The California Lumber Merchant - September 1942

Page 1

IOS ANGELES SAN ['BANCISCO "ITEFENSE ot WEn REQAIEEIAENTS" Pacific Wood Products Gorporation Sash and Door Manufacturers 36@ Tvburn Street, Los Angeles Telephone Al'bany 0l0l HAMMOND REDWOOD COMPANY Mcrnulcrcturers ol DIAMOIVD.H BRAI{DCALIFORNIA REDTYOOD Mills crt Scmrocr, Cclil. SAN FRANCISCO LOS ANGELES 4I7 Montgomery SL 2010 So. Alcnedcr SL DOuglas 3388 PRospect 1333


O T WOOD CONSTRUCTIOII Releorer Steel in Enormous 0uontities for

The challenge of a war of productive skille has been rnet by America with the kind of resourcefulness shown in the adoption of the Teco Connector Systern of Wood Constrrction. Arnerica ie engineering uith uood otr a trernendous ecale.

Enormous quantities of steel are being released for the m.anufacture of arrrranrents by the use of the Teco Connector in wood conetruction in building lofty and grace- ful wood towers, big and srnall factorL", 6ridge!, d.y docks, hangars, arrny chapels, pre-fabricated hornes and comrnercial structures of all types. One pound of Teco Connectors releasee lll2 to 12 pounds of steel, and 200 of thern release enough ateel to make approximately 50 heavy machine .aclrrne guns.

The architec

a greatly expanded opportunity for service during the war enrergency and in the future by the Teco Connector System of Wood Construction. The utilization of BO% to IOOSZ of 'Wood Constrrction. IOO% of the strength of wood at joints is rnade possible by the Teco Connector. It distfiutee the bearing area over the entire width of the board giving stronger' rnore rigid joints with less rrraterial.

You need working dsta norp. Write today for the book, "Neut Jobs in Our Toun That Can Best Be Built oJ Vood." ft's inforrnation that every lurnber *:r:r1"*.:3*:*9 *3H;*,

Weyerhoeuser Soles Compony


Wat Needs.f

TBCO Timber Oonnectors Sbuet

SAYE_STEEL One pound of ??r/296 in @st ar omparod to Teco Connectore replacee llr/2-12 rt@l! up to 45Vo gt comparod to pounda of eteel. traditional wod truaa coEstruc-


gj*gl9l\!lg:!1,".F:h"rl:lgb:l savE TrME Truecee can be E wtvec rnsteao oI rron qUTo to epeedily fabricatod oE th6 job out w-/o' of gtandard lensthe and dimenSAVE MONEY . . . Savo up to aione of lumber.-









II you require quick dependclcle service, coll "Colit. Pcrrel" when you need plywood. We have o lcrge, well diversified, quolity stock of hordwood qnd soltwood plywoods olwcrys on hond lor your convenience.

lifornia I o,Veneer go

955-967 sourx ALAMEDA srBEEf, Telaphone TRinity (fr57

Mailing Address: P. O. Box 2@6, TnnurNAr. Axxpx LOS ANGELES. CALIFORNIA


*Advertisements appear in alternate iseues.

American Flardwood Co.------------------ --------------..29

American Lumber and Treating Co.,-------------17

Anglo California Lumber Co.------------------------'

Arcata Redwood Co.,-------.

Atkinson-Stutz Co. ------------------------------------------24

Back Panel Company------, ---------17 Baxter & Co- J. H.--,-,--- --------19 Bradley Lumber Co., of Arkansas..Burns Lumber Co.,----------------California Builders Supply Co. -------------------.... 16 Fir Door Institute.--------Fordyce-Crossea Sales Co.------ -- -- - ---.-.O.B.C. Gamerston & Green Lumber Co.--------,--------* Hall, James L..--------------------------------------,....---- 26 Flammond Redwood Co.----------------------------O.F.C. Hill & Morton, Inc.----------.-----------------------------2O Hogan Lumber Co..-----------------------------------------29 Hoover, A. L.-------------- ----- -.-----.28 Johnson Lumber Corporation, C D.---,- -,,---12 Koehl & Sons, Inc., John W.-------Kuhl Lumber Co., Carl H..--.-----------------------.29 Pacifc Wood Products Corp.--------------------O.F.C. Ponderosa Pine Woodwork------------------------ 9 Pope & Talbot, Lumber Divirion---------------* Portland C.ement Association---Ream Co., George E.--------------------------------------15' Red River Lumber Co. -- - ----- - -----------------.1, Santa Fe Lumber Co.-----...---------Schafer Broc. Lumber & Shingle Co.-------* Shevlin Pine Sales er.---------------,,--------------,---- 4 Southwestern Portland Cement Co.----------------11 Stanton & Son, E. J.------ -.-.---------------------------.25 Sudden & Christenson----------------------------------'14 California Panel & Veneer Co.,-------------,-..- ,- 3 Lawrence-philips Lumber Co.___-__-__-_____-__ Carr & Co., L. J.,--- ,-----------------29 Lumbermen's Credit Association____________-_____-_ t Celotex Corporation, The.-------....----- --- --------.21 Cobb Co., T. M..------------ --------- 7 MacDonald & Flarrington, Ltd.--,--.-.--------------10 Cooper, V. E.-------- 8 Maple Flooring Manufacturers Association.--* Curtis Companies Service Bureau ----,-------------19 Michigan-California Lumber Co.,------------------* Moore Dry Kiln Co.---,-,-Dant&Russetl,rnc.'--_.......---------.-------....--..-...16MutualMoulding&LumberCo.-----...---.-----.-.25 Douglas Fir plywood Association_-__ * wheeler-osgood sales c,orporation---------------* Pacific Lumber Co., The -------- 5 Weyerhaer'ler Sales Corporation-------------------- 2


How Lrumber Lrooks


Washington, D.C.-September 13, 1942-Please announce that all operators of wholesale hardwood lumber distribution yards are invited to attend a meeting called for 10:00 A.M., September 23, 1942, in the LaSalle Hotel, Chicago, Illinois, to discuss problems of distribution of hardwood lumber but only from wholesale distributing yards. Those expecting to attend should notify this office immediately.

Price Executive Lumber Branch Office of Price Administration.

Washington, September 1l-War Production Chief Donald M. Nelson tonight ordered a 48-hour work week established in all lumber camps and sawmills in the Pacific Northwest. Ofificials said the workers affected would be paid time and one-half for the additional eight hours as required by the wage-hour law.

The National Lumber Manufacturers' Association reported that lumber production for the week ended August 8, 1942, was .5 per cent greater than the previous week, shipments were .1 per cent less, and new business 6 per cent greater.

During the week 448 mills produced 267,454,ffi feet of hardwoods and softwoods combined, shipped ?31,362,n0 feet, and booked orders of 288,582,000 feet.

The Western Pine Association for the week ended Augast D, 90 mills reporting, gave orders as 85,384,000 feet, shipments 87,237,W feet, and production 93,495,000 feet. Orders on hand at the end of the week totaled 423,862,W0 feet.

The West Coast Lumbermen's Association for the week ended August 22 reported, orders as 141,611,000 feet, shipments 132,3O/W feet, and production 127,879,W feet. For the week ended August 29 orders were reported as 154,834,000 feet, shipments 135,000,0@ feet and production 128.326.N0 feet.

!(/hen The \Var Will End

The other day we had a letter from Gus Russell, of San Francisco, saying: "If you want to do your readers a real service, tell us in the next issue just when the war will end."

Well, we don't know, but we met a man the other day who does. We said to him-"Looks like a long war, doesn't it ?" He said-"Not to me, it doesn't." 'We said-"What do you mean?" He said-"The war will be over in a month." We said-"Are vou kidding?" He said-"Hell, no!" So we said-"Then how do you figure it ?" He said-"Well, that no-good brother of my wife's got drafted into the army just. yesterday, and that So-and-So has never held a job yet for more than four weeks."

Sales SheYlin Pine Gompany




SEI.LING TIIE PBODUCTS OF tt. llcCloud Elvor Lubor Conlmy McGlord, Cclllonla

r flo Shorlb-lfixo conpcay Erod, Orrlror

r M.Dbcr ol lhc Wcrtcra Plnc Assoclotoa, Por0oad, Orcaroo

Reg. U. S. Pdr. Ofi. ETECUIIVE OFFICE 9(P PLtr Ncdoocl 8oo Uar Euldtag MINNEAPOI.IS, MINNESOTA

DISTflCT 8ALE9 OFFTCES: NEW YORK CHICAGO 16(X Grqybcn Bldg. 1863 LcSallc-lllackcr Bldo, Mohcwl 'l-9117 Telephons Centrcrl 9l&f, SAN FRANCISCO l01t Moacdaocl Bldo. EXbtoot mlt

LOS ANGEI.ES SAI.ES OFTTCE (Il Pctrolcua Bldg. PRolpcct Gls



SUGA8 (Gcnuine Whito) PDIE (PINUS I.AMSENTNNA) @*a,gdh(

Advertiailg Mcncger
Iacorporclod udc the tm ol Cdilonlc l. C. Dlouc, Prcr. cad lrccr.r I. E Mcrda, Vlcc-Prcr.r W. f. Blacl, Sccretcrl Published tbc lst cad l5tb ol ecc} aoalL ci 5@'9.10 Ccatral lultdtag, l(ts Wert Slctb thort, Loe Angelcr, Cal., ?dorhoao VAadlLo lS85 Entered se Second-clsc ncttcr Scptcnbcr 25, 1922, st the Pos[ OEc. at Loe Aagelce, Caliloraic, undrr Act of lficrch 3, 1879 W. T. DLACT 615 Lrcvosortl 8L Scl Flordrco PBorpoct 9810 M. ADAMS Circulctioa Molcarr
LOS ANGELES, CAL., SEPTEMBER 15, 1942 AdvertisiaE Bctcr on Applicclion
;Subacription Price, g2.llll per Yecr Siagle Copies, 25 celts ecch


Or B.q.nKING (Up) Tnn WnoNG Tnnn

Iike c hound on the hunt, we, too, crre hunting-not lor MORE business-but lor workcrble plcns and idecs thqt will help your business todcy. We are doing this beccuse we wcnt,your business tomorrow and in the dcrys to come. Just crs we hcrve never knowingly "bcrked" the wrong tree in supplyingr PALCO Bedwood Lumber, ccrrelully selected to grcde' we do not leel thcrt we cre now "bcrrking up" the w?ong tree when we suggest that mctny homes crlrecrdy built need "TEMPERAfi'RE CONDITIONING." Insulcrte them with PAtco woot. write todcy Ior detcils.




Yes, "the horse doth with the horseman run away," and then comes inflation. \Me're hearing and reading even more about inflation right this rninute as this piece is being typed, than we are about ttre war. fn order to get the cards right side up on the table, let me say that I do not understand this inflation business. Or perhaps it would be more truthful to state that I do not understand the things I'm hearing and reading about inflation.


I'm in identically the same situation as the Chinaman in the oldest story on earth. The professor in science explained at great length and in all scientific detail just what made an electric street car run. When he finished,.he asked the Chinaman: "Now is there anything you still don't understand?" And the Chinaman, of course, replied: ,,I understand everything except what makes the street car rrm."


But there is one phase of the situation that faces us now that I do understand, just as everyone who can add two and two and get four understands it. 'We are told that we are faced with a grave disaster called inflation because we have been unable to hold down the cost of living necessities, and they keep right on rising, in spite of months of ,,freeze,' orders, and "ceilings." That one thing that I know is that we've been trying to hold prices down, without trying to hold down the chief price ingredient-labor. I know that when you lay down a dollar to buy goods-no matter what goods-anywhere from fifty to ninety-five cents of that dollar you pay is for labor. And will you tell a country boy who is trying to understand how in the name of all that's good and holy you can spike down the price of those goods without first spiking down that chief ingredient?


Trying to keep down the price of a commodity without keeping down the majority element entering into that price, is like sitting on the lid of a powder keg, allowing someone to throw matches into the powder, and then trying to keep the thing from exploding by bearing down hard on the lid. We are warned that the explosion is imminent if we

don't take immediate steps to avert it. Parity prices on farm products might help a lot; durned ifI understand that either. But the labor item in our entire cost of tiving is so many times bigger than the farm commodity element, that there just isn't any comparison. And until we stop the balloon ascension of labor costs, everything's going on up. How can it stop?

Nelson Phillips once said: "A great character, like thc oak thrives only in the open air of freedom. The free winds and the unhindered sunshine are the elements among which it grows and towers in stately strength. It is the wige ordering of God, that character and character alone, shall be seed and root of all true greatness and all true achievement." **!f

Speaking of our soldier dead, Beauford Jester said: "Greater love hath no man than this that a man lay down his life for his friends." These words are found in Holy Writ, and are the words of the Savior of mankind.. But a more generous love and a more far-reaching sacrifice can be made by man than the giving of his life for his friends. This more generous, more inclusive, more far-reaching sacrifice is when one gives one's life for his country, and his country's cause. A heroic life does not die. Its influence and reach are beyond Death and the grave. Such a life partakes of the Infinite. Like unto the soul of man, it has the essence of immortality. It is not bounded by the finality of death, or terminated by the grave. Its ideals, aspirations, and love of country, produce vision, purpose, and patriotism in the lives of their countrymen for whom the life was given in sacrifice. The heroic life inspires and ennobles those who are its survivors and heirs.


