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Using smc( nzes and economicallengtlx ond gtdes of &lifonURcdwoodlum}la.,l

HIS type of Redwood poultry feeder was originlted by Mr. F. A. Benson of Modesto, Californi,a, representing Taylor Milling Company of Los Angeles and Stockton, Wholesale Grain, Feed and Mill Products.

In the San Joaquin Valley where hundreds of these Redwood feeders are in successful use, they are popularly known as the "Benson 3 in l"-so called because of iheir adaptability to feeding dry mash, damp mash, fresh greens or choPPed haY.

Embodied in this design are important features suggested by Mr. Benson, the originator, concurring with successful poultrSrmen, and progressive retail lumber dealers who have made and sold hundreds of these Redwood feeders to satisfied customers-

Taylor Milling Co. "Recommend this feeder os one that has giaen general sati^sfaction uherever used-" Mt. Benson endorses this design caling for stock sizes and economical lengths of California Redwood, as "A first class feeder in nery resPect."

For other types of Redznood Feeders ond Hoppers see Bulletias 7,7-A,8 and &4.

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