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Feeiture lt fo Get Profireible Business Righf ilow !
lT'S AVAIIABLE NOW! No need to Pass up profitable business because of material shortages' Celo-Siding replaces hard-to-get traditional materials. Often does a better job. It enables you to cash in on the rich farm market and other immediate and profitable building opportunities.
An ldeql Materiol because it combines siding, sheathing and insulation in one quickly applied board. The board is composed of Celotex cane fibre coated on both sides and all edges with an asphalt compound. An extra coating is applied to the weather surface and crushed mineral granules are pressed in to provide a durable, atuactive exterior finish. Celo-Siding is applied direct to studding. It's ideal for small shops, farm buildings and general low-cost construction.
Specificctions-ys" thickness-4' x 8' with square edges all around. For even greater strength and insulation value, use V8" Celo-Siding. Comes irr 2' x 8' with T*G ioints on long edges, 4'x 8' and 4' x 1O' with square edges. Available in bufitone or green colors. Write for full information on Celo-Siding, the multiple-function building material that does three jobs. Address, The Celotex Corporation, Dept CLM'9, Chicago 3, Illinois.
A Soldier's Prdyer
(The following was written by Sergeant Hugh Brodie, of the Royal Australian Air Force, since killed in action.)
Almighty and All-present Power, Short is the prayer I make to Thee; I do not ask in battle hour, For any shield to cover me.
The vast, unalterable way From which the stars do not depart, May not be turned about to stay, The bullet flying to my heart.
I ask no help to strike my foe, I seek no petty victory here, The enemy I hate, I know, To Thee is also dear. But this I pray-be at my side, When death is drawing through the sky; Almighty One who also died, Teach me the way that I should die.
A British Brcg
A bunch of British soldiers were sitting around lying to each other with straight faces. One of them said:
"One of my ancestors won a battle against the Normans by skillful use of his artillery."
"Don't be silly," said another. "They didn't even know gunpower in those days."
"My ancestor knew that as well as we do," said the story teller. "So he aimed the artillery at the Normans, and they, seeing the guns, took it for granted that gunpower had finally been discovered. So they hopped it!"
The Soldier Was Wise
A farmer who was selling a number of horses to the army, tried to ring in a wind-broken horse on the army buyer. After showing the afflicted horse, he said to the buyer:
"FIe has a beautiful coat, hasn't he?"
"He has that," replied the soldier. "But with those pants he'll never get in the army."
Dqre To
Do things di'fferently.
Experiment and expend for improvements.
Change the existing order: policies, methods, merchandise, personnel. '
Offer excellent products at very reasonable prices. Carry forward practical plans when others are retrenching.
Market new things and in new and aggressive ways.
Chcnged His Memory
An old darkey in Kentucky told wonderful stqries of the great men he had known in his youth. One day, shortly after a colored revival meeting, a visitor said to Uncle Abraham: "Is it true you knew Abe Lincoln?" Uncle Abraham looked confused. "Suh," he said, "I used to membah seein' Mistuh Linkum, but since I jined the chu'ch I don' seems to membah him no mo'."
How He Recovered
Two oldsters were talking about a mutual friend. One said:
"Where is old John? I haven't seen him for a long time."
The other replied: "Oh, John's getting along swell since his operation."
The other said: "What operation? I didn't know he'd had one."
"Oh yes," said his friend. "They removed the brass rail he'd been pressing his foot against so rnany years, and you'd be surprised how he improved."
Service Ribbons
Suggested awards for the brave girls on the home front: Purple Heart-to the girl who meets at the canteen a real Prince Charming, tall, dark and handsome, and Oh, so attractive, only to'hear him say: "And this picture is my wife and kid."
Campaign Ribbons-U.S.O. Theatre of Operations-to the girl who bravely approaches the solitary service man sitting on the divan, only to hear him say: "Listen, Sister, if I wanted to dance, I'd be dancing."
Victory Ribbon, World War Two-to the girl who gets stuck with the quiet corporal, discovers he is a perfectly swell guy, and hears him say (and mean it), "And I had to be drafted to meet you."-She Magazine.
Good Shot
A hillbilly, seeing a motorcycle and rider for the first time along the road near his house, grabbed his rifle and took a flying shot at the thing.
His wife yelled: "Did you git the varmint, Zeke?"
Zeke said: "No, I didn't kill it. I can still hear it growlin' down in the holler, but I sure made it turn that man loose."
A Washington jeweler brought out a lady's pin initialed "\A/AM" which in his book meant "Without a Maid." He got such a rush of business on them that he inquired why, and a youthful maiden who was purchasing answered:
"Why, Mister, that means "Without a Man."