Some great man, f have never been certain who, long since wrote these inspired words, which are particularly pertinent and filled with meaning to those young men who are baring their breasts to the hazards of war: "Never strike a sail to fear. Come into port greatly, or sail with God the seas." Isn't that a grand sentiment, heroically expressed? ***

General W'. T. Sherman, he who "marched to the sea" in that tragic war between the states, was the possessor of a kindly humor, and a sparkling wit. He had been, you know, a college president before the war started. On var-

"Money w:ts made, not to command our will, But all our awful pleasures to fulfill.
Shame and woe to us, if we our wealth obey; The horse doth with the horseman run away."

ious occasions after the close of the great war, he was genuine auttrority on t.he subject of the Civil War from called upon to act as toastmaster of important patriotic the Southern end of the battle line, and disdainfully debanquets, and he filled the bill always with cleverness and nies that the great Forrest ever said anything of the kind. kindly dignity. Shortly after the war ended he was toast- * * * master at a great dinner given to honor General U. S. Grant, In his new and splendid book entitled "The Army of and in opening the program General Sherman brought Tennessee," Horn tells much about the deeds of Forrest, down the house by suggesting that during the program, who has been described by another historian as "the perthe speakers make it their business to talk no longer than sonification of battle incarnate." But he disdains to admit they could hold their audiences, and the audiences indulge that his hero ever used that sort of language or grammar. in no lengthy or undeserved applause. That should have He reminds his readers that Forrest, while he was not a been a program worth hearing, for besides General Sher- college man by any means' was a very successful apd well' man, there appeaied as speakers Mark Twain, the na- to-do business man in Memphis when the war started, and tion's greatest humorist, and Col. Ingersoll, her greatest ' that he spoke a very good brand of everyday English, "even orator.


But General Sherman sometimes found himself the butt of another man's wit. It is said that he always took a "kidding" well. Once, a few years after the war, the star of a stage play in New Orleans learned that General Sherman was in the audience. So when he stepped out to make a curtain call, he pointed out the distinguished visitor. He said: "We are proud to have General Sherman here tonight. Mighty proud. General Sherman is a fine man. A mighty fine man. A little careless with fire, perhaps, but a fine man." And the audience roared. and Sherman roared with them.


Which stories bring to mind the one that Carthell Robbins, lumberman, orator, and humorist from the free State of Arkansas loves to tell. He says there is a man who lives so far down in the old, deep South, that he never has been able to figure what great General is buried in Grant's Tomb.


If you were asked what words with regard to the strategy of warfare have been oftenest quoted and most frequently reprinted in the last couple of years, you would, if you were one of those who fairly ate up all these warlike words and opinions, be forced to reply that the alleged philosophy of General Nathan Bedford Forrest "led all the rest," many times over. Every war expert and near expert tells us over and over again that to "git thar fustest with the mostest men," is the shortest cut to victory, and they credit--or charge-General Forrest with having uttered those words during the Civil War. In fact I've heard them quoted ever since I can remember. And what do you think? Along comes my old friend Stanley F. Ilorn, a

as you and I." Horn says that what Forrest actually said was-"I take a short cut, and try to get there first with the most men." Means the same thing, but takes a lot of' color out of the philosophy, doesn't it?


Marvelous stories about our American soldiers and their daring and gallantry' are coming back fast now from the various arenas of battle. If you want to thrill to your toes, and want every hair on your head to tingle like a jew'sharp, just read the stories of real life and adventure that are being printed every issue by Time Magazine, and others, about our own boys. Why, all my life I've reveled in the adventures of Dumas' great Three Musketeers, and thought them incomparable. And now, in my old age, I find a lot of everyday American boys who can spot D'Artagnan, Athos, Porthos, and Aramis the fifteen ball, and beat them every game, for sheer daring and breath-taking, highhearted courage. Yes sir, the heroes of fiction are just everyday amateu,rs compared with a lot of these boys. That story in the September Readers Digest about the boys in the torpedo boats who brought General MacArthur out of Bataan, puts to shame any adventure stories of the past, either of fact or fiction. And did you read in Time about that Texas boy who w4s fighting in the Solomons, and every time he got shot shouted-"Goddammit they got me." But he kept on fighting, and they kept on shooting him in different places, and each time he let out that same curse' until finally he had so much lead in him he had to quit and get his wounds bound up. They hit him four times in tough spots before he quit fightt*tg;

Let us paraphrase the words of Shakespeare, and say: "IJpon what food hath they fed these American soldiers, that they have grown so great?"

September 15,1942
SASH 5800 Centrcrl Ave. LOS ANGEI^ES LDos llllT T. M. GOBB GO. WHOTESALE DOORS MOULDINGS Two Warehouses to Serve You PLvWOODS Ith d tr Strcetr SAN DIEGO Frcntlin 6673

Civilian Construction Cut bv \fPB

San Francisco, September 2.-Drastic cuts will be made by the War Production Board in the amount of eivilian construction to be allowed without specific authorization under the provisions of a revision of conservation order L-41, effective September 7, the regional WPB revealed today. The L-41 order placed all civilian construction under rigid control.

Types of construction have been reclassified, making necessary distinctions within residential and non-residential categories and reducing in most instances the amount of construction for which no authorization is necessary,.

At the same time prospective builders are cautioned against making commitments for materials until permission to build actually has been granted. The fact that a builder has all necessary materials on hand and needs no priorities assistance will not, in itself, g.overn whether he should be permitted to use them in construction.

The new classes of construction established by the revision of. L-41, with their former and present cost limits, follow

tains, bars, and tailor, barber and cobbler shops. Large quantities of materials have been going into their construction under the provisions of the original order allowing up to $5,000 to be spent during any continuous twelvemonth period.

Multiple residential construction includes buildings designed to provide living space for more than five families or divided into more than five suites. Industrial construction includes buildings designed for use in the manufacture, processing or assembling of goods or materials.

In any instance where estimated costs are under the established limits, the owner, before he may begin construction, must be able to acquire enough material to complete the project without priorities assistance. Furthermore the project must not require the use of any material, on the site or off the site, to supply electricity, gas, water, steam, telephone or sevyage disposal service.

It was explained in the revised order that repair work, on which there is no limit, does not include reconstruction or restoration of construction damaged or destroyed by fire, flood, tornado, earthquake, act of God or the public enemy.

Included among the types of commercial construction reduced from $5,000 to $200 are buildings designed for use as clubs, lodges, associations, fraternity or sorority houses, auditoriums or assembly halls.

Also included are buildings designed for occupancy by not more than five establishments selling or dispensing goods, merchandise, food or drink, or providing services. In the latter group are small stores, restaurants, soda foun-

There is no change in the original provision that residential construction damaged by fire, etc. After December 31, l94l may be restored without authorization. Agricultural construction damaged in that manner after September 7 may also be restored in cases where the Department of Agriculture determines that immediate reconstruction is essential to the agricultural program. It is provided however, that a regular application form PD-200 must be filed within two weeks of such determination.

Industrial and other restricted construction similarly damaged may be restored where immediate reconstruction is necessary for the prosecution of the war or protection of public health or safety. fn such an instance a telegraphic report must be made to the War Production Board within five days setting forth certain data and form PD-200 must be filed within the next two weeks.

t tormer present Type of Construction Limit Limit Residential .$ 500 $ 200 Multiple Residential 500 1,000 Agricultural .... ...1,000 1,000 Industrial ...5,000 5,000 Certain Types of Commercial .. .5,000 2W Other Types of Commercial, including Highway, Subsurface and utilities Construction.... .....5,000 1,000
Tf,T. E. GOOPER Wholesale Lrumber HCIIFIEI.D BI'II.DING, I.oS ANGEIES Telephooe MUtual 2t3l Conveniently loccrted to give you personal seryice cnd the usual highest quality ol lurnber. Ponderosa Pine - Sugar Pine - Dougilas ffu - Spruce T'Y#"T;;"fi:,::::.HHl|T?;,-*l":,"'*

O Saving critical metals is of maior importance-and these Ponderosa Pine kitchen cabinets use a very minimum of metal! Note, too, the attractive door, with its four generous lights of glass.

THIS MARKET B A%TTINC FORre@ .fu//*o&eqtrud/

'en housing and remodeling can be a big market for you if you handle the materials that make the business easy to get, Stock doorsr windows and woodwork of Ponderosa Pine are "naturals" for this market. They speed theiob of constructiona big "must" today. They provide the quality that war housiog must have. They are low in cost-readily available. In our oew thirty-two page book, "The New Open llouse," we give you page after page of practical, usable suggestions for selling in this market. flere are some of them:

o Var housing demands tte best possible use of space. In the photograph at the right, attractive doors of Ponderosa Pine opeo into indispensable hall closets which provide plenty of room for storage. The mirrored door makes the ball doubly use. ful, while the 15-light Ponderosa Pine door admits an abundance oflight.


Hete's prooed aid for you in getting defense housing business-as well as in making profitable sales for modernization. This NE!f' edition of Open House is in tme uritb tbe times-frtted to your presetrt needs in selliog. One copy free -ten cents each in quantity for distribution to yorr customers. Seod for your supply now. Ponderosa Pine Voodwork, Dept.xclu.9, 111 !/est Vashiagton Street' Chicago, Illioois;

O Defense houses need plenty of light and air-which means plenty of Ponderosa Piae windowr. lTiadows such as ttese also make small rooms look largcsiacreesc the effect of rpaciouroesr.

wooDwoR K

Maximum Prices of Softwood Lumber From Dftribution Yards Set bv OPA

San Francisco, Sept. 4Establishment of maximum prices for sales of softwood lumber from distribution yards, including such important industrial lumbers as Southern pine, Western pine, Douglas fir and hemlock, was announced today by Price Administrator Leon Henderson, the regional OPA reported.

The new regulation-titled maximum price regulation No. 215, distribution yard sales of softwood-is the first lumber schedule which deals with shipments of lumber from distribution yards, all previous specific regulations having applied only to sales where shipment originates at mills.

The species of softwood covered by the measure include all woods for which maximum mill prices have been established in previous specific regulations, or over 90 per cent of all softwood normally handled by distribution yards. The regulation, which removes these softwoods 'sold by yards from the provisions of the General Maximum Price Regulation, is effective September lO, 1942.

"IJse of the March, 1942, base for yard sales of softwood lumber has caused complaints of inequities in some instances and, in others, has provided sellers with unwarranted profit margins," the administrator explained. "The need for general relief in some areas, and downward revision in prices in other areas, has become apparent."

Specific dollars and cents prices are established by the regulation, the individual seller determining his maximum price according to the sum of several charges and additions. The ceiling price is the sum of :

tice of determining selling prices. Its effect on the prices yards have been charging under the general regulation will vary, depending upon how closely the individual distributor's prices are adjusted to the mill ceiling price for lumber.

Application of the formula will give relief to distributors whose March selling prices do not reflect certain increases in costs. A yard, for example, whose prices under the general regulation were based on water transportation rated for incoming material, rather than the more expensive rail transportation now being used, will realize a more normal margin under the formula.

The F.O.B. mill maximum price of the formula is based on the regulation which governs the lumber being purchased -maximum price regulation No. 19, Southern pine; maximum price regulation No. 26, Douglas fir and other West Coast lumber; revised price schedule No. 94, Western pine lumber; and maximum price regulation No. 104, red cedar shingles.

Price Changes inl(/estern Wooden Agricultural Containers

Washington, September 2.-Certain minor changes in price schedules contained in maximum price regulation No. 186 (Western wooden agricultural containers) are made in amendment No. I to the regulation issued today by the Office of Price Administration. price. The amendment also contains clarifying interpretations

l. The F.O.B. mill maximum price for the lumber as determined by the specific regulation governing the mill

2. Inbound freight to the distribution yard as calculated which specify that all "northwest items" not contained in on the basis of a table contained in appendix A of the regu- table 2 of the schedule are to be priced according to table lation. l. In addition, the amendment sets forth the proper

3. Handling charges of-(A) $5.00 per thousand feet for method for calculating footage where prices are stated to lumber, (B) .30 per square for shingles, and (C) . .60 be per thousand feet. This provides that footage shall be per hundred pieces for lath. determined according to the method set forth in "tariff No.

4. A mark-up of 10 per cent of the total of these items. 1, official box and crate specifications of the Pacific division

This pricing method follows the traditional industry prac- of the National Wooden Box Association," as revised.

