisements S*LTrt'rfu7r*0lth
ffTIIE National Lumber ManuI facturers Association has prepared two series of advertisements for lumber dealers to run in their local newspapers.
The first emphasizes the con. structian of new homes. shows illustrations and floor plans of attractive houses your customers would like to own . . asks readers to consult the advertiser when planning a new home.
Modernizing is the subject of the second series. Pictures of old houses are shown with architects' sketches illustrating how they can be made modern and up-to-date at moderate cost. The copy emphasizes the advanta,ges of modernizing...requests readers to ask the advertiser for suggestions, estimates, etc.
The National Lumber Manufacturers Association will furnish these advertisements in mat form free to lumber dealers who request them. Mail the coupon today.