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Representing in Southern California : The Peciftc Lurn'ber Compe ny-Wendling-Nathe n Co
5995 w ilshire Blvd., Los Anseles
Estimcted Lumber Production In First Half OI 1944
Estimatec'l lumlrcr protlttctiorr irt Jrrrrt. 19'1J, u-as 3,0+7,692.ffiA board fcet, :i decrcase of tn'tt l)cr cent from tl.rat oi June, 19,13, the War l'rodnctiotr Roard rcported August 26' June, 19rlrt, productior-r l.as '1.,1 pcr cent greater than that of the prer-ious t'nonth, slightlr' ntore than the norn.ral scasonal incrcasc. 'fl-ris increasc reflects lol'er' \'[a)' pro<ltrction rather than highcr -June procluction and does not indicate an itnproved lumber sittration, \\rPR officials siricl.
Procluction for tlie first six months of 19t1't totaleci 16,354,317,000 boarcl feet, or 1.3 per cent less than prodltction for the first half of 1943.
Rcy Vcn Ide In Itcly
Licut. Ra1. Van lde. bornhar<licr in the f .ith '\ir liorcc. stationecl in ltal):, in a rccettt lcttcr to.'\tlr1r'I)onovau, f-os Angcles represer-rt;rtive c.rf Ifobbs Wall Lrttllller Co., said he hacl conrpletecl fir,e lromlring trtissiotrs in 10 clavs; that 1're u'as u'e11 antl lrtokirrr: Ioru'lrrtl to cctt.ttitlQ'llacll to California.
Before entcrng thc scrvicc hc rvas u-ith \\r. B. Jones Lur-n'ber Co., Los -\rrgclcs, irttrl tl'zts for some tirne rr'ith Hobbs \\ial1 I-rrn'rbcr Co.
Trcrnsferred To Hcmilton Field Paul I'cnlrcrthr', -]r., sott oi Nlr. and I'Irs. Paul Penberthl' of the I'cnbclthv l-tttnber Co.. Los Angeles, u'ho completecl 25 bomlring n-tissic,t.ts out of England ovcr Europe before retrrrning to the United States a ferv months ago, has been transferrerl to ITarrilton Fie1d, Calif.
News ltems
Art Penlrerthl., Tacoma T,rttttltcr S:tlcs Co., T-os t\tlgclcs, has been on a business trip to thc I'acillc Nortl'rwcst {or the past several n'eeks.
Frecl B. Smales, managcr of thc C.lrlifornia l)ir-i-cion. S. P1r'l'ood Corporatiorr, [,os -\ngc1cs, nraclc an air trip San Fratrcisco at thc errcl of llrsl u'cck otl llttsiness.
Mill Detailer And Biller Wanted
Large millwork concern in Central California furnishing millwork for all types of Government contracts, schools and public buildings, wants a first class mill detailer and biller. This man should be capable of taking measurements at the jobs, billing the quantities from the plans into the plant, and making the necessary mill details and shop drawings.
This is a permanent position at a salary ranging from $3000.00 to $5000.00 a year, according to the man's ability. References are required both as to character and ability.
Address Box C-1046, California Lumber Merchant, 508 Central Bldg., Los Angeles 14, Calil.
For Sale
Small yard 10 miles from Los Angeles on main highway. Ground improvements and machinery $9820.00. Small stock at inventory. Sales for 1943 about $30,000.00.
If you want to sell your yard, either closed for duration or open for business let us know.
Twohy Lumber Co., Lumber Yard Brokers
801 Petroleum Bldg., Los Angeles 15, Califl Phone PRospect 8746
Wants Management Of Yard
Wanted management of country yard. Will purchase interest.
Address Box 1047. California Lumber Meerchant 508 Central Bldg., Los Angeles 14, Calif'
LT. to
Francis li. \'Iandis is ttott, n'ith W. B. Jones Lumber Co., Los Angcles, as salesntati. IIe formerly rvorked for this compar.rr-. atrtl u'as for stit'uc time 'n'ith Paramirlo I-umber Co., Sarr ]irancisco. lior the past tu'o and a half 1'ears he has 'bccn cngagccl itr l'ar l'ork.
(icorge (i. T'hillips, Tacotna Lttmller SlLles, Los Angcles, rccr:ntl-r'cornltlcti:d a 30-clal trip orr n'hich hc c:r11cd on sau,rr.rills ilr Nr.rrtbcrn Califorrlia, Orc'gon lLrrrl \\rltshirrgtolr.
Terrible Twenty GolI Tourncment
The 219tlt Terrible Tu'etrtr- Golf Torrrnalrent l'as held at (laktnont Corttrtrl' Clrrlt, Glenclale' ou Thursrlar-. August 10. Franli P,erger rvas host to 25 memllers and eight guests, ancl a bulTct sulrpcr rvas served in the evenirlg.
1:rlrlie T{lassen's net 7I won lirst prize, a sllort shirt. l{or- Stantor-r, s-ith A -ccore of 76, rvon secontl prize, a half rLrzcn golf balls.
'fhe ClLrb l'ill begin its 19th vear u'ith tl.re t-rext tournarllL-nt olr Septerlber 14 at \rirginia Cottrrtrv Clull, Long Ileach. This t'ill be hanclled llr. "l',olr" Falconer.