LOS ANGELES Pecoleun Bldg. PRorpect 3127 Mael)onald & Harringtono Ltd. 16 California Street, San Francisco GArfield 8393 WHOLDSAI,ENS OF ALI, lvEST COAST LUMBEB PBOITUCTS Creosoted and Volmanized Lurrber and Pilitg RAIL end CARGO PORTLAND Pittocl BlocL BRoedwey 1217

Loggerr Given Overtimc Plan

Washington, Sept. 3.-In an effort to combat the shortage of labor in West Coast logging, Price Administrator Leon Henderson tonight ordered revisions in price regula: tions, including the establishment of an "overtime addition" system.

Mr. Henderson said the "overtime" system would permit overtime operations and stimulate maximum utilization of available manpower,

The "overtime addition" system permits graduated increases in the prices for logs, in accordance with the extent of the individual company's overtime operations. fn addition, Mr. Henderson ordered an upward adjustment in the ceiling price of hemlock, white fir and noble fir logs.

The order also included the establishment of maximum prices for the new aircraft grade of hemlock and noble fir logs. The order becomes effective September 9.

"The seriousness of this shortage," said Mr. Henderson, "is seen in the fact that the War Production Board estimates lumber production during the current year will fall short of probable demand by six billion feet."

Mr. Henderson said studies in the northwest area had demonstrated that the most important impediment to an increase in lumber production, or even the maintenance of normal production, was the shortage of labor.

"The present amendment establishing a system of overtime additions for overtime operations is designed to make it possible for logging companies to pay overtime labor at the rate of time and a half, and also by encouraging them to extend their operations to the very maximum which is physically possible," Mr. Henderson commented.

The order provides the following specific additions to ceiling prices for overtime production:

For forty-nine to fifty-three hours of operation, $1 additional per thousand feet log scale; fifty-four to fifty-nine hours, $1.50 per thousand; sixty hours or more, $2 per thousand.


Eigrh Eaily Strength


Gucrrcrnleed lo meet or exceed requircncnts ol Americcnr Society tor Testbg Matericls Specilicctions lor High Ecrrly Sbength Portland Cement, cs well cs Federal Specilicctions lor Cement, Portlcnd, High-Ecnly-Strength, No. SS-G201.


(28 dcry concrete sbengths in 2{ hours.)


(Result oI compound composition cnd usuclly tound only in specicl cements desigmed lor this purpose.)


(Extremely sevcre auto-clcve tesl resultB consistently indiccrte prcrcticclly no expcrnsion or conlrcrction" thus elimincting one oI most diflicult problems in use ol c high ecrrly sbength cenenL)

Mr. Henderson said the increase in price of logs will not be reflected in a higher

of logs would offset to a considerable extent the increase in price.

A comparison of the new prices for thousand feet long scale for typical grades with those originally established follow: (New prices and old, respectively.)

Western hemlocks-Aircraft grade, $35 (no old price) ; suitable for peeling, $27 (unchanged); No. l, g23 and $21.50; No. 2, $17 and $15.50.

Western white fir-Suitable for peeling, $27 and 1, $23 and $20.50; No. 3, $17 and $14.50.

Noble fir-Aircraft grade, $45 (no old price) ; suitable for peeling, $35 and $26; No. 1, $23 and 920.50; No.3, $17 and $14.50.

The prices are for the Puget Sound district. Most difierentials in price remain unchanged.


(Users' cssurcrnce of lresh stoch unilonnity crad proper results lor concrete.)

PACIED ITI ilOISTURD. PNOOr GNEETI PAPDR SAGT STAIIPDII WITH I}ATD that reduction steady supply in cost of price for the finished lumber, production resulting from a No.

by SOUTHWESTERI{ PORTT.AIII' CET}IIIIT COIIIPAilT ql our Victorville, Cclilonric, "Wet Proc$a" Mill. 727 Wesl Sevenlh Street Lor Angeles, Cclilprnlc

lrlV alauonife Sfuul

BV la,oh Saatn

Age not guarantccd---Some I have told for 20 yets-"Some Less

No Name Needed

My friend Tom Wier comes through every now and then with a story' and when he does it is generally a dandy' He let me have the following the other day, and I mark it "A"

Vertical Grain:

A company of colored soldiers were under heavy enemy fire, and bullets sung and bombs burst in all directions. One of them was highly nervous. He ducked and dodged every time a bullet whined, or a bomb burst, somewhat to the amusement of some of his squad. Finally the colored soldier next to him said:

"Lookahere, Boy, why for is you doin' so much dodgin'


. White ash, beech, birch, cherry, elm, gum, hackberry, hickory, hard maple, red and white oak, pecan and sugarberry are among the hardwoods which now have replaced steel to make bunks for America's soldiers.

an' duckin' eve'y time dem bullets come past? Dat don' do no good, an' dey ain't no sense to h'it. Donr you know dat if'n one o' dem bullets is got you' name on h'it, h'it ain't gwine do you no good to dodge; an' if none of dem ain't got you' na*b ott dem, dey caint hit you? So why don'you quit duckin lak you is?"

The nervous soldier said: "Well, Boy, maybe you'se right bout dat name stuff. But de bullets whuts I'm dodgin' from is de ones whuts marked 'TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN.'"


In Olympic National Park, Washington, on a bench 40O feet above Lake Quinault, in a heavy growth of hemlock, stands the nation's largest Western Red Cedar' This imposing tree is 62 f.eet,8 inches in circumference.


Lumber Plant Jobs


Coast States

Washington, Sept. 7.-Workers in the nonferrous metal and lumber industries in 12 West Coast states today were forbidden to switch to other jobs without first obtaining specific permission from the U. S. Employment Service.

Acting to check man power losses which he said already had reduced production of copper, other nonferrous metals and lumber, Chairman Paul V. McNutt of the War Man Power Commission designated the 12-state area as a "critical labor area."

Describing it as an employment stabilization plan, Mr. McNutt's order said it was designed to halt wasteful pirating and migration of workers engaged in the production of essential nonferrous metals and lumber.

The order directed all departments and agencies of the Federal Government to "take all steps which may be necessary or appropriate" to insure observance of the regulations.

The "critical labor area," the first to be established in the country, is composed of Arizona, Colorado, Idaho, Montana, Utah, Wyoming, California, Nevada, Oregon, Washington, New Mexico, and Texas.


Gilmore O'Neill,'formerly of O'Neill Lumber Co., San Francisco, recently visited San Francisco. He is a corporal in the Army Air Corps at Cochran Field, Macon, Ga., and has passed the examination for Officers Training School.


Three shifts oI Pcrul Bunycn's crews cre bearing down night cnd dcry crs mill cnd lcrctories cre under lull production With wood products vitcrlly necesscry lor so mcny Wcrr requirements the lumber worker is perlorming crn indispenscble iob.

"DUROID' Electro Gatvanized "DURO" BnoNze SOLDIERS

ODT Will Control Commercial Vehicles

Washington, Sept. 8.-The Office of Defense Transportation announced tonight it will assume sweeping control over millions of the nation's commercial vehicles November 15, including rationing of gasoline, tires, tubes and accessories to such vehicles.

Described by ODT as "a drastic move to obtain further conservation of such equipment for war purposes," the order will supplement conservation regulations already in effect.

Approximately 5,000,000 trucks, 150,000 busses, upwards of 50,000 taxicabs and similar vehicles will be required to carry a certificate of war necessity in order to obtain fuel, tires, tubes and accessories.

The certificate will govern the maximum mileage that may be operated or the minimum loads that may be carried or both.

The order applies to all types of trucks and all other vehicles built primarily for the purpose of transporting property, except motorcycles, and all vehicles used in the transportation of passengers or which are available for public rental including ambulances and hearses, but not including private passenger cars.

Joseph B. Eastman, ODT director, said the certificates will be used with the objective of assuring that:

1.-Operations be confined to those necessary to the war effort or to the essential domestic economy.

2.-Operations be so conducted as to attain maximum use of the equipment.

3.-The operators conserve and use providently rubb'er and other critical materials.

Local law enforcement officers will be expected to report to ODT any instance of a vehicle being operated without a valid certificate in violation of the order.

Applications for certificates must be made to ODT field offices. Approximately 50 of these offices now are in operation and the number will be increased possibly to 150.

Under an arrangement between ODT and the Office of Price Administration, coupons authorizing the purchase of

gasoline, tires and tubes will be issued only to operators presenting certificates.

Vehicles exempt from the order, in addition to private passenger cars, include:

Commercial vehicles operated by or under the direction of the military services; commercial vehicles operated by dealers exclusively for the purpose of selling them, and motor vehicles having a capacity of not more than seven persons which are used in group riding to haul persons to and from work. if the vehicles are not used in other service for compensation.

OPA Rules on Stevedoring Prices for War Procurement Agencie3

San Francisco, September 2.-In order td facilitate dispatch of essential war materials, the Office of Price Administration today exempted from price control the rates and charges for stevedoring and for car loading and car unloading when these services are supplied under a contract for any war procurement agency, the regional office reported.

The exemption is contained in amendment No. 1 to revised supplementary regulation No. 11. Stevedoring and car loading and unloading when performed other than under a contract with a war procurement agency remains subject to price regulation.


Roy Dewey, partner in Concord Lumber Co.; Concord, Calif., who recently took the .course for Army Air Corps instructor at Douglas, Ariz., passed first in a class ol 27, and was the only one to pass in his first try.

He has had offers of positions from both United and Pari American Air Lines since passing the examination.

SUIDDEN & GHRISTENSON Lrlmber and Shipping 7th Floor, Alaska Commercial Bldg., 310 Sansome Street, San Francisco LOS ANGELES 630 Board of Tradc Bldg. BRANCH OFFICES SEATTLE 617 Arctic Bldg. PORTLAT{D 200 HcnrT Btdg.

Sash and Door Wholesalers Golf Tournament Sept, 24

The wholesale sash and door industries will hold a golf tournanent at the Potrero Golf and Country Club, 1640 East Manchester Blvd., Inglewood, Calif., Thursday afternoon, September 24, 1942. All members of the industry and their friends are invited. The tournament will start at 1:00 p.m.

The prizes include the Hollywood Door, Cal-Dor and Bohnhoff Lumber Company trophies, and other awards will be made to the winners of the various special events. Dinner will be served in the Club House at 6:30 p.m. and will be followed by the presentation of prizes and cards. The arrangements committee includes Ed Bauer, Orrin Wright, Frank Gehring and Earl Galbraith. Reservations can be made by calling Earl Galbraith, Gladstone 6541, Los Angeles.

Amendment 1 to Conservation Order M-208

3049.L (Conservation Order M-208) is amended in the following respects:

1. Paragraph (5) of List A is amended to read as follows:

(5) Replacement in inventory of an equal number of board feet of substantially similar items of softwood lumber delivered after Sep[ember 1,1942 for uses speci- fied in L!9t A, subject to the provisions of Paragraph (e) and (2) of. this order.

2. Paragraph (5) of List B and Paragraph (5) of List C are revoked.

3. Paragraph (b) is amended by adding at the end thereof a new Paragraph (4) as follows:

(4) Preference Ratings extended after September 11, 1942,pursuant to paragraph (c)(1)(ii) of Priorities Reg- ulation No. 3 for replacement of inventory of softwoot lumber delivered on Class 1'orders may be so extended only. to an equal number of board feet of substantially similar items thereof delivered on Class I orders subsequent to September l, 1942. Preference Ratings assigned by Paragraph (5) of List A of this order m1v be applied or extended only for the replacement in inven- t9.I of an equal number of board feet of substantially similar items delivered subsequent to September I,1942, for the uses specified in said List A. Preference Ratings shall not be applied or extended for the replacement in inventory of softwood lumber delivered for the uses specified in List B or C of this order.

Preference Ratings applied or extended prior to Septem- ber 1, 1942, to orders for softwood lumber for replacement in inventory to which ratings may not be applied under this Sub-paragraph (4), are hereby revoked.

Issued this 11th day of September, 1942.

Certified: John P. Gregg


The effective date of WPB Order L-179, which prohibits the exclusive allocation of storage space for Portland cement to any customer, has been postponed. to September 20 in Amendment No. 2.

Jle lrf"nlaf Bui*ntt The
had a fight on his hands
he won. We can win ours, too, if we mean busi.
! W-e are doing our part. Are you? DISTRIBUTOR OF VITAL VICTORY MATERIALS GEORGE D. BEAM CO. 235 South Alameda Street Los Angeles Dealers Seroice
Minute at Concord Man who stood meant
! He



From the September 1'd.'. lg22 Issue

Wilfred Cooper, who resigned his position as Los Angeles manager for J. R. Hanify Company, opened a wholesale lumber office in Los Angeles.

The Henry Hess Co. & Schlosser Lumber & bought the business Mill Company at San of the Jensen Rafael.

Napa Lumber Company, Napa, remodeled its offices to include a plan service and display room and a department for paints and hardware.

The yards in the Imperial Valley operated under the name of Imperial Lumber & Commercial Company \Mere changed to Kerckhofr-Cuzner Mill & Lumber Co.

An article on the Tracy with picture of the office Lumber Company, Tracy, Calif., building, appeared in this issue.

