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S. F. Hardwood Dealer Looks for Better Business Soon
"Although we have sufiered a considerable drop in volume of business, I am glad to be able to state tfrat^our firm has not reduced salaries or discharged anyone,t' said C. H. Yhil., vice-president and g.tt"ril *ul,"g"i oi White lJrothers, hardwood dealers of San Franciscd and Oakland. "There seem to be indications of one kind and another that the tide has turned and that business will soon be on the up-grade," Mr. White said.
He.is heartily in agreement with the idea expressed in a recent syndicated article- written by Mr. Coolidle, in which it was suggested that all employers who felt th-ey coutJ Jo so should post notices that-thire would be no-more dis_ charges of salary or-wage earners except for cause, in order to encourage normal spending.
"Blue Book" Expands
The National Lumber Manufacturers Credit Corporation, Publishers of the Lumbermen's ..Blue Book,,' iritfi tfr.i opening of an office at Seattle to serve the credit needs of the West Coast, completes^ another step in their t;;;;; for the extension of their Service initiaied about 6ne"vear l_qo. This office is being opened to make available to'the Western Producers and disiributors a complete and accu- rate credit and ,collection service and to be in position to furnish service with a minimum of delay.
The Western office is located at qOS-06 Stuart Buildins and is under the active management of Mr. Fred W=. Wright, who is regarded as one"of the best informed men in lumber credits now engaged in this highly specializecl field. During the past f.; ;;;thr,- ilr. f&riihl-h;, b;;; engaged a-s. a special representative of the ,.-Blue Book," p_rior to which time he was associated for thirty years wiih the Lumbermen's Credit Association as Vice-president and l\tlanag-er of the.Reporting Department. Mr. Wright an.d his staff are equipped to rendei a complete credit a'nd collection service such as is rendered at tlie heaclquarters office of the "Blue Book" at Chicago.
An important function of the Seattle office will be to con- duct for the Western people a ledger experience inter-' change. During recent months there"has bien establishecl in a number of the regional associations affiliated with the National Lumber Manufacturers, Association, such a service, which embodies the reporting to a central headquarters, a record of all past _due.accounts, as of a given date. A summary is.pr-epared and forwarded to contlibutors, while the original information is incorporated in the ,,Blue Book" records and is refle,cted in the ratings assigned.
The acquisition of Mr. Wright, as 'Western Manager, rounds out a well balanced stafi for the ,,Blue Book." " C. J.. Morgan, under whose dire,ction the Organization has shown a steady gain for the past year, coniinues as Manager. _ Walter W. Perkins, as Subscription Manager, is a llpable credit executive and is particuiarly well k"nown in thicago, where he has been in close touch-with the lumber industry for many years. J. B. Kine reioinecl the staff of the "Blue Book." as Service Manager-, on July lst, after an extended vacation.
_ A, R."Aldy" Graham, formerly connected with the retail lumber business in Butte, Montana, has located in Los Angeles where he plans to make his home in the future. prior to. his going to Butte, he was located at Spokane, Wash., where for a long period he was connected wiih the Western Retail I-umbermen's Association.
"Red" Wood Says;
There is an unllnited field for uses ofAtlas Redwood Tanks. We carry a conplete line of stook and storage tanks for pronpt shipnent.
htA at^ _^ _l Dano Daws I0r
Satisfactory Service
Better rervice, longer raw life and Sinoothcr cutting are asrured rerults from the rre of SIMONDS BAND SAWS (Nanow or Wide). The nes wear-reeieting; edgeholding SIMONDS STEEL maker it pooible for tte operator to get mucb better rerultr. Specify SIMONDS for better band raw rewice.