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Pacific Coast Building Officials' Confefence to Hold Annual Meeting atLong Beach

Focusing the attention of city building officials and every branch of lhe construction industry on better building and building legislation, the 9th annuil meeting of -the Pacific Coast Euilding Officials' Conference will be held x1 T,-on$ Beach, Calif.,"September 29 to October 4, inclusive.--Program and entertainment features announced. -Uy H. E' Flunt-er, president of the Conference and chief inspector of buildingi, Portland, Ore., point to a gathering of exceptional int&est and practicality. Conyentionhead-quarters are the well known-Virginia Hotel. Following the usual custom, all general sessions and committee meetings are open to anvone desiring to attend.

Activities of the Paci'fic Coast Building Officials' Conference are centered around the maintenance and promotion of the Uniform Building Code prepared and published bv the Conference. This code has been adopted and is in sitisfactory operation in 81 municipalities, 72 of which ar-e on the pacini Coast. Open disculsions of the code will occupy more than two days'time at the convention.

A'number of well qualified men have consented to pre- sent papers, among which are mentioned: A. C- Horner of San Frdncisco, "Tfre establishment of limits for fire zones;" Henrv D. Dewell of San Francisco, "Factors of safety in wood' construction;" L@nard S. Smith, formerly of the University of Wisconsin, "Some,-negl-ected phases 9f oul housing froblem;" James F. Collins, director state department o"f 'orofessionil and vocational standards, "Cooperation betrieen buildins departments and the state in the iicensing of contract6rs;"^ H. G.- IJfe-r of Los Angele.s, "Methots used by Underwriters' Laboratories, Inc',in making standard dre tests;" R. L. -Dunlap, fire prevention engine"er of Los Angeles county, "Fire prevention as-relatid to theater consltruction;" Norman W. Kelch of I-os Anseles. "Reinforced brick masonrJ i" and James M' Ev-ans of tos Angeles, "General problems encountered by an electrical inspector."

Entertainment has been planned for the wives of delegates. Grouo entertainmenl for all in attendance will inEl,td. " night^trip through a steel mill and an all-day excursion to Catalina Island.


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