A photograph of the miniature house the Sterling Lumber Company entered in the Fourth of July parade at Roseville was published in this number. The house was miniature

so far as a home was concerned, but just the right size for a playhouse. Tickets were distributed among the little girls of Roseville. The lucky number was held by Miss Corrinne Bush, and the house was delivered to her home. It was completely finished inside and out and painted in attractive colors.

Fifty kittens were initiated into Hoo-Hoo at a concatenation held at the Arch Beach Tavern, Arch Beach. The arrangements were in the hands of a committee including Roy Stanton, Gus Hoover, Iferman Rosenberg, A. H. Laws, C. J. Laughlin and Frank Connelly.

An article on E. J. Stanton & Son, oldest California Pine distributors and veteran hardwood wholesalers. was in this issue.

The Lions Club of Santa Ana held a meeting in the new office building of the Barr Lumber Company at Santa Ana. Walter Spicer was chairman of the meeting. The speakers were O. H. Barr, head of the company, and Jack Dionne, publisher of The California Lumber Merchant.

DOUGI.AS FIN PORT ONFOBD CEDAR srrrA sPnuc,E NOBI.E FIR POIIDEROSA PIIIE HEMTOCT NED CEDAB NED CEDAN SHINGIES SAN FNANCISCO Seth L Butler 2'14 Front SL GArlield 0292 MODESTO W. H. Winlree 420 Myrtle Ave. Modesto 3874 LOS ANGEI.ES Hetmcor A. Srnitb 812 7- 59rb Sr ADos 8l0l
Sash Doors Millwork
\(/all Board CALIFORNIA 700 6th Avenue, Oakland Hlsrte &16 BUILDERSST'PPLY CO. 15dr & McCormick Stl. Sacramcnto SAcrrmcnto 9-0788

New Ponderosa Pine Woodwork Book

A new and up-to-date edition of "Open House"-a 32-page idea book which, last year, enjoyed a distribution of more than 120,000 copies-has just been published by Ponderosa Pine Woodwork.

Re-designed, and containing a wealth of new pictures and new suggestions, this new edition provides maximum selling aid for Ponderosa Pine Woodwork dealers in today's three big markets-war building and housing-farm home modernization-and, civilian remodeling and repair. It makes a powerful bid, on behalf of dealers, for business today and tomorrow, presents scores of ideas adaptable to farm home modernization, contains a multitude of suggestions for civilian modernization, suggestions well within the 9200.00 limit set by the War Production Board.

The primary purpose of the book is to show how, through the use of doors, windows and woodwork of Ponderosa Pine, does help to increase convenience and brighten living for today and tomorrow. A section of the book, for example, is devoted to the problem of providing extra space for living, either in order to house growing families or war workers, through adding extra rooms in attic or basement. Considerable attention is paid to providing adequate storage space through the use of practical closets.

Other ideas contained in the book concern planning for "double duty" rooms-utilizing garage space for other purposes, saving fuel through the use of storm sash and storm doors, judging woodwork quality and caring for woodwork.

Lumber dealers may obtain one free sample copy of the new "Open House" by writing to Ponderosa Pine Woodwork, 111 West Washington St., Chicago, Illinois. Quantity copies are obtainable at the nominal price of 10 cents each.


Mr. and Mrs. Robert P. Baugh are receiving congratulations from their many friends on the arrival of a baby daughter, Catherine Dix, born at St. Luke's Hospital, Pasadena, on September 7. Mr. Baugh is in the wholesale lumber business in Los Angeles.


Benj. Ostlind, sales engineer, California Panel & Veneer Co., Los Angeles, will return September 2l from a three weeks' business and pleasure trip to the Northwest.


310-314 East 32nd Strcet

ADamg 4225

Advertisements like this are appearing regularly in Business Week, Architectural Forum, Engineering News Record, and American Builder & Buildinq Age. They tell businessmen, Government and industrial executives, architects and builders how the use of wood is speeding construction of wartime projects. They promote the use of wood.

Itey tell, also, the bene- Iitsof using WoLnanized Lumber on lhese projects- how this vacuum-pressure impregnated wood ansures long life and low upkeep costs for this construction, through its ability to resist decay and term.ite attack. Itese are advantages that every one of the readers of *his sdysrtising appreciates.

You are certain to profit by the postwar demand being built up. Wobnanized Lumber is distributed nationally through regular trade channels. American Lumber & Treating Co., I G4SMcCormick Building, Chicago, Illinois. tBegtrtered Trade Marl

Los Angeles: lo3l South Broadway PRospect 4363

Sau Francisco: 116 New Moulgonery St. SUfter 1028



When you're lost in the wild, and you're scared as a child, And death looks you bang in the eye, And you're sore as a boil, it's according to Hoyle, To cock your revolver-and die. But the code of a man, says "Fight all you can," And self-destruction is barred, In hunger and woe, oh, it's easy to blow, It's the hell-served-for-breakfast that's hard.

"You're sick of the game?" Well, now that's a shame. You're yowrg, and you're brave, and you're bright. "You've had a raw deal?" I lrrow, but don't squeal, Buck up, do your damndest, and fight. It's the plugging away that will win you the day, So, don't be a piker, old pard, Just draw on your grit; it's so easy to quit; ft's keeping your chin up that's hard.

It's easy to cry that you're beaten-and die; ft's easy to crawfish, and crawl; But to fight and to fight, when hope's out of sight, Well, that's the best game of them all. And though you come out of each gruelling bout, All broken, and beaten, and scarred, Just have one more try-it's easy to dieIt's, the keeping-on-living that's hard.


The wife of the man who on trial for burglary, was a witness for the defense, was being vigorously and sarcastically by the prosecutor. She was losing her temper, but hy'didn't sense it until too late. So he asked:

"Madam, isn't it a a burglar before you that you knew your husband was him? Answer yes or no." "r did."

"Then, may I marry him?" how, knowing that fact, you came t'Becauset' said icily, "you see, f was getting a bit old and couldn't choosey, and I had to choose between a burglar and a


Enthusiasm is the money, and power,

greatest asset in the world. It beats and influence. Single-handed the en-

thusiast convinceS and dominates, where the wealth accumulated by a small army of workers would scarcely raise a tremor of interest.

Enthusiasm tramples over prejudice and opposition, spurns inaction, storms the citadel of its object, and like an avalanche overwhelms and engulfs all obstacles. It is nothing more or less than faith in action.-Henry Chester.


Charge for entering bank: front door, 50 cents; back door,25 cents.

Charge for spitting on bank floor: plain, bacco juice, 20 cents.

l0 cents; to-

Charge for asking for your bank balance: in civil manner, 50 cents; in quarrelsome manner, $1.00; second time, $2.50; third time, $

Charge for cussing a bank officer: President, $1.00; Cashier, 50 cents; teller, 25 cents; any Vice-President, no charge.

Charge for leaning on teller's window, one elbow; 50 cents; both elbows, $1.O0; for leaning on President's desk, $s.00.

Charge for requesting a loan: hopelessly, $1.0O; persistently, $2.50; profanely, $5.0O.

Charge for keeping a date in bank lobby: with brunette, 50 cents; with blonde, $1.00; with redhead (if you introduce her to the bank gang), no charge

Charge for keeping President from golf game, 9100.00.

Advice to farmers entering bank: "Remember, only the birds sing free."


The colored stable boy in a well known racing stable, was bragging long and loud about the speed and future fame of a certain two-year-old they had in one of the stalls. Finally he attracted tlre attention of another colored gent who was rubbing down a horse nearby.

"Black boy," said this second one, "urho is de sire ob date won'erful hoss you done talkin' so loud erbout, anyhow? I craves to know who am his pappy?'

The braggart, studied a moment, and then said:

"Well, you know sumpin, Mistuh, diss heah colt is SO fass, dat he done run erway fum home so guick, he nevah Iearned his pappy's name." ,,

Mr. and Mrr. Frank Curran Celebrate Golden \(/edding Anniverlary

Mr. and Mrs. Frank Curran celebrated their golden wedding anniversary at their home, 213O Victoria Drive, Santa Ana, Sunday afternoon, September 6, 1942, They were married in Rochelle, Ill., and lived in Dixon, Ill., several years before coming to Los Angeles to reside in 1901. Thej' lived in Pomona, San Pedro and Beverly Hills before making their home in Santa Ana.

They received congratulations from more than two hundred of their friends during the afternoon. Their daughters, Frances, Esther, Catherine and Ailen, and their two sons, Howard and Frank, Jr., assisted in receiving. They were the recipients of many beautiful gifts. Among the guests were Mr. and Mrs. James Curran, brother and sister-inlaw of Mr. Curran, who celebrated their fifty-fifth wedding anniversary last May.

Mr. Curran is widely known in California lumber circles. In 1X)2, with his brother. the late Charles P. Curran, he started in the lumber business in Pomona. He left Pomona in 1905, going with the E. K. Wood Lumber Co. of Los Angeles, and was with them for thirty years, advancing to the position of general manager of Southern California operations. In 1915, he sold his interests in the yard at Pomona to his brother, Charles P. and his two nephews, Philip and Gerald V. Curran. For the past seven years he has operated the Frank Curran Lumber Co. with yards at Santa Ana, Huntington Beach and Orange, and is assisted in the business by his two sons, Howard and Frank, Jr.




For BOIH Your Presen]-Day lt.arkets

There's business to be had it tuto nrajot markets todaydefense housing and private moderoization and repair in non-defense areas. Irboth these markets, Curtis lout'cost stock architectural woodwork is a key that unlocks sales oppornrnities!

Keep Step with the Times-Sell Woodwork fhol'l in fuac Quickly available, Curtis woodwork has the charm and alpeal-that give you exca s6lling help-because it is designed by prbminent architects. It has the economy that biyers dimand-it has the quality and value you need to clinch the argument. And it's available in a complete linefor Curtis mlkes everything in builders' woodwork-all slacl designs.

Let Curtis help you make the most of today's oppo4uni; ties-and lay the irouodwork for greater future sales. Mail the couoon ior aai ioformation desired. $7'rite us if you have some jpecial woodwork iob coonected with war q'ork. Ve ar6 equipped to produce aaythiog io woodwork, quickly, economically.


It ir temita ond deccy resistot crd lirc retarding-. You cqn scll it lor F.H.A., U. S. Governnent, los Angelee City cnd County md Uniform Buildino Code lobs. CZC lrcated Iumber ir stocked for immediolS shipmetiLt in comercidl sizcs cl long Beoch od Alcmedc. Agk obout our e:chogc serice drd mill shipment pldn.

Gdllqrb tdr ttrrlr - f,EST-CorST W000 PnESERVIIIG C0. - Srdtlr gll W. Fitlh Si., Lor Aagclrr, Cclil., Phoac Mlqbtga! 8291 33il Montgonery St., Sa! Ficacirco, Ccl., Phonr DOuglcr 3883

lumber thot yields c prolil od lctlug sctistcction. CZC, the protected lu;ober, is clecm, odorless cnd pdintdblo.
P RTSI-U RE TREATEII tU iI BER Mantcl @55. One ol tbc Drcrthi d loucst'tticed mzttak in Artis line.
-1021. A Cbita Casc C-6521. Idc.t lo" vc doot- smallbomc,O*olsuralCtrtis 'ntv. tucl czbinct deigilr.
Addres..............'.... t'. Gr1.....,.,.... Sr,te '... '. '.
Cunrrs Corrpemrs Srnvrcs Bunseu Curtis Buildiog, Clintoo, Iowa Tcll ne more about telling Csrtis saock erchitectunl woodwotk' Nanc...........

Non-Climbable Property-Protection \flood


Wood has been called upon to play innumerable new roles in the war efiort not only because it is well suited for the jobs but to relieve the pressure on critical materials. Typical example is the nonclimbable wood fence designed by the product development laboratory of General Timber Service, Inc., for Weyerhaeuser Sales Company for the protection of ordnance plants, air fields, shipyards and industrial properties. It is made of durable Douglas Fir in three heights-4, 7 and 8 footand is shipped knocked down in carload quantities only with all parts or members accurately machined for easy assembly. In each lO-foot section there are 21 pointed pickets 2"x2"x6 held between two 2"x4" rails at top and bottom. Rails are notched to one-half the thickness of the pickets so that the two faces of the rails meet. End of rails are supported in notches which are cut into a pair of mortised strips, or cleats, that are fastened to the wide sides of the posts. This method of fabrication leaves the post intact and promotes economical, rapid erection. The 20" pickets on the guard rail are pointed at both ends and are set at a 45o angle.


' Auburn, Calif., Sept. 3.-Roy Mikkelson, twice national ski jumping champion and member of the 1932 and, 1936 Olympic Games American teams, has left to enlist in the mountain infantry troops.

Roy, who was born in Norway, is a naturalized American. He has been employed in defense work at Auburn for the past six months, and for the past several years has been associated with the Auburn Lumber Company.


