1 minute read
Pnrnnal -/t{ewt
Colonel L. G. Burns of the Army Transport Corps, at Portland, spent the last u'eek of Augttst in Los Lieut. stationed Angeles.
F. A. "Pete" Toste, Toste left September l0 to call on region.
f,umber Co., Los Angeles, sawmills in tl-re Redr'vood
\\I. B. Wickersharn, manager of I'o1re & Talbot, Inc., Lttnrber at the San Francisco office.
Distributors of
Pacific Coast Forest Products
LOS ANGELES Douglas Fir PoRTLAND 7lr w.ootrnn;fha. Hemlock lzl4",sptlding ffrl@ Ross C. Iashley Cedcs Rich G. Robbins
Deelers in Forest Products
Douglcrs Fir-Redwood
Genertrl Office Crocker Bldg., ScrI Frcrncisco 4, Cqlil. Souihera Calilornicr Office cnd Ycnd [!r!(t $linn Ave., Wilmingrton, Cclil., P.
Bor 5{8
L. t. GARR & CO.
&lifornia Sugor ond Pondeross Pine of thc Los Angeles ofifrce Division, spent last 'iveek manager of the Pine department, San Francisco, returned September Pine mills in Northern California
Mills At Woodlcaf, Calif.
A. B. (Bert) McKee, general manager, San Pedro Lumber Co.. l-os Angeles, was in San Francisco on business at the end of August.
Carl Horuibrook, sales nauager, ancl Iirccl Schallock, rrresident, I'-u'arrna Box Co., Klamath Falls, Ore., were in Los ,A.ngeles on business in the last 'iveek of August.
D. Normen Cords, Wendling-Nathan Co., 5 from calling on the and Southern Oregon.
George F. Gerlinger, president of the National Lumber I\fanufacturers Association, and of the Willamette Valley Lumber Co., Dallas, C)re., u'as a recent visitor to San Francisco.
Frank Parkinson, sliipping clerk in thc wholesale departmer.rt, San Pedro Lumber Co., Los Angeles, recently vacationed in the Bishop district. Jim Chase, Cy Wardle and Walter Beardsley, also of the Los Angeles staff, spent the holiday t'eek-end at Lake \\-ohlford. San Diego County.
Bill Davis of Pope & Talbot, Iuc., Lumber Divisiou, Los Angeles, was back from spending two rveeks' vacation in Northcrn California, September 5. He n-rade his headquarters irr Stockton ancl visited friends in the San Francisco Bay clistrict.
\\'-a)'ne Nlullin of Mul1in I-utrrber Co., Los Angeles, a three u'eeks' l>usiness trip to Chicago. ls on
Chas. Gartin of Oregon Lumber Sales, Eugene, Ore., spent a fer,r' days last rveek in Los Angeles, where he cortferrerl rvith Art Tu,ohy, representative for his firm in Southern California.
Clint Laughlin, E. J. business trip to Oregon and Willamette Valley recently made a on Klamath Falls
Stanton & Son, where he called mills.
Theodore (Ted) Back, sales manager, 13ack Panel Co., Los Angeles, spent an enjoyable vacation at l-Iuntington Lake, Fresno County.