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Manufacturers and Wholesalers of West Coast Woods Piling and Poles, Fir and Cedar

Pittock Block, Portland 5, Oregon


Direction 6 To Ord", L-ggs Permits Sales o[ Lower Gt.de Lumber


No. .1 or lou,er gracles o{ Douglas fir, Sottthern Yellow pine' Western hemlock, Western red cedar, Sitka spruce and No.3 or lolver gracles oi all species of harclNoocl rllay be sold. to clistriltutors ancl consrrnters o11 uncertilie<1 orclers provided that their s:ile u-ill nrit irlterierc u.ith thc liliing of certified orders.

This action rvas taketr br- Direction No' 6 to the lumber ancl lumber products Orcler, L-335, becausc it u'as found that these lower grades of the aforementioned ltlmber r"'ere accrrmulating in the hanrls of lurrrllcr suppliers' Since lumber users have been lirnited in the amount of lumber they may purchase, theT har-e been using their attthorizations to obtain only the better grades of lumber, leaving the lou'er grades to accumttlate in lrtt.nller miils' WPB ofhcials explained.

Provisions o{ Direction (i permit sau'mi1ls to place such lumber in transit to fil1 uncertified orclers until September 30, 19'+'1, while lumber clistrillutors lnav continue to delir.er such lumber to their ctlstomers on uncertilied and un-

Will Represent Plywood Mill

Roy I-. McGinn has been appointed {actorv sales representative in California for I'uget Souncl Plyrvoocl, Inc', Tacoma, Wasl-ringtor-r, effective September 1'

\fr. lIcGinn, lvho has been general malr:Iger of this concern for thc past threc vears' is making his headtlrtartcrs in Los Angeles, and s'iil announcc his ofhcc :rddress l:tter' rated ortlers, beyond September 30, provided the lumber that they sell r,vas placecl in transit by their suppliers prior to October I,1944. The amount of lumber so received by the distributor for uncertified and unrated sale is in addition to the 5000 to 8000 board feet permitted by Direction 8'

Receipts of any of this lumber on uncertified and unrated orclers by a Class 1 consumer neecl not be charged against the amount o{ lumber that he has been authorized to receive in the third or fourth quarter, on WPR Form 3640, Lttmber Division officials explained. Class I consumers are those persons who have received autl'rorization from WPB to purchase more than 50,000 board feet of lumber per quarter.

Direction 5 also provides that culls and rejects may bc sold on uncertified and unrated orders. Horvever, no lumber may be treated as cull or reject if the supplier cl-rarges more tharr 75 per cent of the price allorved him by the Offrce of Price Administratirtn for the lot'est standard grade of the same species.

Los Angeles August Building Permits

Building permits in Los Angeles in August totaled 2486, v:rlued at $3,208,796, bringing this year's eight months' constructiou valuation to $39,107,078. Last year the eight montirs' valuation was $12,05'1,852.

In August 397 permits for single family ltomes, amounting to $1,339,080, were issued.

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