C. R. (Bob) Taenzer, president American Hardwood Co., Los Angeles, rvill leave September 17 on a three week's trip to the East and South. He will be accompanied by Mrs. Taenzer and their daughter, Gay, who will visit relatives in Kansas and meet him later in Memphis.

Mr. Taenzer will attend the annual convention of the National Hardwood Lumber Association at Chicago, September 24 and 25, and will make a tour of the hardwood mills following the convention.

HItL iloRTON, INC. Dennison St. Wharf Oakland, Galif, Main Office, ANdovet tO77-E Douglas Fir Commons Rough Clears Finish Carier Service Truck and Carload Delivery IISTRTAMI,TIIED S[RVIC[" First St. & Platt Ave. Fresno, Galif. Branch Ofice, ,A%3 t'Royal" Oak Flooring USG Weathenuood and Wool Plywood and Panels Fir and Redwood Lumber Shingtes and Lath


Dale Fischer, sales manager, Fischer Lumber Co., Marcola, Ore., and Mrs. Fischer were in San Francisco recently on a vacation trip.

Harcy G. Hood, Francisco, returned Dolbeer & Carson Lumber Co., San from vacation September 8.

Floyd Elliott, Schafer Bros. Lumber & Shingle Co., San Francisco, and Mrs. Elliott, recently had an enjoyable vacation trip to Lake Tahoe.

Nelson E. Jones, Jones Hardwood Co., San Francisco, left September 12 on an eastern trip. He will visit hardwood mill connections in the South and will attend the annual convention of the National Hardwood Lumber Association in Chicago, September 24 and 25.

L. S. Turnbull, Shevlin Pine geles, is back from his vacation ern California.

Sales Company, Los Anwhiqh was spent in North-

Sam Thomas, back from three American Hardwood Co., weeks' vacation spent at Los Angeles, is Santa Cruz.

Leslie Lynch, Patten-Blinn Lumber Co., Los Angeles, vacationed the past few weeks at Del Mar, Calif.

W. J. (Bill) Glasson, Glasson Lumber & Mill Co., San Diego, and W. D. (Bill)'Duirning, Southern California representative of L. J. Carr & Co., Sacramento, have returned from a business trip to. San Francisco and Sacramento. While in the north they attended the wedding of Miss Ann Carr, daughter of Mr. L, J. Carr, to Lieutenant Dickson of the U. S. Army.

George S. Melville, manager of the Los Angeles office of Simpson Industries, Inc., was back at his desk September 8 after a vacation trip to San Francisco.

E. K. Wood Lumber Co., Los Angeles, has purchased the Guy Tyler Lumber Co. at Whittier, Calif.

After thirty-five years in the lumber business, A. J. (Red) Hetherington of Altadena, Calif., advises that he has now switched to the steel industry. He is connected with the shipbuilding division of the Consolidated Steel Company at Wilmington as head of the office of the Shipwright Outfitting Department. He reports that he is very much pleased with the work.

His son, Bud, is in the Naval Air Division of the Navy Reserve and is in training at Los Alamitos.

Y Celotex advertising is appearing in 1O3 different magazines this year! It is reaching every reader connected with the building business! To farm owners -to home owners-to industrial and military executives-to contractors and craftsmen, goes the word that countless current building problems can be met with materials you sell, including Celotex Building Products!

Tbis adoe*ising is aimed dt loar crstomen! It gives them definite facts at a time when they need help in sorting out such facts from the maze of statements r'egarding goverr-ent rulings. Read these ads and gear your business to meet your customers' needs! They want your help to solve their problems!

Advertising Urges Owners to Lel Homes Deteriorote


In Armed Toroes * * *

Here uill be listeil, frorn isare to isnte, runnps of nen front the lumber hd,ustrA u>ho lwoe eftered, war seruice, ln any branch of the atmeil forces. Phase send in tlw rumes of arry Itmfuerman gou knous of tlwt ue canlist here.

Robert F. DeFrieg The Diamond Match Company, Arbuckle .i.... Navy

Wesley Vannote, The Diamond Match Company Auburn .... Marines

Kenneth'Warren, The Diamond Match Company, Colusa Navy

Morgan W. Jellett, The Diamond Match Company, Chico .. Army

Walter N: Oliver, The Diamond Match Company, Chico .. Army

Frank W. Seaman, The Diamond Match Company, Chico . Army

Herbert R. Young, The Diamond Match Company, Chico . Army

Paul Evans, The Diamond Match Company, Chico..Army

Frank B. Sawyer, The Diamond Match Company Chico Army

James R. Wall, Jr., The Diamond Match'Company, Chico Naval Reserve

Merl M. Welch, The Diamond Match Company, Chico .. Navy

W. Morris Brooks, The Diamond Match Company, Chico .. Coast Guard

Martin Bruggeman, The Diamond Match Company, Chico .. Army

George E. Burnight, The Diamond Match Company, Chico . Army

Joseph Butchke, The Diamond Match Company, Chico . Army

Vincent P. Colma, The Diamond Match Company, Chico Army

R. Cornell, The Diamond Match Company, Chico...Army

L. Presley Dean, The Diamond Match Company, Chico Army

L. Domingues, The Diamond Match Company, Chico...... .. Army

Robert R. Dutton, The Diamond Match Company, Chico . .... Air Corp

Glen Orlie Earnest, The Diamond Match Company Chico Army

Douglas D. Finley, The Diamond Match Company, Chico .. Army

Gene Fisher, The Diamond Match Company, Chico..Army

Darrell Dwight Fuller, The Diamond Match Company, Chico .. Army

Elmo Gifford, The Diamond Match Company, Chico.Army

Jesse Gillum, The Diamond Match Company, Chico..Army

Joseph Gonzales, The Diamond Match Company Chico Navy

Wiliam M. Green, The Diamond ]\{atch Company, Chico .. Army

Elmer lfanseq, The Diamond Match Company, Chico Navy

David Hardin, The Diamond Match Company, Chico.Navy

Joseph M. Harr, The Diamond Match Company, Chico .. Army

Clifford Henderson, The Diamond Match ComparJy, Chico Air Corp

M. Jarboe; The Diamond Match Company, Chico...Army

E. E. Jefferies, The Diamond Match Company, Chico Army

C. D. Keffer, The Diamond Match Company, Chico..Army

E. L. Kenyon, The Diamond Match Company, Chico.Army

W.. R. Kenyon, The Diamond Match Company, Chico

Leamon Lambert, The Diamond Match Company, Chico

Patrick R. Madero, The Diamond Match Company, Chico Army

P. Maderos, The Diamond Match Company, Chico...Army

John Martin, The Diamond Match Company, Chico..Army

Ancil P. McNett, The Diamond Match Company, Chico Coast Guard

C. Moural, The Diamond Match Company, Chico....Army

Ray Mowrey, The Diamond Match Corhpany, Chico. .Army

Woodrow Nelson, The Diamond Match Company, Chico

Robert A. Noel, The Diamond Match Company, Chico

Edgar N. Olsen, The Diamond Match Company, Chico . ;. .. . Coast Guard

Merrill K. Pearl, The Diamond Match Company, Chico Coast

David N. Pehrson, The Diamond Match Company, Chico

H. Pentico, The Diamond Match Company, Army Chico Coast Guard

J. W. Reed, The Diamond Match Company, Chico...Army

Paul Reinking, The Diarnond Match Company, Chico

Irvin D. Schlaf, The Diamond Match Company, Chico

Walter Schuster, The Diamond Match Company, Chico . Coast Guard

Ward B. Stringfellow, The Diamond Match Company, Chico Navy

Leland Trumbo, The Diamond Match Company, Chico . Army

Ray Turner, The Diamond Match Company, Chico..Army

Leroy West, The Diamond Match Company, Chico..Naoy

Robert West, The Diamond Match Company, Chico. .Army

Raymond F. Winoski, The Diamond Match Company, Chico . Army

Lyle Austin'Wroe, The Diamond Match Company, Chico. .... . Army

22 THE CALIFORNIA LUMBER MERCHANT September lS, 1942 ******* * * * * otl,umber:men ***********+*
****** *
** ***********
Army Navy Army Navy Guard Army Army

Russell H. Johnson, The Diamond Match Company; Corning Army

Robert Rouse, The Diamond Match Company, Dunsmuir Navy

Arthur Lflmer, The Diamond Match Company, Fairfield Army

James A. Shelton, The Diamond Match Company, Fair Oaks . .. Army

William Larr, The Diamond Match Company, .GrassValley .. Army

Darnian A. Riedel, The Diamond Match Company, Lakeport ..... ArmY

Tony Derobertis, The Diamond Match Company, Lincoln ArmY

Elmer Ralph Bittner, The Diamond Match Company, Livermore ArmY

Jim Twohey, The Diamond Match Company, Livermore Army

Lewis Edward Thompson, The Diamond Match Company, Stirling City Army

Marvin Ray Wormington, The Diamond Match Company, Stirling City Army

Robert Ayres, The Diamond Match Company, Stockton Army

Fred J. Rossi, The Diamond Match Company, Stockton Navy

Ernest J. Ubaldi, The Diamond Match Company, Stockton ... Navy

Ranald McDonell, The Diamond Match Company, Ukiah .. Army

Manuel Fernandez, The Diamond Match Company, Vacaville Arrny

Clarence Ver Vaecke, The Diamond Match Company, Vacaville ..... Army

Carl E. Walker, The Diamond Match Company, Delmar Farhner, The Diamond Match Company, L. A. Apiary .. Marine School Williams

AI Pauk, The Diamond Match Company, Manteca. .Army

wesrey M. rownsend, rhe Diamond Match company, Herman Milll:lii

Marysville Army

Walter E. Smith, The Diamond Match Company, Jay Gamsby' The Diamond Match Company' orland ArmY Yuba citY

Arley W. Liming, The Diamond Match Company, Oroville Army

Robert F. Schoensee, The Diamond Match Company, Quincy Army

James W. Felthouse, The Diamond Match Company, Redding Armv

Henry Haley, The Diamond Match Company, Redding Army

Jack Kenyon, The Diamond Match Company, Redding Army

John Schuffenecker, The Diamond Match Company, Redding Army

Ernest Adams, The Diamond Match Company, Sacramento Marines

David A. Brown, The Diamond Match Company,

Woodrow Roche, The Diamond Match Cornpany, Walnut Creek Army Army Army Army

Arlington S. Heard, The Diamond Match Company, Yuba City .. Army

Harris Mathis, The Diamond Match Company, Yuba City Armv

Robert M. Gill, Schafer Bros. Lumber & Shingle Co., LosAngeles.... .... Army

Victor Franzen, Foxrvorth-Killen Lumber Company, Nogales, Arizona Army Air Corps

Robert Bonner, Gamerston & Green Lumber Co.. San Francisco .. .... Army

Elwin "Bud" Bucholz, Gamerston & Green Lumber Co., Oakland .... Navy

Joe Pepetone, Gamerston & Green Lumber Co.. Oakland .. . Navy

John T. Bryant, Strable Hardwood Co., Oakland. Armv

Sacramento Army J. C. "Doc" Snead, Wendling-Nathan Co.,

Floyd Walker, The Diamond Match Company, San Francisco Army Air Corps Sacramento Naval Reserve A. G. Hammond, Christenson Lumber Co..

Charles Donald Cooley, The Diamond Match Company, San Francisco .. .. Navy Stirling City . I\farines Merrill Morris, Back Panel Company, Los Angeles..Army

Ben William German, The Diamond Match Companl', Stirling City . Army

T. L. German, The l)iamond Match Company, Stirling City . Army

Clarence Jensen, The Diamond Match Company, Stirling City Army

Allen John McCarter, The Diamond Match Company, Stirling City Army

Trueman P. Pfeffer, The Diamond N{atch Compar.ry, Stirling City . Army

Karl Poehnl, The Diamond Match Company, Stirling City Army

Elgan W. Sitton, The Diamond Match Company, Stirling City . Navy

George E. Otto, California Pane & Veneer Company, LosAngeles.... .....Army

Lawrence Sorenson, American Hardrvood Co.. LosAngeles.... .....Army

L. Crawford Sorensen, United States plywood Corp., Los Angeles ...:.......Army

Nolan M. Mann, United States Plyl,ood Corp., LosAngeles.... .....Army

James J. Carroll, United States Plvrvood Corp., LosAngeles.... .....Arn-ry

Clifford L. Larsen, United States Plyn'ood Corp., LosAngeles.... .....Army

Arthur W. Michel, United States Plyrvood Corp., LosAngeles.... .....Armv.

?:i::ii Y:t:|.::::::.1'....

Questions and Answers Regarding M-208

1. Q. Does this order cover cypress?

A. Yes, this order covers all softwood lumber of all species, grades and sizes, except shingles and lath, plywood, veneer or used lumber. Cypress is a softwood.

2. Q. Should fabricators of lumber who are operating under PRP use the ratings, if any, assigned to deliveries of lumber in their PRP certificates?

A. Yes, they may also, however, apply ratings assigned in M-208 for their lumber requirements for uses covered by the lists attached to and made a part of the order.

3. Q. Does M-208 and the ratings assigned in it apply to hardwood lumber?

A. No.

4. Q. How will a person who desires to place an order for 'softwood lumber, apply or extend a preference rating to his order?

A. The purchaser may have a rating which he can use. This rating may have been assigned on a PRP certificate, a preference rating order or a PD-la or PD3a certificate, either to the purchaser himself, or extended to him by the person to whom it was assigned by WPB or other Governmental authority. He may use this rating by endorsing upon his purchase order the highest rating included within the class which embraies this ra[ing. For instance, if the rating which he has is A-l-j, he endorses A-l-a on his purchase order. This will simplify matters for distributors and producers of softwood lumber. If he does not have a rating which he may apply or extend, or if his rating is lower than the one which is assigned in M-208 fbr the particular use to which he intends to put the lumber, he may use rating assigned in M-208. He will apply this by placing a ceitificate on his purchase order in accordance with the provisions of Priorities Regulation No. 3.

5. Q. How should a distributor operale under this order?

A. tf a distributor receives an A-1-j rating, for instance, he should treat it as if it bore a rating of A-l-a because it falls within Class 3. If the distributor does not have sufficient lumber on hand to fill the clrder without reducing his inventory below a 60 day supply, he may extend the rating to a producer of softwood lumber; but he may extend only for an amount which will enable him, with lumber in inventory, to fill the order and still have a 60 day supply. He will

extend by endorsing on his purchase order a certification in accordance with the provisions of Priorities Regulation No. 3. He will not state, however, that the order bears a rating of A-l-j ; he will state instead that the order bears the rating of A-l-a. This method of handling ratings will simplily matters for the producer of softwood lumber.

6. Q. Must rated orders be accepted and filled?

A. Yes, this is governed by Priorities Regulation No. 1. This regulation, and Priorities Regulation No. 3 are basic rules of the priorities system. They should be carefully read and digested.

7.Q,May lumber for uses not specified in one of the lists, be assigned a preference rating?

A. Ratings for such uses may be assigned in proper cases on Forms PD-la and PD-3a, and by certain preference rating orders, to perqons not under PRP, and on the proper PRP forrtr to persons operating under PRP.

8. Q. Are wood products covered by this order?

A. Wood products such as flooring, cross arms, railroad ties, etc. are covered by the order, if they are a product of sawing and if they are softwood. Telephone poles and piling are not covered by the order.

9. Q. Are products fabricated of softwood, covered by the provisions of M-208?

A. No.

10. Q. How about lumber for export?

A. This order does not differentiate lumber for domestic use and lumber for export. Therefore, lumber for export is to be treated the same as though it was for domestic use.

11.Q. Is a person who finances the cut of a sawmill prohibited, under Paragraph (e), from accumulating more than a 60 day supply at the mill?

A. No, paragraph (e) restricts the delivery of softwood lumber: For the purposes of this order, a person does not accept delivery of such lumber merely by financing its production or taking title to it at the saw mill. To "accept delivery" means to take possession of the lumber when it is removed from the mill for sale or use.

12.Q.Is application or extension of preference ratings done by classes or by preference ratings?

A. Preference ratings are applied or extended by means of a certification endorsed on purchase orders pursuant to the provisions of Priorities Regulation No.

YDS SIR! WHOI.ET'TLENS ol Douglcr: Fir Ponderosa {l Sugtn Pine Cedar d Bedwood Shiaglea Cedcr Poler Fir Plywood Doon
War Bond purchases are the down payments on your best investment for the future--Peace and Contentment.

3. The classes set up in the order are simply for the purposes of grouping preference ratings so as to reduce to four the number of preference ratings which a producer of softwood lumber will have to handle.

13. Q. Must a person replace in inventory only items similar to those he used or sold?

A. No, he may replace an equivalent footage, but it need not necessarily consist of the same items.

14. Q. What is meant by the term "6O day supply?"

,4'.60 days supply is the amount that, according to a person's best judgment aided by past experience he will use (if he is a consumer) or sell (if he is a distributor) within the ensuing sixty-day period.

15. Q. What is rneant by the re.aiittg frovisi6ns contained in Paragraph (d),?

A. This paragraph means two things. First, that no order placed after September 1 may have a different preference rating applied or extended to it than the rating upon the order when placed. Second, purchase orders placed prior to Sept'ember 1, may be rerated according to the provisions of Prioiities Regulation No. 12 prior to September 17.

16. Q. Should a producer or distribulor of softwood lumber classify his present order file according to the business of his customer as set out in Lists A, B and C or should he send back his orders and ask his customers to indicate the priority rating or class?

A. Neither. A particular ordei is entitled to priority only if a preference rating is applied or extended to the order in accordance with the provisions of Regu- lation No. 3. This is true equally-of ratings assigned on a PRP certificate, or on a preference rating certificate or order, and of ratings assigned on M-208. A producer may not assume from the business of his customer that the lumber ordered bears a particular rating, or any rating at all.

17.Q.A producer or distributor has an order in his order file which is not specifically rated but is for a project carrying an A-1-a rating. If the project raling is raised after September 1, but befoie Septembei-17, can the new rating be applied or extended to the lumber order?

A. The new rating can be applied or extended lumber order only if it is applied or extended September 17.

Over EO% ..GALDOR'' PRODUGTS find their way into ARMY and NAVY PRO'EGTS through I.UITTBTR DEAI.ERS OIIIY

Complete Stocks ol SASH-IIOORS-PIYWOOD

The Galifornia Door Gonpany

Mciling Ad&egs: P. O. Box 126, Veraon Statioa 4940 DiEtrict Boulevard

New Telepbone: Klrnball 2lll


"Buy from a Wholesqler"

Mr. Lrumber Dealer:

to the before

18. Q. Replacement to a 60 day inventory of stocks to fill rated orders is permitted under M-208. How does a retailer or wholesaler indicate that his order is for . llplacement of stock sold under priority?

A. The retailer or wholesaler indicat6s thaf his order is for replacement of stock sold under priority by extending the preference rating on whith he -supplied the softwood lumber, or by applying the appliiable preference rating assigned for thi pulpose in-M-208. The provisions of Priorities Regulation No.3 governing_ application and extension of preference iatings, and replacement of inventory should be carefully noted.

l9;Q. If a distributor or producer receives an order for softwood lumber rated A-l-j from X on September 1, and one rated A-l-a from Y on Septembef 2, both (Continued on Page 26)



Use our stocks oI TIIE BEST in:








E. r. sratfrotf & sotf

{lst d Al.'rnedcr

Ios Angeles, Cqlii

TUruil TOUtDIrc & IUiIBER G|I. WHOI.ESAIE ONIY Ponderora Pinc Mouldingr end Inlcrior Finirh 9303 So.Ilooper Ave., Los Angelce LAlcyette 1922
Wholesale lu-ber d direci mill shipments.

Questions and Answers Regarding M-208

(Continued from Page 25)

orders specifying delivery on September 30, whic! , one should be filled first if he cannot fill both on time?

A. Both orders are treated as bearing A-l-a ratings. Priorities Regulation No. I provides that when two orders bear the same rating and specify the same delivery dates, the one first received in proper-form, shall have precedence. Had they specified different ' delivery dates, the one specifying the earlier date would be entitled to priority. But the producer or distrihutor should filI the other order as soon as ' possible

AO.Q.If a retailer sells 5,000 feet on Class 1 orders, 5,000 feet on Class 2 orders, 5,000 feet on Class 3 orders, 5,000 feet on Class 4 orders, and 5,000 feet on miscellaneous unclassified orders and then places an order with a mill for 25,000 feet to replace his stock, to what rating is he entitled?

A. The retailer is entitled to the rating provided in Class 1 to replace the 5,000 feet he sold to a class 1 customer. He cannot apply this rating to the total order of 25,000 feet. But he may place a single order for the 25,000 feet provided he shows as separate items the footage to which each of the four preference ratings relates.

21. -O-. Can idealer replace inventory sold on Class 1 orders?

A. Yes, by extending preference ratings received on _or- ders bearing ratings falling within Class 1; in doing so he is governed by paragraph (d) of Priorities Regulation 3.

22.Q. How long may a seller rvait befor'e replacing his inventory ?

A. A seller may extend a rating to replace inventory only within 90 days, and he may not, in replacing, swell his inventory in excess of a sixty-day supply.

23.Q.May mills sell "mill run" or mixed grades, which includes grades listed in paragraph (f) 1 (iii) or (iv), only on Class 1 or Class 2 or Class 3 orders?

A.Yes, this paragraph restricts use and delivery of the grades specified whether they are sold as such grades or whether they are included in a mill run mixed grade.

24. Q. To what rating is lumber for delivery for ships con. structed by a private shipbuilding company entitled ?

A. To the highest preference rating included within the class which embraces the rating specifically applied or extended to the order; if no rating is specifically applied or extended, and if the ship rvill be delivered to the Navy, etc., an AA-2x rating is assigned by M-m8.

25.Q. A dealer has an order for lumber for defense housing to which a project rating of AA-3 has been applied or extended. Defense housing is in List B. How should the dealer handle the order?

A. If the housing project rating of AA-3 is extended to the order for softl.vood the order is entitled to be

placed in a Class 2 regardless of the fact that defense housing is specifically listed in List B. The A-l-a assigned to defense housing in M-208 is assigned to deliveries of softwood lumber for that purpose only if no higher ratings are specifically applied or extended.

26.Q.A mill cuts nothing but 2 x 4-4 ft. from plywood bolts. Is it required to take orders for I x 4-_8 ft. which it could-manufacture but normally does not?

A. A rated order must be accepted and filled unless the lumber is of a kind which has not been usually sold by the person to whom such order is offered, and which Cither is not capable of being produced by such person without substantial alteration of or addition to such persons facilities or is readily obtainable from another person by whom it is usually sold.

27.Q. A remanufacturing plant normally buys large stocks of mill run lumber from small seasonal mills and piles it in its yard for use in the period the mills are not operating. Its inventory at certain periods must be greater than a 60 day supply. How can it avoid violation of paragraph (e) ?

A. It can only avoid violation of paragraph (e). by refraining from accepting deliveries which will swell its inventory beyond a 60 days supply. It rnay file an appeal asking for specific permission to assemble a larger inventory, but until permission is received, it must abide by the restrictions of M-208.

28.9. A rural retail yard normally makes about 75/o of its sales between September I and November 1. Such a yard mugt accumulate inventory in anticipation of the farm building season. May it consider its normal September and October sales as a sixty day supply as of September 1?

A. Yes, such a yard, may cbnsider its normal September and October sales as a sixty-day supply as of September 1.

D.Q.Paragraph (f) 1 provides that no person may use, or purchase, order or accept delivery of certain items of lumber. It does not prohibit sale. Is the seller under any obligation to determine whether restricted items ordered from him are to be used in accordance with the order?

A. No, except as provided in Paragraph (g) which prohibits him from selling such lumber which he knows or has reason to believe will be received or used in violation of Paragraph (e) or Paragraph (f).

30.Q.Does paragraph (f) 2 mean that a producer or distributor may dispose of his present inventory without regard to Order M-208?

A. No, the restriction of paragraph (f) apply to the in, ventory of a producer or distributor. Paragraph (f)

(Continued on Page 30)

Cocst Woo&
LumberTiesCrossing PlcrnksDeckingTunnel TimbersVenetian Blind Stock Also Suppliers ol SPLIT REDWOOD,
AND CNEOSOTED PRODUCTS l$2 Milh Building, Scn Frarclrco, Cd' Phoac SUttrr 75t0
Port Orford Cedar (Also known as While Cedtrr or Lcwson CyPress)

Can Do's You Still Can Do

Belore a lot of you recders stcrt telling me how much the'CAN DO'S" hcrve shruntc cmd the *CANT DO'S" have increased since we begcn tclking on thct subiect in this pcrticulcn colunn ecnly this present yecr, let me cut in cnd scry thcrt doggone well I lrrow it.

But thcrt doesn't mecn that there qren'i crny "CAN DO'S" left, cnrd thcrt cr retcil lunbering guy might cs\rell go out crnd lcll on his sword. Not by c heck oI a loi. In the first plcce, silzords hurt. In the second plcce it's c lot more fun lighting it out cnd tving to see whcrt CAN be done. Whcrt scryeth the old doggerel?

"It's ecrsy enough to be hcppy crnd gcy, When the world goes crlong with c song, But the guy thcrt's worth while Is the guy thct ccar smile

When the dcrmn world is cll going wrong."

Or eomething like thct. Excct quotcrtion not gucrrcmteed, but you get the idecr. Well, men, this is s good tirne to lind out il thcl, cmd cll the other good old mcrxirns like "hcrd going is wlrat tries the fiber of cr mcnr," recrlly mecrn sorrething-to YOU.

And, to give you something io dig your teeth into while you're tryrng to figure-cssuming thcrt you live in cr non-defense crecr-iust whct wecqrons you cre going to uee in your light for sell-preservcrlion "enduring of" the durction, cs the colored brother scid,let's iust look over the list ol possible scles thcd c lumber decler ccn ncrke todcry, in spite of crll the restrictions thcrt exist.

We've hcrd something to scy in this pcge recently about pcint selling possibilities; likewise wcrll pcper. Here crre a few more items ihcrt crre unrestricted, thci mcy mcke your ccrsh register rcrttle loud cmd strong, cmd thcrt offer your customers something lor their money thcrt will be uselul cnd prccticcrl:

RE-ROOFING. There crre more thcn 25,000,000 dwellings in the United Stctes todcry. How mcny ol those r19ed root repcrirs? How mcrny need entire rool covering replccements? The answer is MANY, MIINY MIIIIONS. No mcriter where you operate, you will lind c lcrrge percentcrge oI the dwellings in your territory cre lirst clcres roofing prospects. And remember, there is no limit plcced by lcrw on rool repciring cnd renewing where there is need? Likewise, there cre no restrictions or priorities on the ordincry roofing mcrtericls, such cs wooden shingles, csphcrlt shingles crnd roofing, crsbestos shingles, cnd other sorts ol nonmetcrl cnd non-criticcrl mctericls. Doesn't this look like crrr opportunity to do some merchandising, help your people mcke their homes more wealherprool cnd protective, keep your employes busy, cnd keep the business going? Study the roofing situction in your sclis territory, curd see whcrt it oflers the hustling merchqnl

The re-roofing idec is our mcjor offering lor todcry. , Others we will discuss in more detcil lcter. But there ARE other lines that you ccrn sell now, crnd secure all the mctericls you wcrnt. Tcrke INSTILAfiON for instcnce, lor existing structures. There is plenty of the best insulction to be hcd, trnd there is grect need lor it in the dwellings now existing. Whct is more, there is good prolit in it. Tct<e ATTIC FIMSHING, done with vcrious liber crnd other mqnulqctured wide bocrds thcrt cre qvcrilqble crt present without restriction. These same boards, or some oI them, can be used lor SHEAfiIING in repcir cnd remodeling work. They ccm even be used for shecthing under roofing in repciring cr roof, where you ccn't get shiplcp or board shecrthing lor love or money. They ccn be used innumercrble wqys tor inside repcriring of wcrlls, ceilings; for pcrrtitioning to crecte new rooms in these times when new structures ccnnot be built, cnd qdded room is needed. As one mcnrufccturer cdvertises "There is money in crcrcked ceilinEs." Money for the building mcterial dealer, replccing'or recovering those bcrd ceilings. Same with wclls.

OUTSIDE WAr'rS. You ccrn repcrir cnd rephce outside house wcrlls with vcrious forms oI mqnulcctured wide bocrrds, with wooden or with crsbestos shingles.

B(ILT-INS. You ccrn sell your cusiomers built-in wooden things for the kitchen, the closets, the librcy, the bedroom, cnd various other pcrrts oI the house. They come to you recdy, to instcrll in the old dwelling, to fumish more convenience, more becruty, more usefulness.

BEMEMBER, your trqde hqs restricted buyrng opportunities, homes, radios, ccrrs, retrigercrtors, crnd innumerqble other things, they c<rn no longer buy. But they cll occupy dwellings of some sort. And millions of fcmilies need help to mcke their living gucrrters more livcble. That's where the lumber decrler comes in It's no roycrl rocrd, thcrt's true. But it's c way to scrlvcrtion iust lhe sqme.


Economy Grain Bins

As in previous wars and emergencies, wood is again proving a real patriot in World War II. In scores of uses wood is releasing other critical materials for the weapons of war at home and abroad. Today lumber is helping the American farmer solve his paramount problem of providing for greatly increased stofage facilities to meet the bumper grain crops this year.

A very practical and economical type of wood grain bin put on the market recently is a square bin developed by the Economy Grain Bin Company. B. H. Critchfield, presi.dent of the firm, stated that the simplicity of this grain bin design, its limited use of nails and the ease of its fabrication and erection are the principal factors that appeal to the farmers, where they are being put into service as rapidly as they can be erected' Thousands of these new type of bins are now being erected in Texas, Oklahoma, Kansas, Colorado, the Dakotas, Montana, Oregon and Washington.

The Commodity Credit Corporation has awarded its largest single contract to the Oregon Grain Bin Company of Klamath Falls, Oregon, for, 6000 Economy bins of 3000 bushel capacity. The bins are being prefabricated by a group of Western Pine lumber manufacturers in the Klamath Basin of Oregon. They are shipped in knocked down form by rail to the grain-producing states of the nation. This one contract will require about 30,000,000 board feet of Ponderosa Pine and associated woods. According to G. C. Lorenz, of the Crater Lake Box and Lumber Company, which is furnishing a major portion of the material, other firms in the area who are participating, are Big Lakes Box Company, Crane Mills, Ellingson Lumber Company, Ivory Pine Company, Palmerton Lumber Company, Pelican Bay Lumber Company, Shaw Lumber Company, 'Western Pine Mills and Wheeler Pine Company.

Each bin is 16 feet squpre and 17 feet high and is set on a foundation of concrete blocks. The sidewalls, roof sheathing and other parts of the bins are constructed of Ponderosa Pine, while other native woods are used for the cross ties, floor joists and flooring. Red cedar shingles are used on the roof. The bin walls are made of Z'inch tongue and grooved material lock-jointed and cross-tied to give maximum strength and rigidity to the storage bins' It has been determined that this unique method of assembly saves 100 pounds of nails per bin as compared with ordinary nailed construction. Only 30 pounds of nails are required per bin. This is especially important when nails are such a critical item'

All the lumber items going into the construction of these bins are cut to length or notched and worked to pattern, as the case may be, at the fabricating plant. When this material, including the shingles, door hardware and nails, arrives at destination four men can erect completely as many as four grain bins a day. With such speed of erection and other advantages it is no wonder that this new type of wood bin is attracting wide attention among graiir growers everywhere.


John C. McCabe, well known San Francisco wholesale lumberman, has two sons in the Army, John C. McCabe, Jr. and William B. McCabe. John is at Camp Roberts, Calif., where he has been since September 1941' He is a corporal on the headquarters staff. William is also a corporal in a medical detachment in connection with aviation at Keesley Field, Biloxi, Miss. He has been there since last February.


Frank J. Connolly, vice-president and general manager' Western Hardwood'Lumber Co., Los Angeles, left September 4 on a business trip to Washington, D.C. He expects to attend the annual convention of the National Hardwood Lumber Association at Chicago, September 24 and 25.

3000-bushel Economy Grcin Bina in vcrioug stcgel ol co-nshuclion. Tbird bitr frorn rigbt is clrecdy being lilled. Second tie-r- ol crgss lier being set in plccJ in lelt ftont lin. Sidewcllr cre ol 2 x 12 toqgug ooa -groo".d Ponderoscr tt5;"ft"?"#ins cnd lloorins ol iultrnd
FIR-'nEIDWOOD Reprcrcnting in Southcrn Calilornla: Thc Pacif,c Lumbor Company-\{/cndling-Nathrn Co. A. L.33GUS'' HOOYEN "the Personal Seroice illan" 5925 Wilshire Blvd. Lor Angdo Tclcphone YOdc 1168

Central Procuring Agency Designated For Purchase of War Lumber

In line with previously announced plans for centralizing the purchase of materials for war projects, the Material and Equipment Section, Operations Branch, Construction Division, Office of Engineers, has been officially designated as the Central Procuring Agency to purchase lumber for war needs.

The auction system iS to be continued and will include in its scope all lumber requirements for the following agencies: War Department-Signal Corps, Quartermaster Corps, Corps of Engineers, Ordnance Department, Army Air Force, Transportation Service; Panama Canal Commission; Navy Department-Bureau of Ordnance, Bureau of Aeronautics, Bureau of Yards and Docks, Bureau of Ships, Bureau of Supplies and Accounts, Office of Procurement and material, Bureau of Medicine and Surgery, U. S. Marine Corps, U. S. Coast Guard; U. S. Maritime Commission; War Shipping Administration.

In addition to the foregoing agencies, it is expected that Lend-Lease, Defense Plant Corporation, and Treasury procurements will avail themselves of the services of the Corps of Engineers in the procurement of lumber.

None of these using-agencies may purchase lumber in any amount without authority from the Central Procuring Agency. It is expected that such authority will be granted for the purchase of initial requirements of projects in an amount not to exceed 1,000,000 feet. The expediting of lumber will be coordinated by the Corps of Engineers.

This action consolidating the purchase of lumber in the Corps of Engineers has been the result largely of recommendations and requests by the lumber industry. Lumber continues to be a critical material, however, and every manufacturer is urged to cooperate with the Central Procuring Agency in making available to the war needs every foot of lumber produced.

It is believed that if this system fails to secure needed supplies of lumber, the industry will be faced with the strictest sort of allocation program. The Corps of Engineers requests continued and increased efforts on the part of the industry in this program.


The California Redwood Association in its News Bulletin No. 15 to the trade suggests that if dealers have any questions now, or any problems later, as to how M-208 applies to Redwood, either selling, shipping or purchasing, they will be happy to have them write to the Association's offices, 405 Montgomery Street, San Francisco.


A new tuition-free timber engineering course, under the supervision of R. R. Martel of the California Institute of Technology, will start at the John Adams Junior High School, 151 West 30th Street, Los Angeles, on Thursday, September 17,1942. Charles Mackintosh will be the lecturer.

Rail Shipprcrs


Norlhera Cclilorda Reprrrcntcdvo

o. L. nussnM

ll2 Mcrhct St,, Saa Frqncisco, Telephoar YIlLoa ll8{t

Soutben CoruoFllpr€sortstiyc

Robert S. Osgood

ntl SoutL Sprilg Str.ot, Los Aageles, Telephonc Vf,ndilr 8Gl3

Ari:oac Reprerorrtatiw


P. O. Box 1865, Phoeaix, Telephonc 3ll2l




filt Your l{eeds

1900 E. l5th St., Los Angeles PRospect 4235

"Buy American" and "Keep'Em Flying"





Sincc 1888

OTTICE MII.I, YAND AND DOCTS 2nd & Alice Sts., Oqklcnd Glencourt 6881



sacnaDlHfTo Box & [Bn. G0.

L. I. GARR & G0.



We Mahe It, Get It, Sell It and SHIP IT




One or two medium capacity lumber trucks with rollers.

Quegtions and Answers Regarding M-208

(Continued from Page 26)

2 merely permits the use of softwood lumber in the inventoiy-of consumers on August 27, 1942, ot in transit to a consumer on that date.

31.Q. Does the order apply to treated lumber?

A. Yes, the order applies to all softwood lumber whether treated or untreated.

32. Q. A railroad normally carries a stock of lumber and timbers which because of occasional unusual needs may amount to a year's supply as to particular items. Can such a railroad yard replace small quantities withdrawn from time to time so as to maintain its needed emergency supply?

A. No, according to the order, no person may accept delivery of softu'ood lumber for ultimate consumption unless the lumber is required for use within 60 days after receipt

33. Q. Paragraph (f) prohibits purchase or acceptance of delivery of enumerated items except on orders of certain classes. Does this mean that one producer cannot purchase from another except for use in filling orders bearing ratings included within those classes? How can a producer buying from another know for which class order he is going to use this stock?

A. The restrictions of paragraph (f) apply to any purchaser, including a purchasing producer. No person may purchase or accept delivery of any item enumerated in paragraph(f)except on orders bearing ratings included within the classes specified in paragraph (f). If a rated order within the proper class is not applied or extended to the purchase order, the purchaser is not entitled to purchase the grades restricted by Paragraph (f). The purchaser will extend ratings extended to him, if any, or else, if he does knorv the end use of the lumber he is purchasing, he may apply the rating assigned for that purpose by M-208, provided the rating is included within the class soecified in the restrictions in Paragraph (f).

34. Q. May items not restricted under Paragraph (f) be purchased on unrated unclassified orders?

A. Yes.

35. Q. Should a retailer keep track of his small quantity sales on Class 1 to Class 4 orders.

A. If the retailer desires to replace inventory, he must keep track of preference ratings on the orders which he sells in order that he may extend these ratings; or else he must keep track of the uses listed in M-208. to rvhich his lumber goes, in order to apply the ratings assigned in M-208 for replacement. Even aside from this, all persons engaging in transactions affected by M-208 must keep full records of such transactions, and of inventories of softwood lumber.


What have you to scll in woodworking machinery in good condition?

Twohy Lumber Co., Lumber Yard Brokers' 801 Petroleum Building, Los Angeles. Telephone PRospect 8746.

36.9.Lumber is sold at Government "auctions" without - priority rating. How will the seller determine what ilass the ordel falls in?

A. It is not up to the seller to determine the class that the purchase order falls in. Until a preference rating is applied or extended to the order by the purchaser, he must treat such orders as unclasiified or unrated orders, regardless of the fact that they are purchased at Government auctions.

37.Q.What grade can be used for ladders?

A.Any grade not restricted by Paragraph (f).

38.Q.Broadly speaking, to what extent does this order apply to the manufacture of wood Venetian Blinds and to the manufacture of wood slats, head members, .and foot rails manufactured by suppliers of these parts for use by Venetian Blind manufacturers in their production of Venetian Blinds?

A. M-208 does not apply to the manufacture of Venetian Blinds, slats, head members and foot rails. It applies only to the softwood lumber used in such manufacture.

39.Q.May manufacturers of Venetian Blinds continue to - ,rse pencil cedar, basswood and magnolia for wood slats ?


May they continue to use poplar and alder for head members and foot rails?


May Venetian Blind manufacturers use all of their present inventories (and all incoming shipments in transit on Aug. 27) of. the species and grades placed under control of this order?


New Redwood Data Sheets

San Francisco, September 3.-Two new data sheets, one on pergolas and the other about trellises, have just been published by the California Redwood Association to supplement recent circulars on fence construction. They were designed to aid dealers develop additional new yard and garden business.

The pergola, designed to add beauty and utility to the home garden, is described as inexpensive. It is constructed of standard lengths of Redwood to be had at most yards. To prevent waste of material, the pergola is laid out on a two-foot module plan. Drawings show construction details, and material lists are included.

Sketches of eighteen styles of trellises,. constructed of Redwood lattice, battens or lath, are presented on the trellis data sheet.

These data sheets may be obtained free of charge by writing to the California Redwood Association, 405 l\fontgomery Street, San Francisco, California.

A. n.Q. A. 4r.Q. A.




;t""""""GArficld s3e3 sAsH-DooRs-pLywooD

HARDWOODS AND PANEIJ o'-',L*#.Y-frf "?;., ................yul.o 206? "T;tTffil}tJ38tf..l:.........GAr6crd 6ssr *'fi,,r"Ti5"i'"unu strc...........sutt r r!.s Atrrrnron-stutz compuy, MaeDonald & Harbde Ltdiir-M;[; saili:.'..............cArncu rroe "."il"tffi'j];

Drnt & Rut.ell, InG,loe Buth stGt""""""'-""'GArfi'u rrEl whelcr oagood salcr corporrti@, 21. Frolt sir:rt -..................GArtuld E z ".%r*nlffl ,l5h.*..T:lBhgbr 2E0r ieii rsti str6r........'...........vAlcnctr ?2n

Dolber & Caron Lumba Co., Rcd_-Riv-cr Lubc-r Qo--

CReOSOfefi LUMBER_pOLES_ lllt lllcrchutr Exchrn3c Bldg.,...SUttcr 71ti 315 Monadna& B1ig..............,GArfic1d 0922 .ILING_TIES cancnron rl cr.Gn r.unbcr c,oo

Eiut#!,3i................Exbrmk z.?r 160l Army Str6t...,.............,.4twatcr tl0a Schafr Bror. Lu6b13 t Sfilafb Co. Amcricu Lmbcr & Tmtln3 Co, Hau. Jm6 I-. -. t Drunn StrDt...........;.........11r$r f?f 116 Ncw Mont8omlry Str.Gt.......3utter 1225 "-'i'oiz-ffirr*b1dc.,.....................sutt.r ?520 shovlin Pi-nc s-alo- C9. ifui ^ili;!;*"t -sids.............Exbr.L ?ur t"Tii'

Hammond Rcdwod Compuy, Suddcn & Chriatcnm, tU Monigomcry St"it..-.'.........DOuglar 3itt! --3la Suem. Strci........,..,....GArficld zr|c Hal!,--J,ucr L-.


Holmcr Euretra Lumbcr co., wcndling-Nathan co., 1032 Mllls 81d3.....-... ............surhr ?521 uos Finucrar cents Bidg........GArnald re2r *"lln#_|j}|t fjffi,"U;""""""'suttc 5363 "'%r*ril,titS,l*f .-T.Y..?jl$*",.. ,r,

C. D. Johnron Lumber Corporatlo, - ,1995 Evur Avc' """""""""4Twet'r5ot Vuder Lam Pllln3 &hnb.r Coo 2eo carirornia st'.*.....1..1..1.1.c1.n.u esr * f.JH_"!H.3:..............EXbmti 3?rr -IC r-r.. si*r-..:..;$ml orr Carl H. Kuhl Lunbs Co.. lVeyerhaorr Salo Co- '' WendlinS-'N-athbn Cl., o. L.-R";.;;-iii trri't"t srr6r...yukon l,t6o iii-c-Jif;-t; sttt........" srr" rr. f,{irkct srcet..'...,"..'.....-.-.-suttar 53.8


Ewaua Bc Co. (Pyrantd Lumbc Salo Co.) Pacific Bldg. ...,Glrncort t29t

Gudston & Gren Lunbcr Co., 2001 LivingstoD St...............KEIlog l-1t64

Hill & Morton, Inc., Donion Strct Wharf ............ANdover l0??

Hogan Lumbcr Company, 2nd & Alie StrBts..........,..Gl.cnourt 6E6l

E. K. Wood Lumbcr Co., Fredcrick & King Strett..... .FRuitvala 0112

Wholsle Luber Dittributorr, Inc., 9th Avenue Pier Twinoaks 2515


Arcata Rcdwood Co. (J. J. Rca)


Calitomia Bulldcrc Supdly Co" ?00 6th Avcnuc...:.. :'..............Hl8rtc olt

Hogan Lmbcr CmpanY' ind & Altcc str;t3''. :.'.........Gl.oourt 0t6l

Wogtcm Dor & Sarh Co., Sth & CyDrcrs Str€t.....'.....TEmplcbar EI00


Strablc Hardwod ConPu% -- Fii"i ud Clay Str-eta.-.......TEmphbr 556{

Whitc Brothcr., 500 High Siret.. '.. .ANdovcr l6lll


5{10 Wilshlrc Blvd..,..,...........ll/Ebats 7t2E

Anglo California Lumbcr Co., 555 East Florence Avenue...,,.THomwall 314{

Atkin6on-Stutz Company, 62E Petroleum Bldg... .PRolpat 134, Burns Lumber Company, 9455 Charleville Blvd., (Bcverly Hills) ., ...., ., ,.BRadshaw 2-1!8E

Carr & Co.r L J. (W' D. Dunnlng), {36 Chmbcr of Commse Bldg. PRolpct 6643

Cooper, W. 8., 606-60E Rishfield Bldg, .. .. ,. ..Mutuat 2l3l

Darrt & Russell, Inc,, 612 E. 59th St........,..............ADamr t10l

!)olbeer & Carson Lumber Co., 90r Fidelity Bldg,., .vAndike 6?92

Fountain-Smith, C28 Petrcleu Bldg........,......PRosp*t 43{l

llarnnrond Rcdwod Compay, 2010 So. Alameda St...,.......PRorpcct 1333

Holmes Eureka Lumber Co., 7ll-712 Architectr Btdg.............Mutual 9l8l

Hmver, A. L., 5225 Wilshirc 81vd....................YOrk l16E

C. D. Johnon Lumber Corporation, 606 Pctrolem Bldg...............PRospcct 1165

Carl H. Kuhl Lumber Cl., 70{ S. Spring St.................,.VAndikc t033

Lawrence-Philipr Lumber Co., 633 P.f rclcum 81dg....,........... PRospect tl74

MacDonald & Begstrom, 7ll West Olympic Blvd...........PRosp€ct 719,1

M.'cl),'rrald & Harington, Ltd. Peiroleum Bui|ding,...........,.. PRopcst 3127


Pacific Lumbcr Co.. Thc, 522s Willhirr Blvd. ,. ..YOrk ll6E Popc lt Telbot, Inc. l,tmbs Dlv|llo, 7ll TV. Olymplc Blvd...........PRospcct tz3l

Red Rivcr Lumbcr Co702 E. Slaulon.. .CEntury 290?1 1031 S. Broadway.................PRolpcct 0311

Reitz Co., E. L., 333 Pctrolcum Bldg...............PRospect 23611

Santa Fc Lumber Co., 3ll Financial Catcr Bldg..,.....VAndike 417f

Schafs Bror. L'*bs & Shingb Co., lU W gth Strct........,,..........TR|n|ty lzlr

Shevlin Pine Sales Co., 33C Petroleum Bldg...............PRorp"ct 0615

Simpmn Industries, Inc., 1610 E. WashiDgton Blvd.........Prcsp*t 6l&l

Sudden & Christenson, 630 Board of Tradc Bldg...........TRinity 6t44

Tacoma Lmber Sales, E3? Petroleu Bldg. ..............PRosp.ct UOt

Wcndling-Nathu Co., 5225 Wilchire Blvd.. ,.... ,YOrk ll6E

\f,teEt Oregon Lumbcr Co., 427 Petroleum Bldg.........,,...Rlchmond 02tl

W. V/. Wilklnrcn' 3r8 W. gth Stret. ,. .. .. .TRinity 4513

E. K. Wood Lumbcr Co., a7f0 So. Alueda St.............JEfrcrson 3ll1

Wcyerhaeuaer Sales Co., 920 W. M. Garlad Bldg.........Mlchigu 6354


American Lunber & Treating Co., l03l S. Broadway.,...,...........PRGp.ct 4363 Baxter, J. H. & Co.. 601 We.t Sth Strdt..............Mlchigan 6294 Pope & Talbot, Inc., Imbcr Dividon, 714 W. Olymplc Blvd.....,...,...PRGpEt t23l


Amerien Hardwod Co.t lgoe E. $th Sltcct ......'.........PRosp.ct l2'5

Stanton. E. J. & Son, 2050 Ealt 3Eth Stret ....'.......CEnturt 2'Af

Western Hardwood Lumber Co., 2014 E. lsth Street.........,.....PRolpect 6lal SASH-DOORS_MILLWORK_SCR EENSBLINDS-PANELS AND PLYWOODIRONING BOARDS

Badr Panel Company, 310-314 Ect 32nd Street '..ADams 4?25

Calilor lra L)mr Conpauy, The ,1940 District Blvd. ..'......'....Klmbal zl|r

California Pael & Veneer Co., 955 S. Almeda Strelt .TRinitv 005?

Cobb Co,, T. M., 5600 Central Avenuc...............ADam! lllU

Euban-k & Son, lnc., L. H. (Inglewod) 433 W. Rcdondo Blvd............ORegon 6-1566

Koehl, Jno. W. & Son, 55: S. Myer! Strect................ANg"lus Elgl

Mutual Moulding & Isbcr 61 9303 So. llopor Ave..,..........L1\f.yGtt lt2

Oregon-Washington Plywood Co., 316 West Ninth Street.,..........TRinity 4613

Pacific Wood Products Corporation, 3600 Tyburn Street.........,..,...,Al.bmy 0lll

Pacific Mutual Dmr Co., 1600 E. Washington Blvd., .PRotptct 9523

Ream Company, Geo. E., 235 S, Alameda Stret............Mlchigan lE5{ Red River Lumber Co., ?02 E. Slauson.. Sampon Co. (Pasedda), ?{5 So. Raymnd Ave...............RYu l-C9il! Simprn lndustrica, Inc., i6r0 E. WasbingtoD Blvd.........Prupect 6163

West Coast Screcn Co.. ll45 E 63rd S.-r.+ .. .........ADams llloE

lVestem MiIl & Moulding Co., 5941 So. l 'ealem Ave. .TWinoakr 1660 Wheeler O"good Sales Lorporation, 922 S. Flower Strcet....,........ ..VAndikc 6326

#,*"*-!;'; s*e.r...........Dougrat

u/Lr Rovnl oRH F100iln6 it a. K"ro/ U/u"

Royql Oqk Flooring is more thqn o well mqnufqctured product, turned out by modern flooring fqctories. It is the reqlizqtion of on ideal, the progressive qttqinment of which covers the holl century thot hqs elopsed since Fordyce qnd Crossett besqn their first operotion in 1889.

Nor qre time qnd experience, only, the ingredients which hcrve creoted the extrqordinory vqlue in Royol Oqk Flooring. Supplementing these ore the substqntiol chqrqcter qnd extent oI Fordyce qnd Crossett's resources, plonts ond equipment comprising the solid loundqtion on which the reputotion ol Royql Ook Flooring rests impressive evidence thot this reputotion will be mqintqined.

And beyond its recognized reputqtion lor quolity, Royol Ook Flooring gives o porticulor long-range value . it will be ovqilqble alanys: to serve Fordyce qnd Crossett customers in sqfeguqrdine their own reputotion qs merchqnts of quolity hcndwood floorinq . in serving the public lor generqtions to come with dependoble Royol vqlue in hqrdwood floors.

Royal Oah Flooring is prodaced in Red and Vbite Oak, in all sizes and grades of standard strip and plank ir"V"andflusb joints.

Dir,tributorc fors Fordyce Lumber Co., FordycerArh and Crossett Lunber Co., Crossctt" Arh

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